
  • 网络Symonds
  1. 一种歇斯底里特征是焦虑性神经衰弱。

    A form of hysteria having features of both conversion disorder and anxiety neurosis .

  2. 睡眠倒错:白天昏昏欲睡,而夜间兴奋不眠,可见于神经衰弱、癔病、脑外伤性神经衰弱综合征和脑动脉硬化。

    Morpheuswrong : Drowsy by day , and nightly excitement not Mian , visible at neurasthenic , hysteria , head traumatic sex is neurasthenic be asked for integratedly and head arteriosclerosis .

  3. 结果表明:较高浓度NG对接触工人可产生晕厥、低血压、脑及眼底血管扩张、眼底动脉硬化、心电图异常、MHb血症及暂时性头痛等神经衰弱综合症。

    Results showed that workers exposed to higher concentrations might appear syncope , hypotension , blood vessel dilatation of brain and retinae , arteriosclerosis of retinae , abnormal ECG , methemoglobinemia and neurasthenic syndrome such as temporary headache etc.

  4. 其学术思想为临床上诊治感染性疾病、神经衰弱、抑郁症、更年期综合征、心脑血管等疾病出现精神障碍者提供新思路、新方法。

    The academic thoughts will provide new ideas as well as new approaches for the clinical diagnosis and treatments for the infectious diseases , neurasthenia , depression , menopausal syndrome , cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases supervening the mental disorders .