
  • 网络Adult Higher Education;Adult Education
  1. 探讨中国成人高等教育在加入WTO后面临的新形势、挑战与发展对策

    A Probe into The New Challenge and Developing Strategy of Chinese Adult Higher Education after China 's Entering WTO

  2. 我国加入WTO,对我国的成人高等教育带来深刻影响,成人高等教育挑战与机遇并存。

    To accede WTO has deep influence on adult higher education , and brings challenge and opportunity to it .

  3. 利用J2EE技术,设计开发了基于J2EE的成人高等教育管理信息系统。

    Using J2EE technology , this design has developed the adult education management information system based on J2EE .

  4. Struts框架在成人高等教育管理信息系统中的应用

    The Use of the Frame of Struts in the Management Information System for Higher Adult Education

  5. 围绕如何依据成人高等教育的特点办地理信息系统(GIS)专业的建设问题,分析了成教地理信息系统专业的人才培养目标及意义,提出了人才培养过程优化的方案。

    In order to construct GIS specialty in terms of the characteristic of the higher adult education , this paper analyzes the aim and significance of the higher adult educational for GIS professionals .

  6. 在对相关概念进行有效界定和理论分析框架建构的基础上,从宏观环境、微观环境、SWOT以及现有营销策略等四个维度对四川教育学院成人高等教育进行营销分析。

    On the related concept effective definition and theoretical analysis framework based on the construction , from the macro environment , microcosmic environment , SWOT and current marketing strategy of four dimensions of adult higher education institute in sichuan education marketing analysis .

  7. 成人高等教育课程改革:挑战与反思

    The Curriculum Reform of Adult Higher Education : Challenge and Reflection

  8. 21世纪:中国成人高等教育课程体系改革的思考

    China 's adult higher education curriculum reform in the 21st century

  9. 成人高等教育订单式人才培养模式的探析

    On " Order " Talent Training Model for Adult Higher Education

  10. 成人高等教育评估组织的独立性与公正性

    The independence and justness of evaluation organization of adult higher education

  11. 成人高等教育学籍管理探讨

    An Inquiry into Administration of School Roll of Adult Higher Education

  12. 论21世纪成人高等教育中的素质教育

    On Quality-oriented Education in Higher Adult Education in the 21st Century

  13. 影响成人高等教育发展的三个因素

    On Three Factors that Influence the Development of Adult Higher Education

  14. 我国成人高等教育与社会的结合点

    The Combination of Adult Higher Education with Society in Our Country

  15. 当前成人高等教育生源萎缩的原因及应对策略

    Cause for the Decrease of Adult Students at Present and Countermeasures

  16. 关于云南省成人高等教育跨越式发展的思考

    Thought on Adult Higher Education 's Great-leap-forward Development of Yunnan Province

  17. 成人高等教育与深圳区域经济发展的关系探讨

    The Relation between Adult Higher Education and Regional Economy of Shenzhen

  18. 论成人高等教育平台+模块课程体系的构建

    Curriculum System of Basics plus Modular Courses in Higher Adult Education

  19. 我国成人高等教育发展历程及思考

    A Retrospect of the Development of High Adult Education in China

  20. 扩招之后的成人高等教育质量:问题与对策

    On Quality of Higher Adult Education after Enrollment enlargement : Problem-Solving

  21. 我国成人高等教育发展之管见

    An Understanding of the Development of Adult Higher Education in China

  22. 成人高等教育考试与评价的价值取向分析

    Analysis of Value Orientation of Examination and Assessment of Adult Higher Education

  23. 成人高等教育师资队伍存在的问题及对策探析

    Analysis of the Problems and Countermeasures about Teachers in Adult Higher Education

  24. 略论成人高等教育的数量观与质量观

    On the Quantity and Quality Views for Adult Higher Education

  25. 加强对部属高校成人高等教育和继续教育的管理工作。

    Strengthen the subordinate adult education and continuing education management .

  26. 浙江成人高等教育发展环境研究

    Study on the developmental environments of adult higher education in Zhejiang Province

  27. 提高教学质量是成人高等教育发展的保障

    Improving the Teaching Quality is the Guarantee of Adult 's Higher-education Development

  28. 普通高校应适度发展成人高等教育

    A Moderate Development of Adult Higher Education in Regular Higher Learning Institutions

  29. 在成人高等教育中实行学分制的初步探讨

    Primary Investigation on Performing Credit System in Adult High Education

  30. 哈佛大学成人高等教育的变革与启示

    Reformation and Inspiration of Adult Higher Education in Harvard University