
chénɡ jiāo jià
  • Transaction price;final price
  1. 在拍卖上秘密代表卖方的个体,他们标价以激起购买兴趣,最终托高拍卖成交价。

    An individual who secretly represents a seller at an auction , and who places bids to generate interest in and drive up the final price of the item being auctioned .

  2. 周一晚,几名竞拍者通过电话竞拍,叫价不管推高,中标价高达1.6亿美元,加上佳士得拍卖行12%的佣金,最后的成交价共为179365000美元。

    On Monday night , several bidders competing via telephone drove the winning bid to $ 160m , for a final price of $ 179,365,000 including Christies commission of just over 12 % .

  3. 《艺术品市场报告》(artmarketreport)的数据显示,去年,以拍卖会上成交价最高的100位艺术家的所得衡量,艺术品市场的名义价值超过了1990年创下的前一高位。

    Last year , the art market - as measured by proceeds for the top 100 artists sold at auction - in nominal terms surpassed the previous high set in 1990 , according to data from art market report .

  4. 最高成交价的拍品是伊朗画家法尔哈德•莫欣(FarhadMoshiri)创作于2009年的作品——“秘密花园”(SecretGarden),这是一幅反映童话故事的艳丽画作,预估价为30万-50万美元之间。

    Top lot is a glittery fairytale painting by the Iranian Farhad Moshiri , " Secret Garden " ( 2009 ) , estimated at $ 300000 - $ 500000 .

  5. 在1996年JFK俱乐部拍卖现场,成交价要高于25万美元。

    In an actual auction in 1996 JFK 's clubs went for more than a quarter of a million .

  6. 这台“庆典版”的苹果一代电脑预期拍卖价是100万美元,不过拍卖商Charitybuzz告诉BBC,最终成交价是81.5万美元。

    This " celebration edition " Apple 1 was expected to make $ 1m , but auctioneer Charitybuzz told the BBC that the final bid was $ 815000 .

  7. 其中大众公司(Volkswagen)新车的平均成交价最高,达到33368美元,起亚/现代(Kia/Hyundai)最低,为22121美元。

    Volkswagen had the highest average transaction price on new vehicles sold last month at $ 33,368 and Kia / Hyundai the lowest at $ 22,121 .

  8. 那是一辆法拉利250GTOBerlinetta,制造于1962年至1963年,在加利福尼亚州的拍卖成交价为3810万美元。

    A Ferrari 250 GTO Berlinetta , made between 1962-63 , sold for $ 38.1 million in California .

  9. 这条裙子将在12月10日在南伦敦波门德斯的KerryTaylor拍卖会进行拍卖,最后的成交价很可能会在6万英镑到10万英镑之间。

    The dress is now due to be auctioned by Kerry Taylor Auctions in Bermondsey , south London , on 10 December , with the final sale likely to reach between £ 60000 to £ 100000 .

  10. 去年,伦敦高档住宅开发商高富诺(GrosvenorLtd.)位于六本木的Westminster项目推出了20套重新修葺一新的公寓,部分单位成交价高达每平方英尺1941美元(约合每平米人民币13万元)。

    When Grosvenor Ltd. , a London-based developer of luxury residential properties , offered 20 renovated apartments in the Westminster in Roppongi last year , some units fetched $ 1941 per square foot .

  11. 在商场底层,一件产自广州某工厂的“保罗史密斯牌”紫色polo衫,店家向本报记者开价1285元(约合200美元),而最终成交价仅为150元。

    On the ground floor , a purple " Paul Smith " polo-shirt from a Guangzhou factory was offered to your correspondent for 1285 yuan ( $ 200 ) , a price which eventually fell to 150 yuan .

  12. PrivCo将数据划分为每两周为一个阶段,结果显示Facebook在6份和7月的部分时间里表现良好,成交价为35美元每股,整个公司估值将近840亿美元。

    The data is broken out into two-week periods , and shows that Facebook spent the better part of June and July trading at $ 35 per share , for a company valuation of approximately $ 84 billion .

  13. 具体成交价也是秘而不宣——佳士得的阿历克斯•克莱恩(AlexisKlein)一再向我保证这合乎法律——但暗示说“打字机橡皮擦”的价位肯定超过220万美元,这是2009年它上次拍卖时的价位。

    The price is also confidential - Alexis Klein of Christie 's assures me this is legal - but hints that it is above $ 2.2m , which is what the piece fetched when it last sold in 2009 .

  14. SEC指控称,科克在Huntleigh的经纪人买进了3200股该股票,他在交易日结束前两分钟进行的最后一笔交易成交价为19.50美元,该股收盘报19.50美元。

    The SEC alleged that Mr. Koch 's broker at Huntleigh bought 3,200 shares , making his final trade , two minutes before the end of the trading day , at $ 19.50 , where the stock closed .

  15. 据TrueCar网站称,通过比较新车的成交价可以看出,与去年相比,今年购车者要为每辆车多花约900美元。

    A comparison of transaction prices for new vehicles shows that consumers are spending about $ 900 more per vehicle this year than they were a year ago , according to truecar .

  16. 普锐斯的平均成交价是26000美元。

    The average transaction price for a Prius is $ 26,000 .

  17. 这款名车的拍卖成交价打破了此前的历史记录。

    The hammer price of the car broke the previous record .

  18. 而此次拍卖会上几件重要藏品的成交价均打破了这一纪录。

    The auction resulted in several major sales that surpassed that figure .

  19. 贫民窟住房在拍卖会上成交价仅为一美元

    Tenements sell at auction for as a little as a dollar .

  20. 双边多轮价格谈判中的成交价估计方法研究

    The Research on Evaluation Method of Deal Price in Multistage Bilateral Bargaining Process

  21. 你必须支付代售佣金(大约是成交价的3%到6%)

    You have to pay a sales commission ( 3 to 6 percent )

  22. 契税(别墅):购买成交价的3%。

    Land Tax ( For Villas ): 3 % of the purchasing price .

  23. 但成交价不得低于保留价。

    However , the price shall not be less than the reserve price .

  24. 拍卖公司提供服务要收取一定的佣金,佣金费用由买家支付,支付额占成交价的比例为k。

    The auction company takes some commission from the winner of the auction .

  25. 成交价包括买主的税费。

    The prices included the buyer 's premium .

  26. 中国陶瓷雕像成交价40万英镑

    Chinese ceramic statue sold for 400000 pounds .

  27. 他们作品的成交价从25万美元至220万美元不等,本次展览的截止日期为6月22日。

    Prices range from 250,000 to 2.2m ; the show runs until July 12 .

  28. 最终成交价包括买家支付的略超过12%的溢价。

    Final prices include the buyers ' premium of just over 12 per cent .

  29. 这颗钻石也创下了拍卖会上单颗珠宝的最高成交价。

    This beauty set the record for most expensive single jewel ever sold at auction .

  30. 但是,塔克将它卖给了百慕大政府,成交价未公开。

    Nonetheless , Tucker sold it to the Government of Bermuda for an undisclosed sum .