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kāi huāng
  • open up wasteland;reclaim wasteland;cultivate virgin land;assart
开荒 [kāi huāng]
  • [open up wasteland] 垦拓荒地

开荒[kāi huāng]
  1. 十五世纪末到十六世纪初的这段时间中,伴随着西方殖民者入侵东南亚,需要大量的华侨来发展经济,开荒建城。

    During the period of the late fifteenth century to the early sixteenth century , a lot of overseas Chinese were demanded to boom business , open up wasteland and build new cities , accompanied with the western colonialists invading into the Southeast Asia .

  2. 基于遥感和GIS的中国20世纪90年代毁林开荒状况分析

    Analysis of deforested-land reclamation during the late 20th century in China based on remote sensing and GIS

  3. 过量施用氮肥、含氮有机物燃烧、毁林开荒等人类活动对N2O释放增加的影响不容忽视。

    Effects of over-fertilization of N , burning of nitrogen-containing organic matter and deforesting on N2O emissions should not be neglected .

  4. 乔恩•福利:我们应停止这种毁林开荒的进程。

    Jon Foley : Let 's freeze the footprint of agriculture .

  5. 他回到家乡开荒种地。

    He went back to his hometown and opened up wasteland for cultivation .

  6. 大多数人在面对新开荒的地域时,只看到一片荒芜。

    Most people , looking at a newly-ploughed field , simply see a barren landscape .

  7. 调整开荒政策;

    Adjustment of wasteland reclamation policy ;

  8. 对内蒙古自治区开荒与退耕政策的历史考察

    Examine the history of the policy of reclaiming wasteland and forbidding farming in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

  9. 潞西市在实施退耕还林工程的同时也在毁林开荒。

    While implementing the project of returning farmland to woodland , Luxi City also destroys woodland for farming .

  10. 主要人为破坏活动为过度放牧、毁林开荒、乱砍滥樵、乱采滥挖、乱捕滥猎等。

    The main artificial destroy are as follows : indiscriminating felling of trees , disafforestation , overgrazing and so on .

  11. 从某种意义上说,这种征服精神是鲁滨逊在荒岛开荒拓土的主要精神动力。

    In a sense , the conquer spirit is the primitive spiritual motive of the hero to explore the island .

  12. 1997年,P.progenetica生活的这种泥煤沼泽地被森林大火所破坏,如今这种沼泽地也面临着人类伐木、城市化进程和开荒种田等行为的威胁。

    The peat swamps were damaged by forest fires in1997 , and are also threatened by logging , urbanisation and agriculture .

  13. 我上次回去中国开荒安琪拉魔兽公会会长的时候启用了零总合系统,我很喜欢。

    We 've adapted to a zero-sum system when I went back to start AQ40 , and I totally loved it .

  14. 中国传统的农耕为本思想导致了历史上持续的开荒垦田,特别在西部造成了大面积沙化、荒漠化;

    As a result of traditional farming understanding , the continuous cultivation caused desertization and wilderness of vast land in West China ;

  15. 然而,由于人类的干扰(如毁林开荒、过度放牧、甚至片面地建立人工林群落等),不同程度地破坏了榆树疏林的生态环境,影响了其特有的生态作用。

    But , the disturbances from human destroyed the ecological environment of elm woodland steppe seriously and influenced its special ecological function .

  16. 李牧师于二零零二年加入中信为当地宣教士,现在在槟城开荒植堂。

    Pastor Lee joined CCM as a Local Missionary in 2002 , and he is now planting a new church in Penang .

  17. 毁林开荒引起的严重水土流失是荒漠化产生、发展的罪魁祸首。

    Severe soil and water loss caused by destroying trees and reclamation is the chief culprit of the situation and development of desertification .

  18. 与责任田和转包地相比,农户更倾向于在自家开荒地上进行盐碱地土壤改良投资。

    Compared to contracted field and sub-contracted field , farmer households prefer to improve the investment on the saline-alkali land developed by themselves .

  19. 唐宋两朝是粤西地域文化逐渐形成并获得初步发展的时期,其契机是粤西逐步成为独立的行政区划;粤西诗开荒拓土并迎来发展的第一波高峰也是在唐宋时期。

    Tang and Song Dynasties saw the gradual formation and its initial development of regional culture in Yuexi , as Yuexi became an independent administrative division .

  20. 或者等孩子有了他们(她)的归宿后,到乡下里栖居,养花、喂猪或开荒。

    Or children have such as he ( she ) home , to the countryside in living , flowers , to feed the pigs or cultivated .

  21. 过去,毁林开荒对解决粮食问题曾经发挥了重要作用,但同时也成为生态恶化的重要原因。

    In the old time , while the devastation of forests for arable land helped EASE grain shortage , it became a main factor causing ecological deterioration .

  22. 各因素造成危害的名次总和指数顺序为:基建工程>采矿>陡坡开荒>砖瓦窑>毁林毁草。

    The sequence of sum total index in all items is : capital construction > mining > reclaiming wasteland with steepslope > brickkiln > destroying forest and vegetation .

  23. 开荒福音传道人丁立美于1871年10月2日出生在山东。为丁立美一生有美好的见证赞美主,也为今日在中国巡回布道的传道人赞美主。

    Praise God for the life of pioneering evangelist Ding Limei , born in Shandong on Oct.2,1871 , and for those who do itinerant evangelism in China today .

  24. 禁止毁林开荒、烧山开荒和在陡坡地、干旱地区铲草皮、挖树兜。

    Destroying forest or burning vegetation for land reclamation and stripping vegetation and digging up tree stumps on steep hill slopes or in arid regions shall be prohibited .

  25. 农垦系统是国家直接投资、通过大规模开荒建设,在农业领域形成的一支重要力量。

    The agriculture and reclamation system invests directly by the nation . From opening up wasteland the construction massively , it becomes an important part of agricultural area .

  26. 文科博士的论文写作有五个大问题:一、选题的开荒地和攀高峰问题;

    There are five problems in writing dissertations of liberal arts : 1 . " the virgin land cultivation " and " the peak climbing " in topic selecting ;

  27. 为解决南方地区大面积风化紫砂土和新开荒的红壤土种草困难的问题,研制出复合型保水剂CP-。

    In order to solve the problems of growing grass on purple soil and newly reclaimed red soil , a compound water preservation agent of CP ⅱ was prepared .

  28. 禁止毁林开荒、烧山开荒、围湖造田以及开垦国家禁止开垦的陡坡地。

    Destroying forest or burning vegetation for land reclamation , or building dykes to reclaim land from a lake or reclaiming slopes banned by the State shall be prohibited .

  29. 结论表明,研究区的土地利用以林地、草地和耕地为主,有小幅度的变化和局部毁林开荒。

    This paper indicates that land use categories mainly consist of forest land , grassland and farmland , whereas minor land use changes and deforestation take place in study area .

  30. 与此同时,毁林开荒、垦殖草地、过度放牧、滥采滥挖等不合理的人类活动,在破坏沙区生态系统平衡过程中起到加速作用。

    At the same time , unreasonable human activities such as deforestation , grassland reclamation , overgrazing , excessive digging play accelerating role in the process of ecosystem balance destruction .