
xīn yáng
  • the heart-yang
心阳[xīn yáng]
  1. 结果治疗组心阳不振、心血瘀阻患者治疗前后基础心率上升差异有显著性,两组基础心率治疗后比较有明显差异;

    Results : Compared with the rate of heart before treatment , the basic heart rate of the syndrome of Insufficiency of the Heart-Yang , the syndrome of Stagnation of the Heart-Blood was remarkable fast .

  2. 心阳不振是CHF发生病理基础,瘀血、痰浊(水泛)是其病理关键。

    Heart Yang deficiency is the pathological basis , and the blood stasis and phlegm ( fluid overflowing ) are the key pathological points of CHF .

  3. 通过三种温通心阳药物(吴茱萸、附子、干姜)的水提物HPLC图谱比较我们未发现有共同的色谱峰,初步证明它们没有共同的作用物质。

    There are three " Wentongxinyang " drugs ( Evodia , aconite , ginger ) HPLC Patterns of water extracts we found no peaks in common , initially prove that they have no common substances .

  4. 冠心病心阳虚证动物模型的制作

    Research on the Animal Model of Coronary Heart Disease Due to Heart Yang Deficiency

  5. 制定心阳虚证25辨证因子量化诊断标准,通过信度、效度检验。

    Results ① We set up a diagnosis criterion of Heart-Yang deficiency , which including 25 items of TCM symptoms . Its reliability and validity were tested by standard statistic methods .

  6. 本论文从肺阳行津与心阳行血之间的相互为用关系,探讨了肺主行水与心主血脉的生理病理相关性及其临床意义。

    From the interaction between the lung yang regulating body fluid and heart yang regulating blood , this article explored the physiological and pathological relationship between lung regulating the metablism of body fluids and heart controlling blood circulation and clinical meaning .

  7. 提示,痞证是因为胃气亏虚,平素消化能力不足,又因误下、误汗,重伤胃阳,导致中焦升降气机的功能失用,心阳浮于上。

    Hint , the new card because of stomach qi deficiency , usually digestive ability is insufficient , and because of false , false , seriously injured gastric Yang , result in medium lifting qi activity of disuse , heart Yang float on .

  8. 心衰基本病机为本虚标实,以虚为本,虚实夹杂,心气心阳不足是其发病的基本病理基础,痰浊、瘀血、水饮为其基本的病理改变。

    The basic pathogenesis of heart failure based virtual real to virtual-oriented , mixed actual situation , the heart is the lack of heart yang qi basic pathological basis of their disease , phlegm , blood stasis , drinking water , its basic pathological changes .

  9. 心为阳中之阳的属性使心对寒与热的病因以及七情病因具有敏感性。

    Heart is considered as yang within yang makes heart has sensitivity to the cause of cold and heat , and the impassioned cause .

  10. 结论:参芪冠心片治疗心(阳)气虚血瘀型胸痹有显著疗效。

    Conclusion : The film treatment of coronary heart Shenqi ( Shenyang ) Qi-deficiency and blood stasis Xiongbitong a significant effect .

  11. 而肺主行水、心主行血又分别与肺阳、心阳的作用紧密相关,故心肺之阳在联结肺主行水与心主血脉的关系中起着重要的作用。

    Meanwhile lung regulating body fluids and heart regulating blood have close relationship with lung yang and heart yang respectively . So , the yang of heart and lung has important effect to relate the lung regulating body fluids and heart regulating blood .

  12. 常见鉴别诊断有肺气虚证、心肺气虚证、心血虚证、心阳虚证、心阳暴脱证、心脾两虚证、心胆气虚证;

    Lung-Qi deficiency syndrome , Heart-Lung-Qi deficiency syndrome , Heart-Blood deficiency syndrome , Heart-Yang deficiency syndrome , Heart-Yang sudden collapse syndrome , Heart-Spleen deficiency syndrome and Heart-Cholecyst deficiency syndrome are common differential diagnosis ;