
  1. 张岱的《四书》学与史学

    Zhang Dai 's Study of the Four Books and His Historiography

  2. 张岱传记文学创作初探

    Initial Probing into the Creation of ZHANG Dai 's Biography

  3. 论三不朽说对张岱及其史著的影响

    Impact of Ideology of Three Eternities on Zhang Dai His Historical Books

  4. 张岱的文学主张浅探

    A Sketchy Probe into Zhang Dai 's Literary Proposition

  5. 张岱与戏曲艺术述论

    Zhang Dai and His Reviews of Theatrical Art

  6. 张岱的艺术范畴论

    On Zhang Dai 's Artistic Category Theory

  7. 张岱与休闲文化

    Zhang Dai and Leisure Culture

  8. 张岱是明清之际的一位文学家、史学家、思想家。

    Zhang Dai was a literature , historian and ideologist in turn from Ming to Qing Dynasty .

  9. 张岱的人物传记呈现写意倾向,对现当代散文影响深远。

    Zhang Dai 's biography showed " freehand brushwork ", which has the far-reaching influence on modern and contemporary essay .

  10. 张岱的行为操守及著史原则也是对“三不朽”精神的继承和展现。

    Zhang 's moral principles and his historical books were both perfect manifestation of the ideology of " three eternities " .

  11. 张岱的情感观,是对中国传统文化语境中重视个体情感品质构建的继承。

    His view toward emotion is inherited from emphasis on the construction of individual feelings under the Chinese context of traditional culture .

  12. 对市井风情的描摹、通俗艺术的关注、诙谐幽默的散文风格显示了张岱的市井情结;

    Description of popular life , paying attention to popular art and humor style of essay showed ZhangDai 's philistine temperament and interest .

  13. 明清之际私家撰史的历史意义&以张岱及其史著为中心

    Historical Significance of History Compiled Privately at the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties & With Zhang Dai and His Historical Books in Focus

  14. 第二章论述了张岱的著述及其诗歌理论主张两个方面,其中对史学、文学等方面的主要著述都有简单的介绍。

    Zhang Dai chapter discusses the theory of literature and poetry that the two aspects , in which history , literature and other writings are the main brief .

  15. 张岱作为晚明文学中独特的作家之一,通过对他的研究能够更好的把握晚明文学整体。

    As one of the unique writers in late Ming dynasty , through his research , we can better grasp of the late Ming dynasty literature in the whole .

  16. 第五章重点论述张岱诗歌的时代品格,包括市民观念与人文意识的诗意体现、张岱诗歌的雅与俗两个方面。

    Chapter V focuses on the character of Zhang Dai era poetry , including members of the public awareness of the concept of the poetic and humanistic expression of the Ya Zhang Dai poetry and vulgar aspects .

  17. 本文还以个案研究作为研究的基础,对陶渊明、林逋、张岱等具有代表性的山居隐逸人物以及典型的山居隐逸文化行为和现象等,进行了多方面的考察和研究。

    On the basis of case study , the author makes a wide range of research on mountain hermit character Tao , Lin Bu , Zhang Dai and typical mountain seclusion cultural behavior and phenomena from the multi-angle .

  18. 研究的意义在于突破以往对张岱诗歌研究的局限或不足,从新的角度重新审视张岱其文、其人,力争更全面、更客观地评述张岱及其诗歌创作。

    The research significance lay in the breakthrough formerly to the poetry research limitation or insufficient , carefully examined its article , its person from the new angle to argue vigorously is more comprehensive , objectively the narration and the poetry creation .