
  • 网络psychometrics;psychometric;psychological testing
  1. 本研究编制的《教师职业认同量表》具有良好的信效度,符合心理测量学的要求,适合作为中小学教师职业认同的测量工具。

    The " Teachers ' professional identity Scale " formulated in this study is of fine reliability and validity ; it meets the demand of psychometrics and is applicable to the measurement of the teachers ' professional identity of primary school and middle school teachers . 3 .

  2. 研究目的:从心理测量学的角度对SCL-90量表的品质及其在我国心理健康测量中的应用进行系统的评价。

    Research Purpose : To evaluate the quality of the scl-90 and application in mental health measurement in our country synthetically from the angle of the psychometrics .

  3. 计算机自适应测试(简称CAT)是现代教育与心理测量学理论和计算机技术充分结合的产物。

    Computerized Adaptive Testing is the fully integrated product of modern educational and psychological measurement theory and computer technology .

  4. 背景与目的:我们已经开发了癌症患者生命质量测定量表体系共性模块(qualityoflifeinstrumentsforcancerpatients-generalmodule,QLICP-GM),但其心理测量学特性有待考评。

    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE : The general module of the system of quality of life instruments for cancer patients ( QLICP-GM ) has been developed by us , but its psychologic properties need to be evaluated .

  5. 本研究所修改的CRM训练效果评估问卷具有良好的信度和效度,符合心理测量学标准,能够作为评估CRM训练效果的工具。

    The CRM training effect change assessment questionnaires amended in this paper have good reliability and validity , and are in line with psychometric standards and can be used as tools to assess the effects of CRM training . 3 .

  6. 结果表明:MPAM-R中文版具有良好的信度和效度,符合心理测量学的要求,在我国也是一个较好的锻炼动机测量工具。

    The result showed that MPAM-R of Chinese version had a reliable and valid measurement for assessing exercise motivation .

  7. 目的:翻译并修订社会交往焦虑量表(SIAS)和社交恐惧量表(SPS),并考察其心理测量学特征。

    Objective : To revise the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale ( SIAS ) and Social Phobia Scale ( SPS ), which are self-related social anxiety measurements developed by Mattick and his colleagues .

  8. 目的:制订皮亚杰认知发展量表(IPDT)的中国城市常模,并对其心理测量学的指标进行进一步的检验。

    Objective : To establish the norm of Inventory of Piaget 's Developmental Task ( IPDT ) for the cities of China .

  9. 结论:POMS-SF在癌症病人使用中的区分度、信度和效度指标都达到了心理测量学的要求,适合于临床上癌症病人情绪状况的测查。

    Conclusion : The discrimination , reliability and validity of the POMS-SF are satisfactory when applied to Chinese cancer patients .

  10. 结果:项目分析之后的15题PSPS的各项指标符合心理测量学要求(克伦巴赫α系数分别为0.742、0.705和0.681)。

    Results : All psychometric indices of the revised PSPS were satisfactory ( the Cronbach α index for the three subscales were 0.742 , 0.705 and 0.681 ) .

  11. 目的分析0-3岁脑性瘫痪儿童精细运动功能评估量表(FMFM)的信度、效度和反应度等心理测量学特性。

    Objective To analyze the psychometric properties of the Fine Motor Function Measure Scale ( FMFM ) with cerebral palsied children less than 3 years old .

  12. 条目总体质量合乎心理测量学要求;

    The quality of the items meets the need of psychometrics .

  13. 结论:量表编制符合心理测量学要求,具有良好的信度和效度。

    Conclusion : RSSA has acceptable psychometrics properties on reliability and validity .

  14. 心理测量学是应用心理学中一门重要的方法学。

    Psychological measurement is an important methodology of the application of psychology .

  15. 目的对大学生宿舍人际关系质量调查问卷进行心理测量学的分析。

    Objective To test the questionnaire survey of college students dormitory interpersonal quality .

  16. 象征性游戏测试的心理测量学特性研究

    Study of psychometric character of symbolic play test

  17. 信效度检验结果基本符合心理测量学要求;

    The reliability and validity of this test was up to the criteria of psychometrology ;

  18. 结论:所制定的量表达到了心理测量学要求。

    Conclusion : The results of researchs of the VII met the demands of psychometrics .

  19. 结果显示自编量表的各项信效度指标均达到了心理测量学的标准。

    The results show the reliability and validity scale indicators have reached the psychometric standards .

  20. 心理测量学的分析结果显示:六个次因子累计贡献率为57.537%。

    Psychometric analysis results : factor of six times the cumulative contribution rate of 57.537 % .

  21. 其信效度均达到心理测量学的要求,可以作为研究我国矿工沉默行为的一个有效测量工具。

    It is an effective measurement tool , as its reliability and validity reached the psychometric demands .

  22. 基于这一界定,根据心理测量学的原则,编制出严格科学的测量工具。

    Based on this definition , strict and scientific measure scale should be designed according to psychometrics .

  23. 方法随机选取贵州省一~六年级的小学生2862名为研究对象,按照心理测量学要求进行团体测试。

    Methods With Heidelberg Mathematics Test , 2 862 students from grade 1 to 6 were measured .

  24. 整个问卷具有较高的稳定性,测量误差小,达到了心理测量学的基本要求;

    The questionnaire has higher stability and less error , and reaches the basic requirement of psychometrics .

  25. 贝克焦虑量表的心理测量学特性、常模分数及因子结构的研究

    A Study of Psychometric Properties , Normative Scores and Factor Structure of Beck Anxiety Inventory Chinese Version

  26. 该量表的信度和效度均较好,达到了心理测量学的要求,适合中国儿童使用。

    The reliability and validity of this scale are good enough for meeting psychometric standard . 2 .

  27. 问卷的内部一致性系数为0.912,重测信度为0.863。构想效度也达到了心理测量学的要求。

    The reliability of the questionnaire is 0.912 and the retest reliability is 0.863.The construct validity is acceptable .

  28. 在结构主义语言学遭受社会语言学的挑战时,测试也从心理测量学结构主义语言测试学向心理语言学社会语言学测试转变。

    When structuralism was challenged by sociolinguistics , language test was transformed from psychometrics-structuralist testing to psycholinguistic-sociolinguistic testing .

  29. 用样本1对有关的测量工具进行结构效度检验,根据检验结果对一些量表进行修订,使其达到心理测量学要求。

    Using the sample 1 to test the validity and reliability of the instruments for reaching psychometric requirement .

  30. 结果表明,煤矿技术人员职业停滞量表的信效度均达到了心理测量学标准。

    The results indicate that the validity and reliability of the table both fulfill the standard of psychological measurement .