
  • 网络Construction Economics;Construction Economy;building economy
  1. 建筑经济管理中神经网络的应用

    Application of Neural Networks in Construction Economics and Management

  2. 建筑经济管理类课程在土木工程专业中的地位越来越重要,如何在有限的学时内使学生掌握较为系统、实用的建筑经济管理知识,已成为一个重要课题。

    The courses of construction economics and management play a very important role in civil engineering education .

  3. STS思想应用于建筑经济与企业管理教学实践探索

    Mix the ideology of STS with the study and practice of the course of architectonic economy and enterprise management

  4. 基于LEED的绿色建筑经济评价方法研究

    Research of Green Building Economic Evaluation Method Based on LEED

  5. 浅谈建筑经济事务所在控制工程造价中的作用

    The Action of Construction Economic Office in Controlling Engineering Fabrication Cost

  6. 桩基础对环境和建筑经济的影响

    Influence upon Environment and Construction Economy by Pile Foundation

  7. 空调建筑经济绝热厚度的分析

    Economic thermal insulation thickness analysis of air-conditioned buildings

  8. 第二届中国建筑经济高峰论坛邀请函

    The 2nd China Construction Economy Forum Invitation

  9. 建筑经济与企业管理

    Architectural Economy & Enterprise Management

  10. 私营建筑经济的发展是我国建筑业改革中的重要内容之一。

    Development condition of private economy in Xi an and its status and impacts in different period ;

  11. 提高图书馆建筑经济效益的重要途径是向智能化、多功能性方向发展。

    The important ways of enhancing the libraries ' architecturally economic benefit are to develop towards the directions of intelligence and multi-functions .

  12. 在经济性评价方面,提出构建了绿色建筑经济性评级体系框架、评级内容、评价方法、评价结果等。

    In terms of economic , it puts forward constructing the green building economy rating system framework , rated content , evaluation method and evaluation results .

  13. 评价指标的赋权采用改进型的层次分析法,并设计了指标赋权问卷,收集了来自市政工程领域和建筑经济管理领域的专家意见,计算得到各有关评价指标的权重。

    To determinate the index weight , the paper adopts improved AHP method and designs a questionnaire , which helps gathering the opinions of experts from correlative field .

  14. 本文研究的目的是为了解决我国日益明显的能源危机与我国建筑经济持续健康发展之间的矛盾。

    The purpose of this thesis is to solve the contradiction between energy crisis having become increasingly clear and the sustained and healthy economic development of construction in china .

  15. 根据环境可持续发展的要求,分析了桩基础对环境和建筑经济效益的影响,阐明了在设计环节中,慎重采用桩基础的观点。

    The influence upon environment and construction economy caused by pile foundation is analyzed in this paper . The view of using pile foundation carefully in design links is clarified also .

  16. 分析了神经网络的特征及其信息处理的特点,指出了建筑经济管理研究面临的问题,研究了神经网络与建筑经济管理结合的必要性和可行性,以及神经网络在建筑经济管理中应用的领域。

    This paper discusses the characteristic of neural network and problems in construction economics and management research , analyzes the necessity and feasibility of combination of neural network and construction economics and management , and puts forward the related application fields .

  17. 摘要对和谐发展理念下建筑经济价值综合体现的内容和特点进行了分析,结合自己建筑经济方面的实践工作经验,进而就和谐发展理念下建筑经济活动的指导性原则做了初步探讨。

    This paper gives a preliminary analysis about the general content and character of architecture economy value with the circumstance of harmonious development , and further makes some discussions about the guideline of architecture economy activity based on the personally practices .

  18. 中国正式成为世界贸易组织(简称WTO)的成员,它将对国内上层建筑和经济基础的各个层面产生广泛而深远的影响。

    The event that the People Republic of China becomes a member of World 's Trade Organization ( for short WTO ) will influence Chinese superstructure and economic base extensively and profoundly .

  19. 利用Feder模型定量分析了安全管理活动对建筑业经济增长的作用。

    The Feder-Model was introduced in this article to analyses the relationship between safety management and economic growth of construction industry .

  20. 滑动平均法在编制建筑技术经济指标中的应用

    Application of smoothness method in weave of architectural technical economy exponent

  21. 轻钢结构建筑方案经济性比较及评价

    Comparison evaluation to the architectural plans of light-weight steel building engineering

  22. 南通市建筑业经济发展的数学模型

    The Mathematical Modelling of Economic Growth in Nantong Building Industry

  23. 论建筑事故经济损失的分担

    Discussion on the Share of Pecuniary Loss in Construction Accident

  24. 分析表明,中国建筑业经济增长方式单一;

    China construction industry has a single mode of the economic growth ;

  25. 在此基础上,提出大型公共建筑节能经济激励政策实施的相关建议。

    Based on the above , some suggestions about energy-saving policies were proposed .

  26. 上层建筑与经济基础也是如此。

    So are the superstructure and the economic base .

  27. 加气混凝土建筑应用经济分析

    Economic Analyses of Applications of Aerated Concrete in Construction

  28. 2针对现有常规设计、常规材料及构造在能耗上的薄弱环节,进行改进,使建筑在经济条件许可的条件下适度超前。

    Improving the weakness in emerging-consumption of traditional design conventional material and structure .

  29. 上层建筑对经济基础的反作用

    The reaction of the superstructure on the economic base

  30. 建筑项目经济后评价指标初探

    Probe into construction project economic re evaluation norm