
  • 网络formal logic
  1. 其中的形式逻辑学是逻辑学的基础,它主要研究思维的结构。

    Formal logic is the basis of logic , which mainly studies the structure of thinking .

  2. 心理学研究感性认识形式,逻辑学研究理性认识形式。二者密切相关但却长期分离。

    Psychology , which studies perceptual knowledge , and logic , which focuses on rational knowledge , are two closely related but long separated subjects .

  3. 中国古代也有关于逻辑的理论,但其系统性及其表现形式并不与西方逻辑学完全一致。

    In ancient China , there is also theory about logic which is not identical with western philosophy of logic in the respects of systematicness and manifestation .

  4. 而由哲学则发展起了抽象形式。最终,古代希腊的逻辑言说在其形式逻辑学这里确立了基本的范式。

    The development of the ancient Greek logic ideas is based on the rhetoric , geometry and philosophy .