
xíng xīn
  • centroid;center of figure;poid;centre of figure;centre of form
形心 [xíng xīn]
  • [center of figure] 平面图形的面积中心或立体图形的体积中心

形心[xíng xīn]
  1. 根据基于B样条封闭曲线面积与形心公式,准确计算出图像的目标面积与形心;

    Two formulas for the area and centroid computation of a B-spline based closed curve are applied to compute the image target ′ s area and centroid exactly .

  2. 对保留的前景目标求取最小外接矩,形心,面积等特征并利用kalman滤波器建立预估计模型,使特征和搜索框达到最优值。

    Second extract the minimum enclosing rectangle , centroid , area and other features and then estimate these use kalman filter , so that the features and search box could be optimum value .

  3. 基于Visualc++6.0的运动目标形心捕获

    The Poid Capture of Moving Object Based on Visual C + + 6.0

  4. 形心计算法还可以广泛应用于各种CCD测量仪器,从而根本上改善这类仪器的性能。

    The method described may be widely used in all kinds of CCD measuring apparatus to improve their performances .

  5. 本文详细介绍了在视频图像的基础上用Visualc++6.0实现运动目标形心捕获的具体程序,从而可以实现运动目标的位置检测。

    This paper introduces a detail programme that can realize the poid capture of moving object using Visual C + + 6.0 based on video image , then can realize the position measure of moving object .

  6. 介绍了在AutoCAD中计算平面图形形心、惯性矩、惯性积等几何量的方法与技巧。

    A novel method and some tips were proposed to calculate the ichnography geometry quality such as center of shape , moments of inertia , product of inertia , and so on in AutoCAD .

  7. 得到检测单元板中的每个LED灯形心坐标后,使用扫描线种子填充算法采集该灯点连通域内的灰度值并求取平均后作为该灯点的灰度值。

    After positioning the lamps coordinates of testing unit board , we use the Scan Line Seed Fill Algorithm to collect the gray value of the connected domain of each light , and calculate the average of that as the light grey value .

  8. 本文提出了CCD太阳角计的形心计算法,按这一方法制成的二轴细分型CCD太阳角计的精度比用传统方法在相同条件下制成的太阳角计的精度高几十倍。

    A centroid algorithm method is presented in this paper . A two-dimensional fracture pixel CCD sun sensor is developed based on the method , which has the precision several-ten times as high as that based on the traditional methods .

  9. PIV算法采用快速傅立叶互相关分析法,而PTV算法需要获得每幅图像中每个气泡的形心,根据连续图像中的粒子对,计算速度。

    PIV method uses Fast Fourier cross correlation , PTV method needs the center of every air bubble image , finds bubble pairs and then calculates velocity .

  10. 最后利用模糊C-均值(FCM)聚类得到目标的形心,对人体目标进行匹配、跟踪并计数,实时给出越过计数线的人数。

    Finally , the centroid of the target is found by Fuzzy C-means clustering for target matching , tracking and counting . Then we can get the number of passengers walking across the counting line in real time .

  11. 该算法应用中心起源的形心搜索、用改进的Sobel算子进行的放射形边界探测和依据相邻离心距差进行的边界点修正。

    A central originated shape center search , a radial boundary detection with Improved Sobel Calculator and a correction using neighborhood distance difference from the shape center are used in algorithm .

  12. 自然坐标系中的等腰直角三角形母元被均匀划分为N2个等腰直角子三角形,根据映射到屏幕上的子三角形形心处的温度计算颜色,然后进行填充。

    After an isosceles right triangular parent element in rectangular coordinate system is subdivided into N 2 sub-triangles , the mapping sub-triangles on the screen are filled with colors calculated according to the central temperatures of them .

  13. 选取实际红外目标,依据图像预处理后的图像,提取对应目标的递归标记,作为BP网络的输入样本,目标的形心为输出样本构建BP神经网络。

    By selecting the actual infrared target , the recursion marking is assigned to the corresponding target based on image made of segmentation pretreatment . Based on the recursion marking as input sample and the centroid of the target for output , the BP neural network is constructed .

  14. 双模型Kalman算法的仿真结果同理论相吻合,对目标形心位置的预测精度较高。最后综合以上两部分算法,构建了跟踪系统运行流程,编写了跟踪软件。

    The simulation results of two-model Kalman algorithm consistent with the theory , and can forecast the position with high precision . Finally , the two categories of algorithm are integrated , the system operation processes is constructed , and the tracking software is developed .

  15. 针对高速PAT角度偏差检测的需要,设计了一种基于二元光学器件(BOE)的新型角度探测装置,并给出用于此装置的改进光斑形心算法。

    To satisfy the need of high speed PAT angular error detection devices , a new detection device based on binary optics element ( BOE ) and an improved facular centroid algorithm adopted in this device are presented .

  16. 本文利用基础JCCAD软件承台桩设计参数的修改,解决补桩后上部结构形心与桩基形心不重合时桩基承台的计算问题。

    In this paper , based JCCAD software design parameters of pile caps changes , After the upper structure to solve piling centroid centroid do not coincide with the pile when the pile cap computation .

  17. 分析了Prieto等人采用的逐步缩小窗口尺寸的探测方法,并根据哈特曼波前传感器探测人眼波像差的光斑特点,采用模板匹配法选取光斑窗口的形心探测方法。

    The influence of window selection on centroid detection error is great . The Prieto 's method of progressively reducing window size is analysed , and the template matching method is adopted according to the feature of the light spots of Hartmann sensor .

  18. 电视跟踪器中形心处理器的设计与实施

    Design and Implement of Shape Center Processor Used in a TV Tracker

  19. 基于零件形心的数控火焰切割路径的规划

    The road planing for NC flame cutting based on centroid of parts

  20. 测量仪器所采用的形心不变原理,介绍了测量电路的设计方法。

    The principle of unchanged centroid is used for the measuring parallel .

  21. 红外成像波门形心跟踪算法的误差分析

    Error analysis for gate centroid tracking algorithm of infrared imaging

  22. 电视形心跟踪技术在260激光电视电影经纬仪上的成功应用

    Applying TV centroid tracking technique to 260 laser TV cinetheodolite

  23. 对于形心分析和算例,方便大家学习和使用。

    For example centroid analysis and to facilitate them to learn and use .

  24. 目标光学图像特征调制对形心跟踪干扰的可行性研究

    Research on Effect of the Optical Imagery Modulation of Targets on Centroid Track

  25. 一种基于形心的机构轨迹间接综合方法

    A Centroid-Based Method of Planar Mechanism Path Indirect Synthesis

  26. 开口薄壁杆件单元刚度矩阵在形心坐标系下的表达形式

    An Element Stiffness Matrix of Thin-walled Open Cross Section Bar in the Centroid Coordinates

  27. 基于零件形心坐标的机械产品装配设计

    Mechanical Assembly Design Based on Part Centroid Coordinate

  28. 非编码标志点的几何形心提取的研究

    Research of center extraction of non-coded mark point

  29. 系统标定采用一种基于区域生长法的曲面拟合的自标定方法,目标跟踪采用窗口形心跟踪算法。

    Put forward a automatic calibration method based on region growing and surface fitting .

  30. 形心和匹配跟踪算法的改进

    An Improvement for Centroid and Matching Tracking Algorithms