
màn xìnɡ ɡān yán
  • chronic hepatitis
  1. 慢性肝炎、肝硬化和原发性肝癌患者血清CⅣ水平显著升高。

    Patients with chronic hepatitis , cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma had significantly high serum C ⅳ levels .

  2. Cr(Ⅵ)可引发急慢性肝炎以及肝损伤。

    Cr (ⅵ) can induce toxic and chronic hepatitis and severe liver damage .

  3. IL-18结合蛋白与慢性肝炎及肝癌的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on Interleukin-18 Binding Protein in the Chronic Hepatitis and the Hepatic Carcinoma

  4. 丙型肝炎病毒(HepatitisCVirus,HCV)的感染呈世界性分布,能引起慢性肝炎、肝硬化甚至肝细胞癌。

    Hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) is a major causative agent of chronic hepatitis and is associated with liver cirrhosis which may develop into hepatocellular carcinoma .

  5. 抗HBe阳性慢性肝炎患者的HBV感染状态研究

    Analysis of HBV Infection Status in Anti-HBe Positive Patients with Chronic Hepatitis by in Situ Hybridization

  6. 结果:COX-2与慢性肝炎病情轻重有关,随肝脏炎症程度的加重,COX-2表达相应增加(P<0.05);

    Results : With hepatic inflammation getting worse , the expression of COX-2 also increased ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. HBV感染是急慢性肝炎的主要病因,后者可导致终不期肝衰竭甚至肝细胞癌。

    Hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) infection is a major cause of acute and chronic hepatitis . The latter can lead to end-stage liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma .

  8. 结果慢性肝炎、肝炎后肝硬化TBA与正常组比较有显著性差异。

    Results There was a significant difference between the groups of chronic hepatitis , post-hepatitic cirrhosis and the normal control group .

  9. 结论:五灵胶囊遏制KC大量释放细胞因子是治疗慢性肝炎作用机制之一。

    CONCLUSION : WuLing Capsule may exert some therapeutic effects by the down regulation of cytokines in chronic hepatitis .

  10. 而慢性肝炎血清抗&LSP、MCA、ADCC持续阳性,TB细胞功能的协调处于紊乱状态。

    While in chronic hepatitis serum anti-LSP MCA and ADCC were persistently positive and the regulating functions of T 、 B cells were disturbed .

  11. OM是在临床上治疗肝损伤、急慢性肝炎等具有很好疗效的一种中药有效成分。

    OM is effective components of the Chinese traditional medicines which posses good therapeutic effect in clinical therapy to the hepatic injury , urgent or chronic hepatitis .

  12. 结果:重叠感染HAV、HEV患者慢性肝炎重度、慢性重型肝炎例数均明显高于单纯慢性乙型肝炎;

    Result : The numbers of cases of chronic hepatitis B severe type and fulminant hepatitis in the superinfection groups were significantly higher than in the chronic hepatitis B group .

  13. HCV第二代抗体阳性率,肝癌7.3%,肝硬化6.6%,慢性肝炎6.6%和急性肝炎3.4%。

    The incidence of antibody to HCV ( second generation antibody ) was 7 . 3 % in HCC , 6.6 % in liver cirrhosis , 6.6 % in chronic hepatitis and 3.4 % in acute hepatitis .

  14. 据报道,目前全世界约有一亿七千万人感染HCV,其中约80%的感染者发展为慢性肝炎,而在十到二十年的慢性病程中,又有部分患者进展成肝硬化,肝细胞肝癌。

    It is reported that a global burden of 170 million people is infected with HCV , and nearly 80 % infected person develop chronic hepatitis , and some patients progress to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma .

  15. 34例慢性肝炎患者血清中LTD4含量也明显高于正常对照组,慢性组中,慢性重度组最高,其次为慢性中度组、慢性轻度组。③LTD4水平与ALT、AST含量呈显著正相关。

    In chronic groups , the level of serum LTs in serious chronic hepatitis B was highest , then the mild group , the light group .

