
  1. 噢,我怎么能忘了你,提姆?

    Oh , how could l forget you , Tim ?

  2. 卢克,你怎么能忘了你的泳裤?

    Luke , how could you forget your bathing suit ?

  3. 你怎么能忘了我今天要去西雅图呢?

    How could you forget that I 'm leaving for Seattle today ?

  4. 你怎么能忘了思嘉对我和艾希礼的好处呢?

    How can you forget the favors Scarlett has done me and ashley ?

  5. 你怎么能忘了我们的约会?记性可真像筛子似的!

    How could you forget our date ? You do have a memory like a sieve !

  6. 你已经把我给忘了!你怎么能把我忘了呢?

    You forgot about me ! How could you forget me ?