  • form;shape;body;entity
  • appear;look;compare;contrast
  • 实体:~仪(体态仪表)。~体。~貌。~容。~骸。~单影只。~影相吊。

  • 样子:~状。~式。~态。~迹。地~。情~。

  • 表现:~诸笔墨。喜~于色。

  • 对照,比较:相~见绌。

  • 状况,地势:~势。

  • 古同“型”,模子。

  • 古同“刑”,刑罚。


(形状) form; shape:

  • 不成形

    shapeless; formless;

  • 方形


  • 三角形

    triangle; triangular shape;

  • 外形

    appearance; external [outer] form


(形体) body; entity:

  • 无形


  • 有形



(显露; 表现) appear; look:

  • 喜形于色

    look very pleased; beam with undisguised happiness


(对照) compare; contrast:

  • 相形之下

    by comparison; by contrast

  1. 蜗牛壳呈螺旋形。

    A snail 's shell is spiral in form .

  2. 基于MATLAB的弧面分度凸轮的截面齿形分析

    Using MATLAB to analyse the sectional tooth form of globoidal indexing cam

  3. 她给我们看了一个奇怪的玩意儿,样子像碟形卫星信号接收器。

    She showed us a strange contraption that looked like a satellite dish .

  4. 雄鸟的头形有点特别。

    The male bird has a differently shaped head .

  5. 他话不多,很幽默,却又不形于色,让人很愉快。

    He was a man of few words with a delightful dry sense of humour .

  6. 她对口形假唱一首披头士乐队的歌曲。

    She lip-synced to a Beatles song .

  7. 他佩戴标示级别的肩章,上面有中士的V形标志。

    He wore shoulderstrap rank slides with sergeant 's chevrons .

  8. 他们每杀一个人就在枪托上刻下一个V形记号。

    They cut notches in the handle of their pistol for each man they shot .

  9. V形或箭头路标表示有向左或向右的急转弯。

    The chevron or arrow road sign indicates a sharp bend to the left or right .

  10. 有人忘了带把麦克风固定在支架上的U形螺栓。

    Somebody forgot to bring along the U-bolts to clamp the microphones to the pole .

  11. 用玫瑰花形的掼奶油和新鲜的水果作配菜点缀盘子。

    Garnish the plate with whipped cream rosettes and fresh fruits .

  12. 她戴着一副蝶形眼镜,顶着一头蜂窝式发型。

    She wore butterfly glasses and had a beehive hairdo .

  13. 选花不仅要观其形还要闻其香。

    Flowers are chosen for their scent as well as their look .

  14. 这些盒子上饰有波浪形的金边。

    The boxes were decorated with a wavy gold line .

  15. 有一扇饰有家族盾形纹章的彩色玻璃窗。

    There was a stained-glass window with the family coat of arms .

  16. 编码信号由碟形卫星天线接收。

    The coded signal is received by satellite dish aerials .

  17. 白色的大理石地板镶嵌在铜质的放射形图案中。

    The white marble floors were inlaid in a radial pattern of brass .

  18. 性格和外表是分不开的,而且观其形知其性。

    Character is not separable from physical form but is governed by it .

  19. 一位徒步者从一块80英尺高的尖锥形岩石上摔了下来。

    A walker fell 80ft from a rocky pinnacle .

  20. 我醒来时,有个巨形身影正低头盯着我看。

    When I woke up there was a hulking figure staring down at me

  21. 花蕾呈圆锥形或金字塔形。

    The buds are conical or pyramidal in shape

  22. 蜂蜜从鼓形圆桶底部的一个旋塞流出来。

    The honey runs out of a tap at the bottom of the drum .

  23. 尽管我们生活在一起,但却形同路人。

    Even though we 're living together we walk around in this cocoon of silence

  24. 意大利李形番茄味道很重,最适合烹饪。

    Italian plum tomatoes have a full flavour , and are best for cooking .

  25. 新月形标志在清真寺顶端闪闪发光。

    A glittering Islamic crescent tops the mosque .

  26. 将纤维卷绕成螺旋形。

    Coil the fibre into a helix .

  27. 他们已经在英国各地的花式骑术比赛中赢得了100多枚玫瑰花形奖章。

    They have won over 100 rosettes together in dressage competitions up and down Britain .

  28. 玛丽姨妈总是穿一些没款没形的黑色裙子。

    Aunt Mary wore shapeless black dresses .

  29. 她设计了一个巨大的旭日东升形窗户。

    She designed a huge sunburst window .

  30. 床单有漂亮的方格形、条纹、斜纹和三角形图案。

    The bed linen is patterned in stylish checks , stripes , diagonals and triangles .