
  • 网络psychological adaption;psychological adaptation;mental adaptation;psychological adjustment;cultural adaptation
  1. 他们进入中学这一更富于文化多样性的场景,可能面临较复杂的心理适应问题。

    Thus they may encounter more complicated problems of psychological adaptation .

  2. 外籍员工在中国的文化与心理适应研究

    The Cultural and Psychological Adaptation of Foreign Businessmen in China

  3. 目的对接受植入型心律转复除颤器(ICD)后患者心理适应不良的原因及改善方法进行分析探讨。

    Objective To analyze the causes and melioration means of postoperative psychological maladjustment in patients underwent implantable cardioverter defibrillator ( ICD ) operation .

  4. 植入型心律转复除颤器植入术后患者心理适应不良分析

    Analysis of postoperative psychological maladjustment of patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators

  5. 某野战部队官兵心理适应不良者人格特征分析

    Analysis on personality of soldiers with psychological maladjustment in a field army

  6. 制度变迁中的心理适应机制分析

    The Analysis of Psychological Adaptive Mechanism During the Process of Institutional Change

  7. 生活条件对新兵心理适应能力的影响

    Effects of living conditions on the mental adaptation ability of the recruits

  8. 老年人对退休生活的心理适应

    The elderly 's psychological adaptation to life after retirement

  9. 生活事件是制约心理适应最主要的因素之一。

    Events in life are one of the main factors restricting psychological adaptability .

  10. 大学生心理适应过程的验证

    Validation of psychological process of social adaptation in undergraduates

  11. 护士职业压力与心理适应的调查研究

    Investigation of vocational tress and psychological adaptation of nurses

  12. 中国大学生人格量表与心理适应量表对6913例新生的测试分析

    China college student personality scale and adjustment scale test for 6 913 freshmen

  13. 方法:采用问卷调查法,包括社会文化适应问卷和心理适应问卷。

    Methods : The questionnaires included sociocultural adaptation questionnaire and psychological adaptation questionnaire .

  14. 培养高职护生心理适应能力

    Culture psychological adaptive ability of vocational educated nursing students

  15. 成长的失落&关注大学新生入学心理适应

    The Lost of Growing Up & Attention to the Psychological Adaption of College Freshmen

  16. 高校研究生的心理适应及对策

    The researching on psychology adaptability of high-school postgraduate

  17. 高校新生心理适应探析

    A Survey of Psychological Adjustment of College Freshmen

  18. 心理适应的本质与机制

    The Nature and Mechanism of Mental Adaptation

  19. 高原作业人群心理适应分析

    Adaptive Psychological Reaction of Workers on Plateau

  20. 文科生心理适应能力总得分高于理工科和艺术类学生。

    The students in liberal arts have higher ability than students in science and engineering .

  21. 高职护理新生心理适应能力现状及优化对策

    The Status Quo of Mental Adaptability of Nursing Freshmen in Hygiene School and the Countermeasures

  22. 职技高师低年级学生心理适应状况的调查研究

    Investigation and study of psychological adaptability of lower grade students in Vocation Technical Teachers College

  23. 中小学生心理适应能力发展与培养途径的研究

    Study on the Approaches of Developing and Cultivating Middle School Students ' Mental Adaptation Abilities

  24. 论心理适应与运动成绩

    On Psychological Adaptation and Sports Achievements

  25. 浅谈大学新生的心理适应

    On Psychological Adjustment of College Fresher

  26. 29~34分,心理适应能力良好;

    29 to 34 as better ;

  27. 5分以下,心理适应能力很差。

    Less than 5 as worse .

  28. 大学新生的心理适应问题探讨

    Study on Freshman 's Psychological Adaptation

  29. 高师新生心理适应方面主要存在以下问题:1。

    The problems of the psychological adaptation of the freshmen in normal college are : 1 .

  30. 17~28分,心理适应能力一般;

    17 to 28 as common ;