
  • 网络Successful intelligence
  1. PASS智力模型、三元智力、成功智力和多元智力的出现在智力研究领域里引起了一场新的“革命”。

    Appearance of PASS theory of intelligence , a triarchic theory of human intelligence , theory of successful intelligence and multiple intelligences caused a new revolution in the intelligence research .

  2. 论述成功智力对小学语文作业设计的启示。

    Enlightenment on successful intelligence of primary school Chinese homework design .

  3. 成功智力理论:内涵、实践及启示

    The Theory of Successful Intelligence : Notion , Practice and Implication

  4. 论远程网络技术在成功智力发展中的促进作用

    On the Promoting Function of Distance Net Technology in Successful Intelligence Development

  5. 成功智力理论对儿童发展的影响

    Effect of Successful - Intelligence Theory on Development of Children

  6. 成功智力理论与创造力培养

    Training and Development of Students ' Creativity from the Theory of Successful Intelligence

  7. 成功智力理论是美国心理学家斯腾伯格1996年提出的智慧新理论。

    The theory of successful intelligence is a new theory in intelligence that American psychologist R.

  8. 成功智力与生涯目标的实现&从斯腾伯格的成功智力谈起

    Successful Intelligence and Realization of Career Goals & Talk to Rise From Stenberg 's Successful Intelligence

  9. 成功智力与教学改革

    Successful Intelligence and Instruction Innovation

  10. 试论成功智力理论在高中政治教学中的应用

    Successful Intelligence in Politics Class Teaching : Introducing Successful Intelligence to Politics Class in Senior Middle School

  11. 第二部分从智力天才和成功智力教学两大方面对斯腾伯格关于什么是英才、如何识别及如何培养等问题进行了系统的梳理与阐述;

    The second part deals with Sternberg 's conception , the identification and teaching of giftedness from the aspects of intellectual giftedness and teaching for successful intelligence .

  12. 其次,诠释了有关理论基础:认知心理学、多元智力与成功智力理论、二语习得理论以及任务型教学理论;

    Next , the thesis expounds the basic theoretical foundation of learning strategies grounded upon Cognitive Psychology , the Theory of Multi-intelligence and Successful Intelligence , the Theory of Second Language Acquisition , and Task-based Teaching theory .

  13. 斯腾伯格提出的成功智力理论,结合我国教育的实际认为,学生创造力可通过学校教育、家庭教育等多种途径来培养和发展。

    Sternberg put forward and the practical education in our country , it is thought in this article that students ' creativity can be developed by many ways such as school education and family education and so on .

  14. 第五部分,从斯腾伯格与美国国家英才研究中心、斯腾伯格验证成功智力教学效果的研究个案两大方面阐述了斯腾伯格英才教育观在美国英才教育领域的地位与影响。

    The fifth part discusses its position and influence on American gifted education from the two aspects : Sternberg and National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented , Sternberg testing the effectiveness of teaching for successful intelligence .

  15. 本研究以加德纳的多元智力理论为主,借鉴成功智力,课程生成理论等一些先进理念,立足实证研究,以达到促进学前儿童多元化智能发展的目的。

    This present research adopts some advanced principles such as multiple intelligences theory of Gardner , the successful intelligence theory , and the theory of emergent curriculum etc. A positive method is used to promote diversified intellective development of every pre-school child .

  16. 成功智力理论为我们研究儿童教育提供了一个新的视角,成功智力包括分析性智力、创造性智力和实践性智力三个主要方面,它们在儿童培养中具有重要的意义和作用。

    The successful-intelligence theory has provided us with a new viewpoint in research of children education and includes such three major fields as the annalistic intelligence , the creative one and practical one , which plays an important role in children education .

  17. 现代社会对管理人才的衡量标准越来越高,不仅要有深厚的文化底蕴,而且要具备成功智力&即分析解决问题能力、创新能力、实践能力和团队协作能力等。

    In modern society , managing talent 's standards are becoming higher and higher , they must have not only profound knowledge , but also successful intelligence which is ability of analysing and solving problems , ability of innovation , ability of practice and cooperation etc.

  18. 通过引用心理学家和认知科学家的成果,莱斯利批评了公认的观点,即学业成功是智力和努力相结合的结果。

    Citing the work of psychologists and cognitive ( ) scientists , Leslie criticizes the received wisdom that academic success is the result of a combination of intellectual talent and hard work .

  19. 在知识经济中,企业的战略管理是以知识为基础的管理,对企业智力资本的微观评价是企业成功进行智力资本管理的前提。

    In the knowledge economy , strategic management of enterprises is the knowledge-based management and micro-evaluation of enterprises ' intellectual capital ( IC ) is the premise of successful knowledge management .

  20. 在这个令人着迷的领域,研究人员发现,有两个特质始终与成功相伴:智力和意志力。

    In this fascinating field , researchers have found that two traits are most consistently associated with success : intelligence and willpower .

  21. 要想成功光靠智力是远远不够的,还有很多其他的因素如勤奋、勇敢等。

    Intelligence by itself is not enough for one to succeed ; many other factors such as diligence and courage must be taken into consideration .

  22. 我未能成功进入投行并非智力的问题。

    My lack of success with the investment banks was not a question of aptitude .

  23. 三个因素可能是成功的关键:智力、家庭的社会经济地位和自我控制能力。

    Three factors appear to be key to a person 's success in life : intelligence , family 's socioeconomic status and self-control .

  24. 现代心理学研究表明,学生数学学习的成功,是在智力因素和非智力因素共同参与下取得的,其中智力因素占20%,其余的80%都依赖于非智力因素。

    The investigation of modern psychology shows both intellectual factors and non-intellectual factors together help the students to achieve good A-level results in mathematics of High School , thereinto the effect of intellectual factors is only 20 % , and the else is due to non-intellectual factors .