
ɡǎn yán
  • reflections;recollections;words to express one's feelings or thoughts
  1. 从事地质事业五十五年感言

    Reflections on my past 55 years geological work

  2. 这是我第一次来这儿,发表几句感言,仅此而已。

    This is the first time I come here , published a few reflections , and nothing more .

  3. 例句优雅、风趣又鼓舞人心,这位演员的获奖感言恰到好处。

    Classy , funny , and inspiring – the actor hit the right note with his acceptance1 speech .

  4. 斯特尔林?K?布朗机智俏皮的领奖感言

    Sterling K. Brown 's amazing acceptance speech

  5. 由于目前正跟随皇马在日本参加世界俱乐部杯比赛,C罗未能出席上周一晚在巴黎举行的颁奖仪式,而是通过事先录好的视频发表了他的获奖感言。

    Absent from last Monday evening 's ceremony in Paris , Ronaldo , who 's currently on Club World Cup duty with Real in Japan , made his acceptance speech through a pre-recorded footage .

  6. 所以我上Youtube搜索了好莱坞星光大道获奖感言

    And so I YouTube , you know , a Hollywood Walk of Fame acceptance speeches ,

  7. 《实习医生格蕾》这位的演员获得了2016年BET的人道主义大奖,并发表了关于种族和这个国家强有力的获奖感言。

    The " Grey 's Anatomy " star received the 2016 BET Humanitarian Award , and gave a powerful acceptance speech on race and this country .

  8. 《猫鼠游戏》(WhiteCollar)男星波莫于2012年2月在一次获奖感言中表达了对伴侣西蒙·霍尔斯(SimonHalls)的谢意,也因此正式出柜。

    Bomer , star of White Collar , confirmed that he was gay in February 2012 when he thanked his partner Simon Halls during an acceptancespeech .

  9. 洛奇曾凭借《风吹麦浪》(TheWindThatShakestheBarley)获得此奖。他发表获奖感言时先是说法语,后改为英语。

    Mr. Loach , a previous winner for " The Wind That Shakes the Barley , " accepted his prize first in French before switching to English .

  10. 在2月10日她因歌曲《Shallow》获得格莱美奖,但在获奖感言上,她并没有提及49岁的前任。这样更为两人已经分手的传闻火上浇油。

    Lady Gaga failed to mention her 49-year-old ex during an acceptance speech after her song Shallow won a Grammy on Feb. 10 , adding more fuel to the fire that the couple had called it quits .

  11. 要我说,如果你真的要给出一箩筐人名,至少要参考TomHanks的感言,也说说四年级的英语老师。

    I say if you 're going to give us a laundry list of names , at least out your 4th grade English teacher along the way , as Tom Hanks once did .

  12. TinaFey正在麦克风前,发表获得最佳喜剧奖的感言呢!这可是超级制作人第3次的胜利了!

    Tina Fey , center at microphone , accepts the award for best comedy series for " 30 Rock . " It was the show 's third straight victory .

  13. 皮查伊将领导谷歌所有产品的消息是在上周透露的,当时前博主、风投家欧姆o马利克就曾在Twitter上发表了一句很多人都赞同的感言:“这证明好人有好报。”

    When news of his latest promotion to head all of Google 's products came out last week , venture capitalist Om Malik , a former blogger , tweeted what was in the mind of many : " Proof nice guys can win . "

  14. 【英文原文】Freudianslip——手误我的教堂板报的感恩节感言原来想写的是“感谢您,我的主,为如此多我们熟视无睹的奇迹”。

    The sentence in the Thanksgiving edition of my church bulletin intended to say " Thank you , Lord , for the many miracles we are too blind to see . " But in what might have been a classic Freudian slip , the sentence read

  15. 我选择将感言贴在Cristelle的网站上,感谢她以我的名义所做的这个漂亮的网站。

    I choose to post my note on Cristelle 's website so that I could also thank her for the beautiful work she has done , on my behalf , for this site .

  16. 本色发言,即便本色很肤浅Cher凭借电影《Moonstruck》获奖发表感言后声名远扬,因为她感谢了化妆师,发型师和助理却没提合作明星和导演。

    Be Yourself , Even if That Self is Shallow When Cher won an Oscar for her role in " Moonstruck , " she received a lot of flack ( 12 ) for showering her makeup artist , hairdresser , and assistant with thanks , while failing to mention her co-stars or director .

  17. •利用公众人物、幸福个人或家庭的感言吸引求职者

    • rely on testimonials depicting attractive , happy people or families

  18. 欢迎和我们分享春天关于雨的感言。

    Welcome to share with us the spring rain statements about .

  19. 之后,艾玛登上舞台,发表了她的获奖感言。

    Later Emma took the stage and gave her acceptance speech .

  20. 从奥巴马的胜选感言看语言人际功能的实现

    Realization of the Interpersonal Meta-Function in Obama 's Victory Speech

  21. 这里有一些写好获奖感言的建议。

    Here are some tips for how to write good acceptance speech .

  22. 青年建筑师感言:2004年全国青年建筑师高峰论坛会上会下

    Words of young architects : 2004 peak forum of Chinese young architects

  23. 我写了一篇工作感言。

    I began writing what they call a mission statement .

  24. 桑德拉在获奖感言中说到:好诡异哈。

    This is so weird , Sandra said during her acceptance speech .

  25. 约翰逊在其获胜感言中没有提及卡梅伦。

    Mr Johnson did not mention Mr Cameron in his victory speech .

  26. 不能用盖尔语发表获奖感言我真是遗憾啊。

    I 'm really sad I couldn 't give a speech in Gaelic .

  27. 中国钢琴艺术的幸运&周广仁先生生日感言

    The Fortune of the Art of Piano in China

  28. 奥巴马在芝加哥发表获胜感言的时候,又回到了一些耳熟的话题上。

    In his Chicago victory speech Mr Obama returned to some familiar themes .

  29. 在获奖感言中感谢祖父母的演员——罗伯特·德尼罗。

    Robert De Niro thanked his grandmother and grandfather .

  30. 有些人喜欢在获奖时发表一个深情的获奖感言。

    Some people like to make a gushy acceptance speech when they win awards .