- 名emergency department

On necessity and methodology to improve function of hospital emergency department
The endotracheal intubation was used for serious trauma patient at emergency department
The hospital prioritized his case and organized more than 20 doctors and nurses from departments including blood transfusion , orthopedics , emergency and anesthesiology , according to Li Li , an orthopedist at the hospital .
Emergency department evaluation of ischemic stroke and TIA : The BASIC project
Control of Hospital Infection in Emergency Department During SARS Epidemic Period
Application of ABC Time Management on Teaching for Rotating Nurses in Emergency Department
Results In March 18 , a fever case was examined in emergency department of this hospita then cured for 3 days .
The impact of emergency department structure and care processes in delivering care for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes
Application Value of the Qualitative Test of Serum Cardiac Troponin I in the Diagnosis of Myocardial Infarction in Emergency Department
The analysis of the outcomes of SCL - 90 and their coping mode among emergency room nurses
According to a investigation in First Hospital of China Medical University , CO poisoning ranked the second position among poisoning diseases while its mortality ranked first position .
Thus ," the estimated prevalence of newly identified HIV infection was0.6 % , which supports continued screening in the emergency department in compliance with the CDC guidelines ," Dr.
The patients in group A were immediately given urokinase ( UK ) by intravenous drip in emergency department . The patients in group B were given UK by intravenous drip after admission to the hospital .
Objective : The purpose of this study was to gain insight into how nurses work well in emergency department ( ED ) in rescuing and nursing care of patient with Acute Coronary Syndrome ( ACS ) .
Emergency department is the main window to treat emergency severe patients , therefore , it has great value to take effective countermeasures to reduce the risk of occupational infection of HIV both for the medical staff and patients .
Results The nurses ' grade of somatization , enforcement , depression , anxiety of emergency department was higher than that of the common department , ( P < 0.05 ) .
【 Objective 】 To evaluate the application value of the qualitative test of serum cardiac troponin I ( cTnI ) in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction ( MI ) in emergency department .
It was reported that 76 multiple trauma cases had been treated for eight months . 221 regions were injured and the average injured regions were 2 . 91 ± 0 . 87 in a case .
The anxiety level of nurses in different sections varied as follows : ICU pediatric department emergency department medicine surgery gynecologic department operation room , and there were no significant difference among medicine , surgery and gynecologic department ( P0.05 ) .
Gray zone BNP levels in heart failure patients in the emergency department : Results from the Rapid Emergency Department Heart Failure Outpatient Trial ( REDHOT ) multicenter study
LSD t test showed that the mean stress score of the nurses in the emergency department and the special need ward was significantly higher than that of the nurses of the medical department .
Earlier this year , the Ontario Hospital Association ( OHA ) hosted a one-day educational forum , The Emergency Department Patient Experience : From Measurement to Outcomes .
? Methods We analyzed the relation between the injury severity score ( ISS ) and the rates and predictors of death , MOF and infection in HTS patients in the intensive care unite ( ICU ) or the emergency department ( ED ) .
Methods With SCL 90 , 74 nurses in emergency wards and 72 nurses in normal wards of 5 hospitals were investigated , then the results were comparing analysed .
Methods The level of platelet activation in 72 patients with cerebral infarction and 15 normal controls were measured by flow cytometry three-color fluorescent labe - ling PAC-1-FITC , CE 62P-PE , CD 61-PerCP and then compare the result .
At UMMC , residents may read the study , the attending radiologist will either agree or disagree with the findings , and get the results to the ED physician , Toland said .
Conclusions : Most ED intubations were performed by emergency physicians .
Study on the professional English training for nurses in emergency department
A survey of self-cognition on role of nurses in emergency department
Clinical application of managing register of first-aid medicine in emergency department