
  • 网络microwave ferrites
  1. 介绍了一种测量微波铁氧体材料自旋波线宽△HK的方法,它是用连续微波信号进行测量的。

    A method for measuring the spin-wave linewidth ⊿ H_k of microwave ferrites is presented . The continuous microwave signal is used in the measurements .

  2. 在闭锁式器件的应用中对微波铁氧体材料提出了有较好的温度稳定性和磁滞性能的要求。

    Applications in the latching devices require the microwave ferrites with better temperature stability and hysteresis properties .

  3. 实现了一种新型的基于硅IC工艺的微波铁氧体集成薄膜变压器。

    A novel microwave ferrite thin-film transformer based on Si IC technology was presented .

  4. 微波铁氧体有效线宽△H(eff)的测量

    Measurement of the effective line-width △ h_ ( eff ) of microwaves ferrites

  5. 本文从提高微波铁氧体调制器的载波抑制度P(?)出发,从信息空间到信号空间的一般映射过程中找出载波能量最大限度转移到边带的条件。

    In order to improve the carrier suppression factors Psup of the microwave ferrite modulator , the condition for maximum energy translation from the carrier to the sideband has been found through a mapping process by which a message space is mapped onto a signal space .

  6. 对钛置换锂铁氧体进行了理论计算,在此基础上通过控制Fe含量,添加Ca、V离子及高压氧气退火等工艺,制备出了性能优良的微波铁氧体材料。

    In this paper the temperature dependent of saturation magnetization of titanium-substituted lithium ferrites has been theoretically calculated , then microwave ferrite materials with excellent performance have been made through controlling Fe content , adding Ca and V , and annealing in high-pressure oxygen .

  7. 微波铁氧体0-π调制器最佳载波抑制度的研究

    A Study on Optimum Carrier Suppression of the Microwave Ferrite Modulator

  8. 微波铁氧体吸收剂复磁导率和复介电常数的温度特性研究

    Temprature Character of Complex Permeability and Permittivity of Microwave Ferrite Absorbent

  9. 相控阵雷达中的多晶微波铁氧体材料及器件

    Polycrystalline Microwave Ferrite Materials and Devices Used in Phased Array Radar

  10. 微波铁氧体器件批生产中几个问题的讨论

    Discussion on Some Problems of Microwave Ferrite Device in Batch Production

  11. 磁性材料和器件新应用的探讨:微波铁氧体组件

    New Applications of Magnetic Materials and Devices : Microwave Ferrite Group-Devices

  12. Li-Cu-Zr系微波铁氧体的磁性和铁磁共振的研究

    Li Cu Zr System Ferrites with Magnetion and Ferromagnetic Resonance

  13. 热压细晶高功率微波铁氧体

    Fine Grain High Power Microwave Ferrite Prepared by Hot pressing

  14. 介质加载对微波铁氧体器件性能的影响

    Effects of the loading dielectric on the properties of microwave ferrite devices

  15. 微波铁氧体双模新器件的推广及应用

    Application and Promotion of Microwave Ferrite Dual Mode New Devices

  16. 低磁矩大功率微波铁氧体材料高频软磁特性研究

    Research on high-frequency soft-magnet properties of low magnetic moment high power microwave ferrite

  17. 微波铁氧体器件失效率模型的探讨

    Research on Failure Rate Model of Microwave Ferrite Devices

  18. 微波铁氧体微带隔离器的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis on microwave ferrite microstrip isolator s

  19. 微波铁氧体的表面阻抗和传输阻抗

    Surface impedance and transmission impedance of microwave ferrite

  20. 两种微波铁氧体粘接材料的导热分析与比较

    Analysis on Heat Conductivity and Comparison of Two Adhesive Materials for Microwave Ferrite Devices

  21. 微波铁氧体张量磁导率的统计理论

    Statistical Theory on Tensor Permeability of Microwave Ferrite

  22. 电控式微波铁氧体组件的开关参数

    Switch Parameters of Electrically Controlled Microwave Ferrite Modules

  23. 微波铁氧体吸收剂复介电常数的研究

    Study of Complex Permittivity of Microwave Ferrite Absorbent

  24. 微波铁氧体损耗的晶粒表层自旋波共振模型

    A model of microwave loss due to spin wave resonance in grain surface layers

  25. 微波铁氧体环行器是雷达和微波系统中一个重要的非互易部件。

    The microwave ferrite circulator is an important non-reciprocal component for radar and microwave system .

  26. 微波铁氧体材料的晶粒细化

    Fining Grain of Microwave Ferrite Materials

  27. 本文全面、系统地叙述了各类微波铁氧体新器件的原理和性能。

    This paper describes the operation principle and performance of various new ferrite de - vices .

  28. 六角晶系微波铁氧体材料;

    Hexagonal system microwave ferrite materials ;

  29. 宽频带微波铁氧体双模变极化器

    Wideband Microwave Ferrite Dual-Model Variable Polarizer

  30. 小型微波铁氧体锁式变极化器

    Miniaturized Microwave Ferrite latching polarizers