
mínɡ hé
  • the Styx
  1. 不然怎么会分明听到冥河摆渡人的面部肌肉已经暗中欣喜了很久

    Otherwise I couldn 't heard facial muscles of the Styx ferryman twisting

  2. 冥河之泳:获得游泳速度和水下呼吸能力。

    Swimming the Styx : Gain swim speed and ability to breathe water .

  3. 冥河将这一地域分割为两大部分。

    The river Styx divides the level into two main regions .

  4. 他们就站在冥河的对岸。

    They 're standing there on the far bank of river styx .

  5. 又黑又阴沉,像地狱的黄泉和冥河一样。

    Dark and dismal as of the rivers Acheron and Styx in Hades .

  6. 卡戎送亡魂过冥河去阴间的神。

    The ferryman who conveyed the dead to Hades over the river styx .

  7. 当她几乎绝望的时候,她坐到冥河岸边。

    When she had almost given up hope she sat by the River Styx .

  8. 她相信冥河有种神奇的力量。

    She believed the river had magical powers .

  9. 最后,太阳神无奈,指着冥河起誓,为了证明法厄同是自己的儿子,无论他要什么,他都会答应。

    Finally , Apollo promised to give him anything for proving his true identity .

  10. 当阿喀琉斯还是个婴儿时,他的母亲在冥河中给他沐浴。

    When Achilles was a baby his mother bathed him in the river Styx .

  11. 一个诗人,他不会带你去看一场冥河乐队的演唱会的。

    a poet , he doesn 't take a woman to a Styx concert .

  12. 就连灰色石板路面都是干燥破裂的,同冥河很接近。

    Even the slate grey stone ground is dry and cracked despite being in close proximity to the river Styx .

  13. 她认为在冥河的水中给她的儿子沐浴能够让阿喀琉斯像神一样永生。

    Bathing her son in its waters , she thought , would make Achilles immortal , deathless , like a god .

  14. 她双手紧抓著阿基里斯的脚跟,将儿子的身体浸泡在冥河之中,好让他全身刀枪不入。

    Holding onto Achilles ' heel , Thetis dipped her son in the River Styx to make him invincible to weapons .

  15. 亡者的灵魂不知疲倦地游荡着,但似乎有人召唤我越过冥河。

    Tireless are the souls of the dead , but how it seems to wear upon me to cross that river .

  16. 冥河冥府五条河之一条,死者的灵魂渡过此河进入冥府;

    Styx the river across which the souls of the dead are ferried , one of the five rivers in hades ;

  17. 这两个任务的球员将在世界各地,并通过冥河深渊,并要求冥河深渊扩大参与。

    Both quests will take players around the world and through the Stygian Abyss and require the Stygian Abyss expansion to participate .

  18. 朱庇特应允了,还发誓绝不食言,且指定冥河斯提克斯众神听了都要发抖的名字做他的监誓人。

    Jove gives his promise , and confirms it with the irrevocable oath , attesting the river styx , terrible to the gods themselves .

  19. 在希腊神话中,人们会在死人的嘴里放上一块硬币当作酬劳,好让摆渡者带着他们的灵魂渡过冥河顺利到达冥府。

    In Greek mythology , a coin was placed in the deceased 's mouth to pay the ferryman to take their soul across the River Styx into Hades .

  20. 荷马在《伊里亚特》讲的故事是这样的:阿奇里斯的母亲在冥河里给出生的阿奇里斯沐浴,为了使他能像神一样地永生不死。

    This is the story Homer tells in the Iliad . Achilles'mother bathed him as a baby in the River Styx to make him immortal , deathless like a god .

  21. (希腊神话)把死者的灵魂通过冥河或黄泉河带到冥府的摆渡者。

    Row the travelers over the ferry ( Greek mythology ) the ferryman who brought the souls of the dead across the the river Styx or the river Acheron to Hades .

  22. 它飞可达神国的天上的天,他走能抵阿弥地狱的地下千万丈,它游能自由穿越天河冥河。

    It to fly up to heaven of the Kingdom of God days , he can go to hell Kanami arrival of millions of Zhangting underground , it can travel free across the Tianhe River .

  23. 数字9据古希腊罗马神话,缪斯有九位,水怪许德拉有九颗头,冥河有九条,伏尔甘被朱庇特踢出天界,落了九天九夜才在勒姆诺斯岛着陆。

    According to Greek and Roman Mythology , there were nine muses ; the Hydra had nine heads ; there were nine rivers of hell ; when Vulcan was kicked out of heaven , he fell for nine days before lighted on the island Lemnos .