
  1. 把光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)封装于薄金属套管中以保护光栅,把封装后的FBG贴于2种建筑钢筋上,用拉伸机拉伸钢筋。

    The fiber Bragg gratings ( FBG ) are coated with thin metal tube for protection and adhered to two different constructional bars .

  2. 高层建筑钢筋结构体雷电暂态计算模型

    Calculation of Lighting Transients in the Steel Constructions of High Buildings

  3. 高层建筑钢筋混凝土连梁的设计和研究

    The design and study of coupling beam of reinforced concrete structure

  4. 8度区高层建筑钢筋混凝土剪力墙的设计

    Design on ferroconcrete shear wall of high-rise building in 8 angle area

  5. 高层建筑钢筋混凝土柱非线性变形

    The non-linear deformations of reinforced concrete columns in high-rise building

  6. 基于单纯形方法的建筑钢筋配料算法

    A Construction Steel Bar Matching Algorithm Based On Simplex Method

  7. 建筑钢筋对接焊智能焊接系统的研究

    The Research of Intelligent Welding System of the Building Steel Mutual Welding

  8. 带高位转换层的高层建筑钢筋混凝土结构设计

    The design of reinforced concrete structure in high-rise building with high conversion layer

  9. 施工阶段多(高)层建筑钢筋混凝土结构统一模型

    Unified model of reinforced concrete structures of multi-story or high-rise buildings during construction

  10. 民用建筑钢筋砼楼板裂缝分析

    Analysis on The concrete Floor Crack of Civil Constructions

  11. 新型建筑钢筋冷轧三角螺旋钢筋的研制

    Development of Cold Rolled Triangular Spiral Bar for Construction

  12. 高层建筑钢筋机械连接的技术现状与问题

    The technical status and problems of bar mechanical connection of high ? rise buildings

  13. 单片机在建筑钢筋全自动对接焊控制系统中的应用

    Application of Single Chip Micro-computer in the Control System of Building Steel Automatic Mutual Welding

  14. 文章以单纯形方法为基础求解建筑钢筋配料问题。

    This paper provides an algorithm based on simplex method for construction steel bar matching .

  15. 基于高层建筑钢筋混凝土结构强约束部位裂缝的分析与控制

    Analysis and Control of Cracks in Strong Binding Site of High-rising Building Reinforced Concrete Structures

  16. 高强度低成本建筑钢筋的研究现状及其进展

    Development of high-strength and low-cost constructional steels

  17. 金属管封装光纤光栅用于建筑钢筋应变的测量

    Strain Measurement in Construction Steel Bar Using a FBG Sensor Coated by a Thin Metal Tube

  18. 高层建筑钢筋混凝土框架梁结构裂缝分析与处理措施探讨

    Discussion on Cracks Analysis and Treatment Measures of Beam Structure of Reinforced Concrete Frame in High-rise Building

  19. 笔者对如何提高建筑钢筋混凝土框架结构的抗震性能谈谈自己的看法。

    The author on how to improve the construction of reinforced concrete frame structure performance to talk about his own views .

  20. 本文介绍高层建筑钢筋结构体雷电暂态的计算模型,钢筋结构体的等值电路参数分别以电容和阻抗矩阵来表示。

    In this paper an efficient algorithm is presented for calculation of lightning transients in the steel mesh reinforcement of high buildings .

  21. 高层建筑钢筋混凝土裂缝是最常见的问题,对于整个建筑物都有潜在的安全隐患。

    Cracks in reinforced concrete structure is the most common problem and it has a potential security risk for the entire building .

  22. 电视画面中显示救援人员在试图解救埋在建筑物残骸下面的被困人员,其他人则从电线、建筑钢筋和巨石中爬出来。

    Television footage showed the rescuers trying to free people buried underneath fallen debris , while others scrabbled through wires , construction rods and boulders .

  23. 本文介绍两类多层与高层建筑钢筋砼楼盖结构体系&空腹夹层板与鱼骨式空腹夹层板。

    This paper pressets the reinforced concrete open-web sandwich plate and the fishy bone open-web sandwich plate in the floor structure system in multistorey and tall buildings .

  24. 分析了引起民用建筑钢筋砼楼板开裂的各种因素,提出了对裂缝进行修补或补强的建议。

    In this paper , the factors that cause concrete crack of civil constructions are analyzed , and the recommendation about the crack repair or consolidate is given .

  25. 一次意外事故却给研究者带来了一个实验的机会。三十年前,台湾约200栋楼房的建筑钢筋受到了放射性钴的污染,涉及1万名居民。

    One experiment , however , occurred inadvertently three decades ago in Taiwan after about 200 buildings housing 10000 people were constructed from steel contaminated with radioactive cobalt .

  26. 在钢筋施工技术中,焊接高效的连接方式。建筑钢筋常用的对焊方法有:闪光对焊、气压焊、搭接焊、窄间隙电弧焊。

    In the steel construction technology , welding and efficient connections construction steel butt welding methods commonly used are : flash butt welding , pressure welding , lap welding , narrow gap arc welding .

  27. 参照建设部《钢筋焊接接头试验方法标准》的规定,对超细晶粒钢建筑钢筋闪光对焊、电渣对焊接头的疲劳寿命进行了测试。

    In the present work , fatigue lifetime has been measured for flash butt welded joints and electrical slag welded joints of the ultrafine grained steel , based on a standard of State Architecture Ministry named " Testing method of reinforcement steel bar welded joint " .

  28. 基于图形识别的建筑图钢筋自动统计系统CSC

    CSC -- An Steel Reinforcement Calculation System of Construction Drawings Based on Graphics Recognition

  29. 工业建筑中钢筋混凝土的腐蚀与防护技术

    Corrosion and Protection Technique of the Reinforced Concrete in the Industrial Building

  30. 基于特征与知识关联的建筑图钢筋量提取方法

    Steel Amount Calculation of Construction Drawings Based on Character and Knowledge Associate