
  • 网络Bus technology;fieldbus;CAN-BUS;FCS;HBS
  1. 论文首先概述了船用黑匣子(VDR)和现场总线技术的发展和现状。

    First , the paper summarized the development and present situation of voyage data recorder ( VDR ) and fieldbus .

  2. 霍尼韦尔过程控制部(HPS)将实施其Experion过程知识系统(PKS)以及C300控制器和基金会现场总线技术,为该平台提供全面的自动化设施。

    Honeywell Process Solutions ( HPS ) will implement its Experion Process Knowledge System ( PKS ) with C300 Controller and Foundation Fieldbus capabilities to fully automate the facility .

  3. 基于Internet的现场总线技术及其实现

    Internet - based Field Bus Technology and Realization

  4. PC总线技术在工业控制领域的应用分析

    Application Analysis of PCI Bus in Industrial Control Field

  5. 软件总线技术在发电企业ERP中的应用与研究

    The Application and Research of Soft-Bus Technology in Power Plant 's ERP System

  6. 随着嵌入式技术和网络的发展,工业设备从基于总线技术的远程控制发展到了基于Internet技术的远程控制。

    With the development of embedded technology and network , industrial equipment developed from the bus-based remote control to internet-based remote control .

  7. USB总线技术是PC体系中一套全新的工业总线标准。

    The technology of USB is one new standard of industrial bus in PC system .

  8. DeviceNet是一种基于CAN总线技术的符合全球工业标准的开放型通信网络。

    Device Net is a kind of opening communication network , accords with the world industry standard , based on CAN technology .

  9. LIN总线技术在汽车中央集控门锁上的应用

    Applications of LIN Bus Technology in Automobile Central - Controlled Gate Lock

  10. CAN总线技术的双CPU系统智能温控仪表

    Intellectual Temperature Control Meter Based on CAN Bus

  11. PCI总线技术在运动控制卡中的应用

    Application of PCI Bus Technology in Motion Control Board

  12. 新型计算机总线技术PCIExpress

    New Computer Bus Technology-PCI Express

  13. 研究USB总线技术在电脑外设接口中的应用以及实现USB总线接口的芯片控制器。

    The application of USB technology for the device connected to PC and the USB controller .

  14. 论文研究了基于PCI总线技术的DSP数据采集系统的设计。

    This dissertation research the design of data acquisition system based on PCI local bus and DSP .

  15. 采用STD总线技术的伺服机构测试仪

    The Testing Instrument of Servomechanism Based on STD Bus Industry Control Computer

  16. 基于DSP和PCI总线技术的电能质量监测装置的研制

    The Study on a Device for Supervision and Measurement of Power Quality Based on DSP and PCI Bus Technology

  17. SoC片上总线技术的研究

    Research of SoC on chip bus

  18. 在PLC控制系统中应用现场总线技术来实现PLC与现场设备的实时通信,达到分散控制是工业控制领域的热门问题。

    Realizing real-time communication with field devices in PLC control system by applying Field-bus technology is a hot problem in industrial control field .

  19. PROFIBUS总线技术在胎面挤出联动线中的应用

    The application of Profibus to the tire tread extrusion production line

  20. SOA架构下基于JBI的企业服务总线技术

    Technique of enterprise service bus based on SOA-JBI

  21. 剖析了USBHost核心技术,论述了将通用串行总线技术应用于智能仪表中的可行性和实现方案。

    This paper probes into the core technique of USB Host , and discusses the feasibility of applying USB technique to intelligent instruments .

  22. PROFIBUS现场总线技术在宁海电厂的应用

    Application of PROFIBUS-DP field bus technology in Ninghai Power Plant

  23. MIC总线技术及其应用

    MIC Bus Technology and its Application

  24. FF现场总线技术中基本类设备的最小实现

    Minimum Realization of BASIC In FF Field Bus Technology

  25. 使用PCI总线技术和Motorola的通信控制器(MC68MH360)设计了一个综合业务数字网多端口设备。

    This paper presents the hardware design for an ISDN Multi BRI device using PCI bus technology and QMC .

  26. 基于GPIB总线技术的I/O接口控制系统设计

    Design of I / O Interface Control System Based on the GPIB Bus Technology

  27. 介绍了RS-232C、USB及IEEE1394等个人计算机上采用的串行通信总线技术。

    A serial communication technology using RS-232C , USB and IEEE 1394 in personal computers are described .

  28. 根据PCI局部总线技术规范和所要达到的软件保护的目的设计所需的电路是实现软件保护技术的基础。

    The basis of Software Protection with CPLD is to design circuits according to PCI local bus criterion and the goal of software protection .

  29. 物理层采用RS-485总线技术实现主、从站对接,完成它们之间的信息交互。

    Physical layer technology RS-485 bus master , from the docking station , complete information exchange between them .

  30. 同时利用设备描述技术及其扩展技术以及OPC软件总线技术,实现独立先进控制应用与主控系统之间的无缝集成和数据交换。

    Extensible device description and OPC technology are used to exchange data among advanced control applications and the underlying control system .