  16. Gwe治疗对慢性肝炎患者血清补体溶解免疫复合物能力的影响

    Effects of Gwe on the serum complement mediated immune complex solubilizing capacity in chronic persistent hepatitis patients

  17. 乙肝病毒感染可以造成急性、爆发性、慢性肝炎,肝硬化,肝代失常,肝癌(HCC)等,并且由此导致全世界大约每年100万的人死亡。

    Hepatitis B virus infection can cause acute hepatitis , fulminant hepatitis , chronic hepatitis , cirrhosis , liver decompensation , and carcinoma ( HCC ), and so on , which cause one million people died around the world every year .

  18. 60例肝癌、胃癌患者,41例慢性肝炎患者和103例普通体检者血清采用EIA法作CagA-HP-IgG抗体(产细胞毒素幽门螺杆菌抗体)测定。

    CagA-HP-IgG detection was also performed in 60 cases of liver and gastric cancer , 41 cases of patients with chronic hepatitis and 103 healthy people .

  19. 方法利用日立7060生化分析仪测定80例慢性肝炎疾病患者及200例正常人血清的ALT、AST、TBIL、TBA、ALB水平,通过计算机信息处理软件计算其相应的肝功能实验综合指数。

    Methods : We measured the concentration of'ALT , AST , TBIL , TBA , ALB in the sera of 80 patients with chronic hepatitis and 200 normal people , then got the HIBT calculated by computer .

  20. 结果正常组肝癌检出率为0.14%,脂肪肝组检出率为0.84%,慢性肝炎及HBV感染组检出率为10.56%,肝硬化组检出率为36.61%。

    Results The detectable rate of PHC was 0 . 14 % in normal group , 0 . 84 % in fatty livers , 10 . 56 % in the group with chronic hepatopathy or HBV infected patients , and 36 . 61 % in the cirrhosis group .

  21. 慢性肝炎、肝硬化及肝细胞性肝癌中间隙连接蛋白Cx32的表达

    Expression of gap junction protein connexin 32 in chronic hepatitis , liver cirrhosis , and hepatocellular carcinoma

  22. 方法采用连续监测法分别对30例原发性肝癌、胆石症、肺癌、肝硬化、慢性肝炎及15例胃癌患者血清GPDA进行测定。

    Methods Continuous monitoring method was adopted to detect GPDA level of 30 cases of primary liver cancer , cholelithiasis , lung cancer , hepatic cirrhosis , chronic hepatitis and 15 cases of stomach cancer .

  23. 慢性肝炎、肝硬化并发胆囊结石的分析研究

    Analytic study of chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis complicated with gallstones

  24. 保肝及治疗急慢性肝炎的作用;

    Liver protection ; therapy of urgent and chronic hepatitis ;

  25. 慢性肝炎血液流变学的主成分分析

    The Anslysis of Essential Component on the Blood Rheology of Chronic Hepatitis

  26. 重组白细胞介素-2治疗慢性肝炎22例观察

    Observation of efficacy of rIL-2 in 22 patients with chronic hepatitis B

  27. 多烯磷脂酰胆碱(易善复)治疗慢性肝炎的系统评价

    Polyunsaturated Phosphatidylcholine ( Essentiale ) for Chronic Hepatitis : A Systematic Review

  28. 丙氨酸氨基转移酶及总胆红质正常的慢性肝炎病毒携带者肝组织病理的分级和分期研究

    Pathological grades and stages in chronic hepatitis B virus carriers

  29. 姬松茸对慢性肝炎患者肝功能影响的临床观察

    Observation on Treatment of Agaricus Blazei for Chronic Hepatitis B

  30. 激光并紫外线照射充氧自血回输综合治疗慢性肝炎

    Treatment of chronic hepatitis with laser plus ultraviolet blood irradiation and oxygenation