
chénɡ yīn
  • become shady and cool
  1. 绿树成荫。

    The trees give welcome shade .

  2. 这花园依山傍水,四面苍松翠柏,绿树成荫,仿佛是世外桃源。

    Fronting water and with a hill at the back , this garden had a dense growth of evergreen trees and formed a “ retreat away from the world ” .

  3. 大多数广播电台都设在镇上绿树成荫的大别墅里。

    Most radio stations settled in the large villas in the leafy areas of the town .

  4. 希尔弗瑟姆成了荷兰的媒体之都,荷兰的电视明星们搬进了小镇周围绿树成荫的社区。

    Hilversum became the media capital of the Netherlands , and Dutch television stars moved into the leafy neighborhoods surrounding the town .

  5. 绿树成荫的卢森堡花园(LuxembourgGardens)不再是附近唯一可供你享用市场美味的地方。

    No longer are the Luxembourg Gardens the only nearby spot of green where you can eat your market loot .

  6. 纽约布鲁克林高地(BrooklynHeights)绿树成荫、幽静无比的街巷一直是市区最为抢手的置业之地。

    The quiet , tree-lined streets of Brooklyn Heights have long been among the most sought after for real estate in New York City .

  7. 为了于四岁的孙女“比赛种花”&这个温馨的有缘,48岁的Eve在花园中洒下了不少种子,结果却“无心插柳柳成荫”的长出了这一株庞然大物。

    Eve , 48 , had sown a handful of seeds as part of a light-hearted competition with her four-year-old granddaughter , and planted this one as a spare .

  8. 每家旗舰店都将拥有室外空间——在旧金山店,绿树成荫的广场将覆盖免费WiFi,每逢周末还有音乐家现场演奏。

    Every flagship store will have outdoor space - in San Francisco , the greenery-lined square will feature free WiFi and acoustic musicians on weekends .

  9. 我把堂皇的孚日广场换成了绿树成荫的特鲁索广场(SquareTrousseau)。这里是观看第12区苏醒的绝佳地点。

    I traded in the regal Place des Vosges for a sidewalk table across from the leafy Square Trousseau , the perfect spot to watch the 12th Arrondissement awaken .

  10. 房后有一条绿树成荫的小溪,叫做巴罗斯溪,以劳伦斯市的文学赞助者威廉·巴罗斯(WilliamS.Burroughs)命名。

    Behind the house , trees line a creek named for William S. Burroughs , the literary patron of Lawrence .

  11. 再看看那些富人社区——比如绿树成荫的波托拉谷(PortolaValley),许多有环保意识的亿万富豪就住在这里——人均用水量远比洛杉矶地区的穷人社区康普顿要高得多。

    Or consider that wealthy communities - say , Portola Valley , woodsy home to many an environmentally conscious tech multimillionaire - use far more water per capita than do the poor of Compton , in the Los Angeles area .

  12. 坐落在一个绿树成荫的街道Valmonte住宅区,步行距离马拉加湾,但感觉就像是你在乡村中。

    Located on a tree-lined street in the Valmonte neighborhood of Palos Verdes Estates , walking distance to Malaga Cove , yet feels like you are in the middle of the country .

  13. Kahrizak慈善基金,位于首都德黑兰郊区一所枝繁叶盛、绿树成荫的校园内,是上百位身残者的家园。他们或老或幼,缺乏经济来源。

    Kahrizak Charity Foundation , in a leafy campus on the outskirts of the capital Tehran , is home to hundreds of physically handicapped people , young and old , who lack financial support .

  14. 她带头走过一片草地,来到一条两岸绿树成荫的小溪旁。

    She had led across a meadow to a tree-shaded brook .

  15. 坐在成荫的树下很舒服。

    It is comfortable to sit under the shady tree .

  16. 我们坐在一片成荫的草地上野餐。

    We sat on the shady grass for our picnic .

  17. 夏日里江边绿树成荫。

    In summer , green trees line both banks giving pleasant shade .

  18. 基尔是一个环境优美、绿树成荫的美丽城市。

    Kiel is a beautiful environment , beautiful tree-lined city .

  19. 有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫。

    A watched flower never blooms , but an untended willow grows .

  20. 她住的那条街街道宽阔,两边绿树成荫。

    She lives on a broad , tree-lined street .

  21. 时光不再啊,乌鸦栖息在成荫的松树主枝上,向我发出嘲笑。

    Not any more , mocked the crows from shady pine bough perches .

  22. 树木成荫可以遮挡炽热的阳光。

    The shady trees provide protection against the burning rays of the sun .

  23. 原先那片荒山如今已是果树成荫。

    The barren hills are crowned with fruit trees .

  24. 绿树成荫的街道,沿街到处是很棒的精品店,咖啡馆和餐馆。

    Its tree-lined streets are filled with great boutiques , cafes , and restaurants .

  25. 中文意思:亲爱的同学们:你想在一个绿树成荫,鸟语花香的地方生活吗?

    Dear students : You want in a tree-lined , Jade where you live ?

  26. 所以现在的宁波绿树成荫,鲜花成行。

    So there are so many tress and flowers all around our city now .

  27. 校园环境优美,绿树成荫,绿化面积占总面积的百分之二十。

    Beautiful campus , tree-lined green area accounts for20 percent of the total area .

  28. 这个城市绿树成荫,市容美丽。

    The city is green and beautiful .

  29. 添置了室外康复娱乐器材,院内到处是绿树成荫,郁郁葱葱、鸟语花香。

    Green trees and beautiful follower were planted and birds sound can be heard everywhere .

  30. 场地和人行道上树木成荫,有栗树、枫树和樱桃树。

    The fields and walks were shaded by chestnut , maple , and cherry trees .