
  1. 我可以整天坐在这里看那条河。

    I could sit and watch the river all day long .

  2. 我可以过一会儿回电话,没关系。

    I can call back later ─ it 's no trouble .

  3. 我可以肯定,谁都不会丢掉工作。

    I can affirm that no one will lose their job .

  4. 等你说完,也许我可以说点什么。

    When you 're done , perhaps I can say something .

  5. 这个我可以借用一两天吗?

    May I borrow it for a day or two ?

  6. 现在我可以步行去上班,而不必开车了。

    Now I can walk to work instead of going by car .

  7. 我可以从我的账户上提取80元钱吗?

    Can I draw $ 80 out of my account ?

  8. 我可以相当准确地说出这件事发生的时间。

    I can be reasonably precise about the time of the incident .

  9. 我可以打开窗户吗?这里面都快把人闷死了!

    Can I open a window ? It 's suffocating in here !

  10. 我可以肯定地说,那正是她的原话。

    I 'm telling you , that 's exactly what she said .

  11. 我可以对天发誓,这跟我一点关系也没有。

    I swear to God I had nothing to do with it .

  12. 我可以给你许多不去的理由。

    I could give you any number of reasons for not going .

  13. 我可以把你插到第3和第4之间。

    I can slot you in between 3 and 4 .

  14. 上大学不是我可以选择的道路。

    Going to college was not an option for me .

  15. 你找我可以拨打01815303906。

    You can get me on 0181 530 3906 .

  16. 我可以给她留个话儿吗?

    Would it be possible for me to leave a message for her ?

  17. 我可以听到他们说的每一个字。

    I could hear every word they were saying .

  18. “我可以走了。”他对她说。

    ' I 'm ready to go now , ' he told her .

  19. 方便的话,我可以明天过来。

    If it 's convenient I can come tomorrow .

  20. 我可以把你的名字写进名单吗?

    Shall I add your name to the list ?

  21. 我可以搭你的车到商业区去吗?

    Can you give me a lift into town ?

  22. 我可以给你简单介绍一下每名申请人的情况。

    I can give you a brief rundown on each of the applicants .

  23. 如果有必要,我可以马上来。

    If necessary I can come at once .

  24. 我可以听到外面汽车发动的声音。

    I could hear the car revving outside .

  25. 如果你喜欢这照片,我可以给你寄一张放大的。

    If you like the picture I can send you an enlargement of it .

  26. 呃哼,我可以提个建议吗?

    Ahem , can I make a suggestion ?

  27. 我可以十分坦诚地说,这些计划我一无所知。

    I can say in all sincerity that I knew nothing of these plans .

  28. 我可以理解她想保守秘密的愿望。

    I can understand her wish for secrecy .

  29. 我可以用一下你的厕所吗?

    Can I use your loo , please ?

  30. 如果必要的话,我可以乘汽车去。

    I can take the car if necessary .