
  • 网络opinion climate;climates of opinion;climate opinion
  1. 在许多重要议题上,相互听取意见,比如气候变化,如果没有中美两国的参与是不能解决的。

    We seek advice from each other on important issues such as climate change , which cannot be solved without the participation of both sides .

  2. 中方将本着积极和建设性态度与各方充分、坦诚交换意见,为应对气候变化的国际合作注入新的动力。

    In an active and constructive spirit , China will have full and frank exchange of views with all parties to inject new vitality into the international cooperation on climate change .

  3. 俱乐部创始人必须克服现实障碍和反对意见,这些反对意见来自否认气候变化的人以及那些不理解这件事情或者不理解其中利害关系的人。

    Club founders must overcome real-world obstacles , objections from climate change deniers and those who simply don 't understand the issues or the stakes we are facing .