
  • 网络Frederick;Frederic;Frederik;Friedrich;Fredericton
  1. 弗雷德里克,你一定得去看医生。

    You must see a doctor , Frederick

  2. 他们交谈了几分钟,弗雷德里克偶尔笑一笑并用力点头。

    They talked for several minutes , frederick smiling broadly and nodding his head vigorously every so often .

  3. 巴布森学院(BabsonCollege)创业学助理教授、弗雷德里克·C.汉密尔顿(FredericC.Hamilton)自由企业研究项目主席

    Associate professor of entrepreneurship and Frederic C. Hamilton chair of free enterprise , Babson College

  4. 对诗歌而言,语词只是附加的,而不是本质性的(弗雷德里克W鲁宾逊)。

    Poetry is something to which words are the accidental , not by any means the essential form ( Frederick W. Robertson ) .

  5. 噢,对了,还有弗雷德里克(Frederick)的好莱坞内衣博物馆。

    Oh , and a Frederick 's of Hollywood lingerie museum .

  6. 根据牛津大学(UniversityofOxford)犯罪学教授和国际集团犯罪研究专家弗雷德里克o瓦雷泽的介绍,俄罗斯黑帮是高度分散化的。

    Their structure , according to Frederico Varese , a professor of criminology at the University of Oxford and an expert on international organized crime , is highly decentralized .

  7. 弗雷德里克?格罗(FredericGros)教授的一本新书《行走的哲学》(APhilosophyofWalking)目前广受关注。

    And a new book , A Philosophy of Walking by Prof Frederic Gros , is currently the object of much discussion .

  8. 当曼德拉出狱会见弗雷德里克•威廉•德克勒克(FWdeKlerk)时,他祝贺后者当选南非总统。

    When he was taken from prison to meet FW de Klerk , Mandela congratulated him on becoming president .

  9. 其中包括弗雷德里克•萨莱诺,他目前在5家公司董事会任职,其中包括哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)与维亚康姆公司(Viacom)。

    That includes Frederic Salerno , who serves on five boards , including CBS ( CBS ) and Viacom ( VIA ) .

  10. 弗雷德里克W泰勒,是本世纪初进行时间和运动研究的效率专家,这种研究产生了装配线工序。他试图把工人变成机器人,只是为了更大的产量。

    Frederick W. Taylor , the efficiency expert who early in this century conducted the time-and-motion studies that led to the assembly-line process , tried to reduce workers to robots , all in the name of greater production .

  11. 对诗歌而言,语词只是附加的,而不是本质性的-弗雷德里克w鲁宾逊;他们不得不判断他的不正当行为是出于偶然还是由于性格缺陷。

    Poetry is something to which words are the accidental , not by any means the essential form-frederick w.robertson ; they had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw in his character .

  12. 这家处于起步阶段的身份和访问管理公司成立于2009年,创始人是麻省理工斯隆商学院(MITSloan)MBA弗雷德里克•克里斯特和曾就职于客户关系管理服务网站salesforce.com的托德•麦金农。

    Okta Backed by $ 79.3 million in angel and venture capital funding , this identity and access management startup was founded in 2009 by MIT Sloan MBA Frederick Kerrest and former salesforce.com colleague Todd McKinnon .

  13. 今年年初,比利时‘tHuisvanLede餐厅的大厨弗雷德里克o杜格也摘掉了他的星星,理由是他想自由地做炸鸡,而不必被人们指手划脚地说“这不是一道米星林星级水平的菜”。

    Earlier this year , Chef Frederick Dhooge of ' t Huis van Lede in Belgium turned in his star because he wanted the freedom to cook fried chicken without being told it wasn 't a star-worthy dish .

  14. 驻北京会计师弗雷德里克•奥基维斯特(FredrikOqvist)表示,自1999年以来共有200多家中国企业在美上市,其中大约一半采用了VIE架构。

    Of the more than 200 Chinese companies to list in the US since 1999 , roughly half have used VIEs , according to Fredrik Oqvist , a Beijing-based accountant .

  15. 汇丰(HSBC)追踪韩国经济的弗雷德里克•纽曼(FredericNeumann)指出:我们认为韩国是一个制造电脑芯片和电话的出口大国,但是,韩国人把出口所得都花在去海滩上了。

    We think of Korea as an export powerhouse , making computer chips and phones , but whatever Koreans take in from exports they spend by going to the beach , says Frederic Neumann , who tracks the Korean economy for HSBC .

  16. 索科尔一直钟爱迈阿密的弗雷德里克·斯奈策画廊(FredricSnitzerGallery)。今年,该画廊将展示埃尔南·巴斯(HernanBas)新创作的一幅油画以及卡洛斯·阿方索(CarlosAlfonzo)的经典作品。阿方索是古巴出生的艺术家,1991年因艾滋病引发的疾病去世。

    A perennial favorite of Mr. Sokol 's is the Miami-based Fredric Snitzer Gallery , which this year is showing a new painting by Hernan Bas and a classic by Carlos Alfonzo , a Cuban-born artist who died in 1991 from an illness related to AIDS .

  17. 弗雷德里克将会告诉你这一技术及它是如何工作的。

    Frederik has more on this technology and how it works .

  18. 1836年,弗雷德里克企图逃走。

    In eighteen thirty-six , Frederick made an attempt to escape .

  19. 弗雷德里克!那么色彩和语言呢?

    Great , Frederick ! How about the colors and the words ?

  20. 很遗憾弗雷德里克并不是谨慎的模范。

    I 'm afraid Frederick is no paragon of discretion .

  21. 那是因为你所触摸的就是弗雷德里克的手

    That 's because the hand you 're touching is actually Frederick 's.

  22. 弗雷德里克党察到许多人格缺乏整体性,被分割了。

    Pens perceives many personalities as lacking wholeness , as being fragmented .

  23. 玛塔:爸爸,弗雷德里克已经跟你说过,我们去采浆果了。

    Marta : Frederick told you father . We were berry picking .

  24. “是的,但是我没有。”弗雷德里克如此回应。

    " Yes , but I didn 't ," Sergeant Frederick replied .

  25. 女:大家好,今天我要和弗雷德里克聊聊。

    W : Hello , I 'm here with Frederick .

  26. 很快奥尔德夫人开始教弗雷德里克读书。

    Missus Auld soon began to teach Frederick to read .

  27. 弗雷德里克在乡下过了一个很不愉快的下午。

    Frederick had spent an unpleasant afternoon in the countryside .

  28. 之后弗雷德里克和他的祖父母贝齐和伊萨克·巴别尔生活在一起。

    Frederick then lived with his grandparents , Betsey and Isaac Bailey .

  29. 大概在弗雷德里克7岁的时候,哈丽特·贝利就去世了。

    She died when Frederick was about seven years old .

  30. 弗雷德里克,你是在加拿大念的大学?

    Now Fred , you went to university in Canada ?