
  • 网络Sentiment analysis;emotion analysis
  1. 而情感分析则仅限于脸书说英语的用户。

    For the sentiment analysis , it focused only on English-speaking users .

  2. 作为非结构化信息挖掘的一个新兴领域,网络评论情感分析引起了人们的极大兴趣。

    Sentiment analysis , as a branch of unstructured data mining , has interested people greatly .

  3. 基于MFCC和CHMM技术的语音情感分析及其在教育中的应用研究

    Investigation on Speech Emotion Analyses and Its Application in Education Based on MFCC and CHMM Techniques

  4. 然后使用这些特征训练了SVM分类器。实验结果表明,我们针对情态句的特点提出的情态相关特征对提高情态句情感分析的效果有很大帮助。

    We use these feature vectors to train a SVM classifier , which is employed to process sentiment orientation analysis of sentences with modality . Experimental results show that the features we proposed helps a lot .

  5. 话题情感分析应用研究:介绍了一个将话题情感分析应用到春晚评价领域中的应用实例。

    Application . This paper presents an application example of topic oriented sentiment analysis .

  6. 女性消费者的消费情感分析

    Consumption emotions of female customer . Consumer Electronics ( c ) emotion . On the Consume

  7. 这些方法的研究将对情感分析的其他任务具有重要的参考价值。

    Research of these methods to other tasks of sentiment analysis has an important reference value .

  8. 情感分析是对文本中的观点、情感和主观性的计算处理过程。

    Sentiment analysis is the computing process for the opinions , sentiment and subjectivity of the text .

  9. 另外,还探讨了基于在线评论的情感分析技术在旅游电子商务系统中的潜在应用价值。

    Additionally , we put forward the potential value of applying sentiment analysis technologies to tourism electronic commerce system .

  10. 分析了音乐的分类及情感分析以实现彩铃基因组的构建。

    Analysed the classification of ringtones and music for the resons of the construction the ringtones genome . 3 .

  11. 文本情感分析作为自然语言处理的一个应用方向逐渐成为新的热点。

    Sentiment Analysis as a branch of NLP with potential applications is gradually becoming a new hot research issue .

  12. 本文提出的主观词类组合模式可以作为中文情感分析的词类搭配框架为后续研究奠定一定基础。

    The subjective patterns of word class combination proposed in this paper can be used for Chinese sentiment analysis .

  13. 本文讨论了情感分析中情感主体识别与情感自动分类两个子任务。

    This paper discusses two sub-tasks in emotion analysis task . They are emotion agent recognition and emotion automatic classification .

  14. 目前,已经有很多面向英文旅行评论的情感分析研究,并且取得了定的成果。

    At present , there have been many studies on sentiment analysis for English traveler reviews , and obtained some results .

  15. 通过对这些信息展开情感分析,可以实现微博营销、品牌宣传、客户关系管理、舆情监控等。

    Analyzing emotion hidden in these information can benefit microblog marketing , branding , customer relationship management and monitoring public opinions .

  16. 二是由宏观的角度展开,从性别隐喻在广告中的功能出发,结合消费者情感分析性别隐喻具有的有效说服力。

    Also , the persuasiveness of gender metaphors in sales is studied on macro-linguistic level from the angle of consumer emotions .

  17. 围绕文本情感分析,文本的工作主要包括以下几个内容:(1)研究文本情感资源的构建技术。

    Around the sentiment analysis , the thesis includes the following contents : ( 1 ) Research on the construction of sentiment resources .

  18. 本文借助自然语言处理的研究成果,设计并实现短文本情感分析系统,来转化短文本情感分析的研究成果。

    This paper makes use of the findings of natural language processing to design and implement the system of sentiment analysis for short-texts .

  19. 近几年一些学者指出,很难找到一种一刀切的方法有效的处理不同句型的情感分析问题。

    Recently , some researchers argued that it is scarcely possible to find a one-technique-fit-all method to deal with different types of sentences efficiently .

  20. 根据中文微博的自身特点,在传统文本情感分析的已有基础上,展开对微博的情感倾向分析。

    By learning from the traditional text emotional analysis , we analyze the emotional tendencies of microblog based on the characteristics of Chinese microblog .

  21. 目前微博情感分析的研究主要针对英文微博文本,面向中文微博情感分析的研究尚处于起步阶段。

    So far , the existing research is mainly aimed at English microblog , the research of Chinese microblog is still in its beginning stages .

  22. 为了自动分析这些主观性文本,情感分析在自然语言处理研究领域得到了很大的关注。

    To automatically analyze these subjective information , sentiment analysis has been proposed and received a great deal of attention in Natural Language Processing community .

  23. 音乐情感分析是人工智能的一个研究方向,研究目标是使计算机能够识别音乐的情感。

    The analysis on musical emotion is one research direction of artificial intelligence . The research aims to make the computer identify the emotion of music .

  24. 情感分析在英文世界一直是一个被广泛研究的领域,而中文情感分析的研究仍处于起步阶段,大部分工作已通过尝试被证明是适用于英文的。

    Sentiment analysis in the English-speaking world has been a wide range of research areas while the Chinese sentiment analysis research is still in its infancy .

  25. 目前情感分析还是比较初步,要使情感分析达到可应用的程度,还有很长的路要走。

    Analysis of text orientation is quite preliminary , to make sentiment analysis to the extent applicable , there is still a long way to go .

  26. 最后,以春晚评价为应用实例,初步实现了话题情感分析系统中的主要功能模块。

    Finally , an application example of topic oriented sentiment analysis is introduced , and the main function modules of the Spring Festival Evening evaluation system are completed .

  27. 研究了情感分析算法,对微博内容做情感分析,将得到的情感值运用到电影票房的预测中,提高了预测精度。

    Studied emotional analysis algorithm to do emotional analysis on Weibo content , and make use of emotional value to predict the movie box office , improving the prediction accuracy .

  28. 另外,本文采用音高集文件作为音乐文件的特征表示,这种特征提取算法在音乐情感分析领域有着重要的参考价值。

    In addition , we take the pitch class profile as the feature expression of the musical file , which can bring a certain reference value for the analysis of musical emotion .

  29. 基于特征的用户评论情感分析是情感分析领域近几年出现的一个研究热点,它主要面向产品的用户评论,进行产品特征提取、情感词提取和情感分类等方面的研究。

    Sentiment analysis of feature-based customer reviews is the research hot in the field of sentiment analysis in recent years . It contains product feature extraction , opinion words extraction and opinion classification .

  30. 对系统中的主要功能模块进行了详细描述,并通过初步实现系统的主要功能,展示了将话题情感分析技术应用到舆情监控系统中能够提高分析的准确性。

    The main function modules of the Spring Festival Evening evaluation system are described in detail . This system shows that topic oriented sentiment analysis is suitable to applied to network monitoring system of public opinion .