Conclusion SVT was as important meaning as ventricular tachycardia for the old with myocardia ischemia . Objective To explore the significance of EKG showing supraventricular tachycardia ( SVT ) of the old caused by myocardia ischemia .
Angina is chest pain , squeezing or discomfort that occurs when the heart fails to get enough blood .
Conclusion The postoperative death is affected by relatively serious respiratory disease , myocardial ischemia , and serious renal failure .
A nuclear stress test picks up signs of inducible ischemia : deficiencies in blood flow in the heart muscle .
Patients with coronary heart disease because the motion intensity is too large to produce cardiac insufficiency lead to abnormal heart function and is reflected in the electrocardiogram .
Background : Coronary heart disease because of coronary atherosclerosis or ( and ) spasm made lumen narrow or totally occluded . It lead to myocardial ischemia or interrupt and produce a cardiomyopathy change .
Some segmental perfusion defects were also observed .
In contrast to the results obtained by way of direct blood flow determination , the early and significant intracellular acidosis indicated the insufficiency of blood and oxygen supply in myocardium .