
  • 网络acts of will;volitional movement;volitional act
  1. 他完全按自己的意志行动。

    He acted strictly on his own .

  2. 体育品德的形成过程,按照心理学的方法,可以分为五个部分,即感知、记忆、思维、情感体验和意志行动。

    The forming process of sport morals can be divided into 5 parts according to the method of psychology , perception , memory , thought , emotion experience and will activity .

  3. 第三部分以认知情感意志行动的个人身心发展规律为基础,设计了初中语文教学中落实生态教育知情意行四个阶段的目标。

    The third part with " cognitive-emotion-will & - action " personal physical and mental development rule as the foundation , the design the junior high school education in Chinese teaching implementation ecological moral knowing the line ", " four phases goal .

  4. 心理健康是指能够适应当前和发展着的环境,具有完善的个性特征,认知、情绪反应、意志行动处于积极状态,并保持正常的调控能力。

    Mental health means that it can be adapted to the present developing environment , bears the perfect individual characteristics , can be in an active state of cognition , emotional response and volitional action and has the normal capability to control the state .

  5. 来年充满着希望与繁荣,我们的意志和行动都将影响到他们的事业。

    The coming years are full of hope and promise , and their course can still be shaped by our will and action .

  6. 党的先进性建设,是把当代中国马克思主义的理论成果,化为全党干部与广大党员的意志和行动的中间环节;

    The construction of the Party 's advancement is a link that transforms the contemporary theoretical achievements of China 's Marxism into the will and action of the cadres and members of the party .

  7. 凝视世界的意志与学术行动&海外民族志对于中国社会科学的意义

    Will and Academic Action to Perceive the Outside World & The Significance of Overseas Ethnography on China 's Social Sciences

  8. 将你的信仰,意志力,行动与为了达成最终梦想积极的想法和积极意向相结合,那么万事都难不倒你。

    There is no limit to what your mind can achieve by combining belief , willpower and action with positive thinking and a positive mindset in order to arrive at your dream destination .

  9. 我们必须凭着坚强的意志和无畏的行动来应付各种状况,平安的到达我们的目的地。

    We must meet every situation with strong mind and dauntless action so as to reach our destination in safety .