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  1. 美国:情人节另类促销,用枪支换情趣用品。

    US shop 's Valentine 's offer : sex toys for guns .

  2. 网络商城销售的是“情趣用品”。

    Online sites sell Qingqu Yongpin , literally " interesting love products " .

  3. 依偌斯情趣用品有限公司是专业从事性健慰器系列产品的研究开发,生产,销售的综合性公司。

    Is specialized in supplies of Jian Wei Series Product research and development , production and sales of integrated companies .

  4. 淘宝上关于情趣用品商店的的评价很多都是抱怨塑料味“又酸又粘”和包裹太脏。

    Many comments on Taobao sex toy stores complain about the " sour and sticky " plastic smell of the products as well as their dirty packages .

  5. 然而,根据一家情趣用品网店的分析数据,英国一个小镇的性玩具消费额是全国平均水平的四倍&平均每人在情趣用品上消费62便士。

    But one town in Britain spends four times the national average - 62 pence per head - on erotic accessories according to analysis by an online sex shop .

  6. 手铐位列被安检没收最奇怪的物品排行榜的榜首。有14%的受访者透露,这一奇怪的情趣用品是他们陷入与机场工作人员的麻烦中的罪魁祸首。

    Top of the list of items removed by security was handcuffs , with 14 per cent of respondents revealing the kinky bedroom accessory was the reason they had gotten into trouble with airport staff .