
  • 网络Aggregate consumption;Consumption;gross consumption
  1. 股市财富效应对消费的影响占总消费变动的平均比例仅为084%。

    The average ratio of influence of wealth effect on aggregate consumption is only 1.33 % .

  2. 笔者认为,需求是收入的函数,收入不同的群体其需求水平也不同,而各收入群体的消费需求即构成总消费需求。

    The authors argue that demand is a function of income . Groups with different income have different levels of demand , which constitutes the aggregate consumption demand .

  3. 该机构根据BIG公司今年9月对8167名消费者开展的一项调查作出预测,今年万圣节的总消费额将达约57亿美元。

    It predicts total spending for the holiday will be about $ 5.7 billion , based on its September poll by BIG research of8,167 consumers .

  4. 研究发现GDP和能源总消费、GDP和电力消费之间存在协整关系,而GDP与煤、石油、天然气消费量之间不存在协整关系。

    As discovered by research , co-integration relation existed between GDP and total energy use , it also existed between GDP and electric power use ;

  5. 详细研究中国从1954~2003年间年度GDP和能源总消费以及能源消费各构成部分(包括煤、石油、天然气和水电力等)之间的长期均衡关系。

    This paper researches on the relationship between China 's GDP and energy consumption ( including coal ,( petroleum ,) natural gas and electricity ) from 1954-2003 in detail .

  6. 同时还对未来不同GDP增长速度对实现目标的影响进行了分析和评价,GDP增长速度越快,越有利于GDP能源强度下降目标的实现,但期末能源总消费量的增长也会越大。

    The paper has also analyzed the impacts of GDP growth on the target , and concluded that a higher GDP growth rate is more conducive to achieve the target whereas increasing the total amount of energy consumption at the end of the period .

  7. 根据中国海关总署(GeneralAdministrationofCustoms)数据,在截至3月底的一年里,猪肉进口增幅达90%,达到创纪录的28.6093万吨,但这仍只占中国猪肉总消费量(去年达到5700多万吨)的很小一部分。

    As a result , imports are surging , up 90 per cent in the year to end-March to a record 286093 metric tonnes , according to figures from the General Administration of Customs - still a sliver of total pork consumption nationwide , which last year came in at more than 57bn tonnes .

  8. 正如CAP所指出的,国会正在讨论的Waxman-Markey法案只会使美国2020年时的石油日消费量减少87.6万桶,大约相当于美国石油总消费量的4.5%。

    As CAP notes , the Waxman-Markey bill would reduce U.S. oil consumption in 2020 by a mere 876 thousand barrels a day , or about 4.5 % of total U.S. oil consumption .

  9. 其中中国的表观消费量为2011kt,占全球总消费量的22.2%。

    E. the 22.2 % of the world apparent consumption .

  10. 收入分配对总消费影响的结构分析&兼对中国城镇家庭的实证检验

    Structural Analysis of Effects of Income Distribution on Aggregate Consumption

  11. 完全信息下消费、储蓄和囤积的微观机制(Ⅱ)&总消费最大时的消费者行为及其转换

    Micro-Mechanism of Consuming , Saving and Hoarding with Perfect Information

  12. 总消费需求不足的微观机制&分析与对策

    Micro-mechanism to Cope with Insufficient Demands of Consumption & Analysis and Optional Strategies

  13. 因此,实行缩小收入差距的收入再分配政策,能有效地提高我国居民的总体边际消费倾向,扩大总消费需求,从而刺激经济增长。

    That is , the re-distribution of income can increase the aggregate consumption .

  14. 减少水的总消费是截断水浪费的关键。

    Reducing the amount of water consumed is key to cutting water expenses .

  15. 社会总消费支出的有关数学模型

    Mathematics model about the expenditure of social consume

  16. 中国城镇居民家庭基本需求支出对总消费需求的影响分析

    The Effects of Minimum Consumption Expenditure on Total Consumption in China 's Urban Households

  17. 中国改革三十年人口年龄结构变化与总消费关系研究

    Studies on Relationship between Age Structure and Household Consumption in 30-year Chinese Economic Reform

  18. 然而,实际上,他们的努力只是增加了总消费,而非净消费。

    But in fact their efforts have only increased total consumption , not net consumption .

  19. 收入再分配对我国居民总消费需求的扩张效应

    The expansion effects of income redistribution on the aggregate demand of consumption of Chinese residents

  20. 总消费需求不足是我国当前宏观经济失衡的一个痼疾。

    Insufficient total demand of consumption is a headache amid the imbalanced macro-economic situation in China .

  21. 每人6日游的总消费是1520英镑,不含小费。

    The total cost , excluding gratuity , be $ 1520.00 per person for the6-night trip .

  22. 总消费不能太高,免得招来报复,被打得血淋淋的。

    The total cost would not be so high as to call forth any bloody revenge ;

  23. 指国内生产总值与最终消费(总消费)之差。

    Gross domestic savings are calculated as GDP less final consumption expenditure ( total consumption ) .

  24. 这两个特点决定了工资的市场定价必然将工资定位在低点,从而导致总消费需求不足。

    This leads to a low price of labor with the consequence of insufficient demand on consumption .

  25. 应当通过加大社会保障支出等措施降低居民支出预期,有效拉动居民消费,或者通过政府消费水平的调整,把总消费率保持在一个适度的水平上。

    Otherwise , government consumption level should be adjusted to keep the total consumption rate at a proper level .

  26. 如今,石油进口量在美国石油总消费量中的比例已从2005年的60%下降到42%。

    US petroleum imports have fallen from 60 per cent of consumption in 2005 to 42 per cent today .

  27. 最近烟草业的一项报告显示,卷烟非法贸易占肯尼亚烟草总消费的12%。

    A recent industry report shows that illicit trade in cigarettes accounts for12 percent of the total consumption in Kenya .

  28. 中国的红酒总消费位居全球第四,仅次于法国、美国和意大利。

    Over all , China ranks fourth in red wine consumption , behind France , the United States and Italy .

  29. 本章结论为:西亚少数国家的柑橘鲜果消费量占总消费量的大多数,人口、柑橘鲜果进口量和柑橘鲜果生产量是影响柑橘鲜果消费的三个主要因素。

    The conclusions are as follows : the minority countries of West Asia share the majority of fresh citrus consumption .

  30. 从消费结构看,交通运输业和农业占柴油总消费量的80%以上;

    In a breakdown by structure , the consumption by transportation and agriculture accounts for over 80 % of the total .