
  • 网络Arrhythmia
  1. 检测ECG心率不齐的一种方法

    Method for detecting ECG arrhythmia

  2. 严重心率不齐或脉搏极为微弱者不适用本系列产品。

    The monitor is not indicated to patients with severe arrhythmia or extremely weak pulse .

  3. ECG心率不齐是通过与正常心脏跳动频率不同来区分,但这种方法并不是理想。

    Usually , the frequency of heartbeat can be used to discriminate different kinds of arrhythmia from a normal cardiac rhythm , but the result is not satisfying .

  4. 实验采用了多种类型的临床数据来验证本文方法,包括从医院临床采集和MIT心电数据库选择的正常、持续性房颤和连续室性早搏性心率不齐的单导体表心电图。

    Different kinds of actual ECG data was used in the experiment to validate this method , including one-lead ECGs of normal , AF and continuous ventricular arrhythmia which collected by local hospital and MIT database .

  5. 对于SD发生的直接诱因室性心率不齐、室性心动过速和心室性颤动的其中一个解释是相邻心肌细胞复极化时间的延长和离散度的增加。

    One recent explanation for the development of life threatening ventricular arrhythmias , ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation , the immediate causes of SD in patients with structural heart diseases , is based on prolongation and dispersion of repolarization between neighboring regions of the myocardium .

  6. 反式脂肪还会增加罹患动脉炎症的风险以及引发心率不齐的可能。

    Trans fats also increase the risk of arterial inflammation and the development of an irregular heartbeat .

  7. 心脏病所包含的严重问题有心力衰竭和危及生命的心率不齐(心跳不规则)。

    Severe problems linked to heart attack can include heart failure and life-threatening arrhythmias ( irregular heartbeats ) .

  8. 风湿性心脏病的症状包括:气短、易疲劳、心率不齐、胸痛和眩晕。

    Symptoms of rheumatic heart disease include : shortness of breath , fatigue , irregular heart beats , chest pain and fainting .

  9. 人们往往是有同情心的,但是,你犹如曾经给他们讲过,你患有一种社会病,现在你开始感到心率不齐啦。

    People tend to be sympathetic , but you start to feel bad vibrations , as if you 've just told them you have a social disease .

  10. 结果提示:无线寻呼台电脑操作人员长期接触低强度微波,可导致机体植物神经功能紊乱,从而出现窦性心率不齐的改变。

    It suggested that computer operators exposed to microwave of lower intensity in the radio calling signal station might lead to sinus arrhythmia , due to the disorder of vegetative nerve system .

  11. 可能产生的影响从轻微改变心跳率到增加不正常心脏节率(心率不齐)的危险,这可能对生命有威胁(例如心室纤维颤动)。

    Possible effects range from minor changes in heartbeat to an increase in the risk of abnormal heart rhythms ( arrhythmia ) that might be life-threatening ( such as ventricular fibrillation ) .

  12. 80岁以上的人有10%会患上导致心率不齐或心跳过速的疾病,从70岁开始锻炼的人患上这种病的几率更低。

    People who start exercising at the age of 70 are less likely to go on to develop a condition that leads to irregular or racing heart rates in 10 per cent of people aged over 80 .

  13. 结果:96例受检者除10例因为不能保持屏气、心率过快或不齐以及可能的冠状动脉病变外,其余86均完成检查;

    RESULTS : 86 subjects completed the examinations and 10 failed for poor breath-hold , hyper-arrhythmia , arrhythmia or probable coronary stenosis .