
  1. 该公司并未透露有意向客户的身份,但竹村说其中不乏商界名人。

    The company will not name the interested parties but Takemura said that they include famous people in the business world .

  2. 该公司并未透露有意向客户的身份,但竹村说其中不乏“商界名人”。

    The company will not name the interested parties but Takemura said that they include " famous people in the business world . "

  3. 出于一些商业原因,在向客户交付货物时,销售商通常不愿意向客户透露商品的实际价值。

    For business reasons , the sellers may not want to reveal the actual commercial value of the goods to the buyers upon delivery .

  4. 不是所有有意向客户的人都知道某某商家网站的网址,而是通过在百度中输入自己想要的关键词来找到这些商家。

    Not all customers who are interested know that a certain business web site , but by Baidu , enter the keyword you want to find these businesses .

  5. 鉴于,代理方须以合法的独立实体的身份代表和使用委托方的“私有商标”在销售区域内针对有意向客户从事相关的销售活动;

    WHEREAS , Agent will act as a legally independent entity representing one of the Principals " Private Label " sales activities in the Territory for interested customers ; and .

  6. 约翰也这样说。他支持奥巴马,在当地拥有一家建筑公司,公司正在垂死挣扎,但他却不愿意向客户道出实情。

    " Things are going badly ," says John , who owns a struggling local construction business and supports Mr Obama but prefers not to advertise the fact to his clients .

  7. 被申请人也善意地向申请人推荐了有租赁意向的客户以最大限度地减少申请人的损失。

    The Respondent has in good faith recommended a potential tenant to the Applicant , in an attempt to mitigate the Applicant 's damages to the utmost extent .

  8. 这么说吧,我宁愿用针刺入眼睛也不愿意向我的客户推荐这些葡萄酒基金,BloomsburyFinancialPlanning的詹森·巴特勒(JasonButler)说。

    Put it this way , I 'd rather stick needles in my eye than recommend one of these wine funds to my clients , says Jason Butler of Bloomsbury Financial Planning .