
  • 网络microbial organic fertilizer
  1. 微生物有机肥对豫南烤烟大田生长发育的影响

    Effects of the Microbial Organic Fertilizer on the Flue-cured Tobacco Growth and Development in Southern Henan

  2. DGGE图谱结果表明,随着微生物有机肥施用量的增加,三种土壤中真菌多样性均有降低的趋势,中等有机质含量土壤的土壤真菌多样性明显高于高有机质土壤和低有机质土壤。

    PCR-DGGE analysis showed that application of BIO decreased fungal bands when BIO application rates were increased . Fungal diversity of the soil with middle level of organic matter was higher than that of the soil with high or low organic matter .

  3. 利用黄姜废渣制备微生物有机肥的研究

    Study on microbial organic fertilize made of diosgenin solid fertilize

  4. 根际施用微生物有机肥防治连作西瓜枯萎病研究

    Control of Fusarium wilt of watermelon by nursery application of bio-organic fertilizer

  5. 不同微生物有机肥对草莓生长影响的研究

    Study on the Influences of Strawberry Growth Treated by Different Microbe Organic Fertilizers

  6. 利用污水处理厂污泥制作微生物有机肥的方案设计

    On the project of microbial organic fertilizers made of the sludge from the sewage plant

  7. 在发生黄瓜连作障碍的土壤上施用含有特殊拮抗菌株的微生物有机肥后,可以缓解病原菌对植株水分生理代谢的影响。

    The application of microbial organic fertilizers in continuous cropping soil could alleviate the effects of pathogeny on plant water absorption and transportation . 2 .

  8. 研究结果如下:1、采用盆栽试验的方法,对黄瓜植株感染病原菌后不同发病级别的黄瓜叶片水分生理指标变化以及连作土壤上施用有机肥与微生物有机肥后对上述指标的影响进行了研究。

    Pot experiments were conducted to study the water relations of cucumber leaves in different pathological grade plants , and to study the effects of organic and microbial organic fertilizers on water relations .

  9. 污水微生物有机肥施于土壤7天后,土壤中固氮菌数量增加3.7倍,磷细菌数量增加12.5%,钾细菌数量增加38.5%。

    The solution of microbial fertilizer ( SOMF ) for piggery wastewater fertilizer fermentation increased nitrogen fixing bacteria 3.7 times , phosphate solubilizing bacteria 12.5 % and silicate bacteria 38.5 % in soils after application 7 days .

  10. 土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶活性随着微生物有机肥施用量增加而增加,蛋白酶和过氧化氢酶活性变化不明显,而多酚氧化酶活性出现先增加后降低的趋势。

    Soil urease and invertase activity were increased with the increase of BIO application rates , but no significant changes were found in terms of protease and catalase activity ; polyphenol oxidase activity was increased at the beginning then decreased with the increase of BIO application rates .

  11. 微生物有机复合肥对棉花的增产效应

    Effect of Micro organic Complex Fertilizer on the Yield of Cotton

  12. 微生物发酵有机肥对土壤腐殖酸及酶活性的影响

    Effects of Microbial Fermentation of Organic Manure on Soil Humic Acid and Enzyme Activity

  13. 微生物有机复合肥对油菜和小麦产量的影响

    Effect of Micro organic Complex Fertilizer on the Yield of Wheat and Rapeseed in Anhui

  14. 为考察有机肥品质的客观指标和应用微生物调控有机肥对植物有正、负面影响的低分子有机物种类和含量提供基础资料。

    This study had supplied the basic materials for the judgement of quality of organic fertilizers .

  15. 畜禽粪便快速微生物发酵生产有机肥的研究

    Study on Production of Organic Fertilizer by Quick-acting Fermentation of Animal Manure Utilizing Microorganism

  16. 有机废弃物微生物发酵生产生物有机肥技术

    Technique on Bio-organic Fertil-izers Produced by Microorganism Fermentation of Organic Wastes

  17. 有效微生物群在秸秆有机肥上的应用研究

    Study on EM Application in Stalk Organic Manure

  18. 成穗率以微生物活性肥+有机肥+化肥的处理最高。

    Maximum effective tiller rate is treatment 6 ( microbes activity fertilizer + organic fertilizer + fertilizer ) .

  19. 于日光温室条件下,研究了复合微生物制剂和活性有机肥对重茬草莓植株生长及品质的影响。

    The test is on the study of what the compound microbiological preparation and active organic fertilizer on the growth and quality of the replanted strawberry in greenhouse conditions .

  20. 在齐穗期以施用微生物活性肥+有机肥+化肥的根系伤流量最大,且根系伤流强度与水稻产量呈显著正相关。

    The root activity of treatment 6 is the highest on heading stage of rice , and root system flux activity is high significant positive correlation with grain yield .

  21. 土壤中的速效养分,施用化肥的处理土壤速效养分有增高的趋势,而施用有机肥的各处理及微生物活性肥+有机肥+化肥的土壤速效养分有降低的趋势。

    The effective nitrate of soil of using fertilizer is increased , but the effective nitrate of soils of using organic fertilizers and treatment 6 ( microbes activity fertilizer + organic fertilizer + fertilizer ) are decreased .

  22. 培肥能增加土壤细菌和放线菌的数量、土壤呼吸强度和微生物量碳,降低真菌数量和微生物代谢熵,有机肥组效果优于无机肥。

    Fertilizers can increase the number of bacteria and actinomyces , the soil respiratory intensity , soil microbial biomass carbon , decrease the number of fungi and microbial metabolic quotient , especially of the organic manures .

  23. 猪场粪污接种发酵可以增大目标微生物数量,经过微生物肥料菌株发酵的猪场污泥微生物有机肥施于土壤7天后,土壤中固氮菌数量增加10倍,钾细菌数量增加7.6倍;

    Inoculation and fermentation increased effective number of microbes in piggery wastewater . The sediment of microbial fertilizer ( SEMF ) for piggery wastewater microbial fermentation increased nitrogen fixing bacteria 10 times , silicate bacteria 7.6 times in soils after application 7 days .

  24. 生物有机肥是一类通过特定功能微生物酵解有机废弃物制作而成的兼具微生物肥料和有机肥效应的肥料,在实践应用中有一定的改土促产提升品质的作用。

    Bio-organic fertilizer is a kind of fertilizer made by organic residue which is fermented by microorganism with specific function , it has the same function of microbial fertilizer and organic fertilizer . Bio-organic fertilizer produces good effects to improving quality of soil and crop and increasing yield .