
míng míng zhī zhōng
  • in the unseen world
冥冥之中[míng míng zhī zhōng]
  1. 冥冥之中,我仿佛听到你对我说了什么······我于是笑着站了起来。

    In the unseen world , I seemed to have heard something you said to me * Then I stood up with a laugh .

  2. 冥冥之中,他注定会成为摇滚乐的救世主。

    He was somehow destined to become a rock messiah .

  3. 我俩的结合是冥冥之中的定数。

    To be together is our destiny

  4. AlfredLordTennyson写道,在黑暗尽头,冥冥之中一双命运之手塑造着人类。

    Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote , " And out of the darkness , came the hands that reached through nature , molding men "

  5. 又或者,本•阿弗莱克的《逃离德黑兰》(Argo),关于营救在伊朗的美国使馆工作人员影片,冥冥之中将掀起好莱坞讽刺剧扣人心弦的逃生热潮。

    Or that Ben Affleck 's Argo , about rescuing American embassy workers in Iran , would somehow nail the Hollywood satire nail-biting escape genre .

  6. 是否上天冥冥之中的安排,一切巧合聚在一天之中。

    If god 's arrangement , all culminate in a day .

  7. 谢谢,冥冥之中,你还记得这个心愿。

    Thanks , * , do you remember this desire .

  8. 或许冥冥之中自有什么天意,只是我们还没有参透。

    Perhaps what fate has its own * We just haven 't searches .

  9. 携带邪恶基因的婴儿,是否冥冥之中容易被起一个邪恶名字?

    Is it that babies with wicked genes are somehow a magnet for wicked names ?

  10. 毕竟我们谁也不知道冥冥之中是什么在决定着我们的生与死。

    After all , we who also don 't know is who is depends on our life and death .

  11. 它们俩在孵化之初就已经在冥冥之中有了一种联系,可它仍然无法接受曼宝那种奇怪的跳舞方式。

    They have a connection from the moment they hatch , but she struggles with his strange ways of dancing .

  12. 也许是冥冥之中上苍被我们的情意所感动,指引我们彼此找到了对方!

    Perhaps was the nether world Heaven is been moved by ours cordiality , directs us each other to find opposite party !

  13. 谢谢你给我的关怀,把我宠坏,宠得我不知不觉飞起来,才知道这是冥冥之中的安排。

    Thank you for giving me the concern , spoiled me , I was unwittingly the inability to fly to know arrangement .

  14. 永远相信你所做的是天意的一部分,一切都已在冥冥之中注定了的。

    Always trust that what you do is part of the bigger picture and everything is exactly as it needs to be .

  15. 最后一种较为合理的解释就是在冥冥之中有一个万能的主宰,那就是神。

    Finally a more peace of mind is the interpretation of it is a universal people to dominate everything , that is power .

  16. 冥冥之中自有天意,一切都是老天的安排,希望大家在这里找到速配指数。

    The nether world innate divine intervention , all are the heaven arrangements , hoped that everybody found the speed dating index in here .

  17. 之后的十多年里,这句名言的后半部分一直在困扰着我:它是什么意思?为什么能和前半句列在一起?知识与力量、法国与培根之间,难道冥冥之中有着什么难以言喻的联系吗?我无法理解。

    For more than a decade I wondered over the meaning of the second part and what was the surreal linkage between the two ?

  18. 人类出于对希望、目标意义的需要而造出了神:一位冥冥之中的保护者和尽责的养育者。

    God was constructed out of mankind 's need for hope , for purpose , for meaning : an invisible protector and conscientious father .

  19. 冥冥之中我似乎感到我是被派来完成某项交给我的任务的,但那是什么任务我不得而知。

    It vaguely seems to me that I am expected to perform an allotted task , but as to what it is I have no notion .

  20. 人世间既已苦于不胜负荷,冥冥之中,便会有一种神秘的呻吟上达天听。

    When the earth is suffering from too heavy a burden , there are mysterious groanings of the shades , to which the abyss lends an ear .

  21. 如果不是,哥哥,是你的灵魂在冥冥之中保佑着你的儿子,要他用我的血来恢复你的光荣。

    Or maybe it is you my brother who has been protecting your son all along so that he can spill my blood and restore your honor ?

  22. 道教信奉的神仙,不同于一般的鬼神,不是生活在冥冥之中的精灵,而是现实生活中生命个体的无限延伸与升华。

    The immortals in Taoism are not the ordinary ghosts or gods or spirits but the eternal extension and sublimation of the individual life in the actual living .

  23. 而提到究竟是谁鼓舞了他,罗曼诺夫说:“冥冥之中似乎有一种无形无尽的精神之源,从中我可以汲取力量。”

    As for who inspires him , he said : " Sometimes it seems that there is an invisible , endless spiritual source out of which I can draw strength . "

  24. 但是,有冥冥之中的主宰存在,从而使矛盾冲突一变而为自然与和谐,这是林语堂与其他中国现代作家更内在的区别。

    What has distinguished himself from other Chinese contemporary writers is that his contradictions have become " natural " and " harmonious " because of the existence of " the unknown destiny " .

  25. 我们来自于大海,而每当我们回到大海,无论是航行还是远眺,都仿佛是冥冥之中找到了归宿。

    We are tied to the ocean , and when we go back to the sea , whether it is sail or to watch , we are going back from once we came .

  26. 图灵生前的智慧,曾给丘吉尔政府带来了转折,而他的死亡,似乎也在冥冥之中,扭转了同性恋的禁忌局面。

    If in fact it was the case of Alan Turing that had frightened the Churchill government out of its wits , he also played a posthumous part in the defusing of the taboo .

  27. 未来的变化还很难预测,但不管怎样,既然天意在冥冥之中让我们找到了这个可行的方法,我们就不该放弃。

    While what the future holds is hard to predict , worry not , since it is the will of heaven that we will find our way forward , and we should not give up .

  28. 最近看了很多成功网商的故事,想想自己的处境,似乎冥冥之中是应该自已为自己寻找出路了。

    Nowadays , I watched a lot of story that about some successful business men ! I think there maybe I must think something by myself . I have to find one Exite of life .

  29. 这段路并非没有乐趣可言,因为我渴望见到儿子,冥冥之中我怀着一线希望,也许就在今天,儿子会奇迹般病情好转。

    The walk to the hospital was not without enjoyment , for I was eager to see my son again and buoyed up by the somehow indestructible hope that today , by some miracle , he would be recovering .

  30. 我开始编写一些小测试程序,观察程序运行的结果(参见我这本书的“附录C:sock程序”的开头),冥冥之中感觉到以这种方式来写一本书倒是个不错的主意。

    I started writing little test programs to see what happens ( the beginnings of the Sock program from Appendix C of the book ), and at some point realized that this would be a neat approach for a book .