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建业 [jiàn yè]
  • [Jianye county] 古县名。东汉建安十七年(公元212年)孙权改秫陵县设置,治所在今南京市。吴黄龙元年(公元229年)自武昌迁都于此

  1. 其中之一是投入金融与营建业、热爱拉丁美洲艺术的圣地牙哥商人路易E摩多纳多。

    One is Luis Maldonado , a businessman from San Diego with interests in finance and construction and a penchant for Latin American art .

  2. 河南建业地产公司员工关系管理研究

    A Study on Management about Employee Relations in HeNan Construction Real Estate Company

  3. 建业广场空调计量收费系统改造方案

    Air Conditioning Metering Charge System of the Jianye Plaza

  4. 河南建业队前场任意球威胁进攻技战术配合的研究

    Research on the Front Field Free Kick Tactics of Henan Jianye Football Team

  5. 我认为建业队很棒。

    I think Jian Ye team is great .

  6. 从建业城的建设开始,江南城市进入了快速发展阶段。

    From the beginning of Jianye , Jiangnan city has entered a rapid development stage .

  7. 营建业成本控制若干问题研究

    Research on Problems of Construction Cost Control

  8. 建业集团卡车生产基地的供应链合作伙伴选择方法研究

    Research on the Methods of Choice Based on Supply Chain Partner of Jian Ye Truck Production Base

  9. 对于建业地产这样的房地产公司来说,离岸债券市场是巨大的资金来源。

    Offshore bond markets have been a huge source of capital for property companies such as Central China .

  10. 引导基建业发展的印度政府及私人企业需要努力工作,以免让这种希望落空。

    That is a hope India 's government and the private companies leading its infrastructure drive should strive hard not to dash .

  11. 当古世界,建建业做为一类综开性、博业性效劳的第三工业,反在儿官经济中的位放越来越从要。

    Today , construction , as the third industry of all-around and professional service , takes a more and more important part in the national economy .

  12. 晋朝大军在杜预率领下,直冲向吴都建业,不久就攻占建业灭了吴国。

    Under Du Yu 's command , the Jin army charged at the capital city Jianye , occupied it , and thus destroyed the Kingdom of wu .

  13. 本届论坛将搭建业内信息交流、贸易合作的互动平台,广泛邀请国内外业界人士参与。

    This forum will invite the participation from the domestic and overseas cashmere product producers and purchasers for widening the trade channels and seeking win-win and development .

  14. 摘要都市覆率理念近年备受国内学术界和各级政府积极推动,冀望带动营建业在环境规划设计实务的新潮流。

    The idea of green coverage ratio recently is interested by governments and research fields of environmental planning and design for cooperation with the practical fields of building trades .

  15. 其次,结合国内房地产业经营特征,分析了河南建业地产公司开展员工关系管理的背景与现状。

    Then , in the light of the administrative features of our national real estate enterprise , the paper analyzes the background and present situation of the employee relations administration in Henan Construction Real Estate Company .

  16. 台湾地区营建业自1990年起,随着产业环境的变化、就业人口外移、供给大于需求、金融风暴产生泡沫经济及921震灾影响,面临最严重的经营危机。

    Followed by changes of the industrial environment , exodus of labor force , supply overriding demand , bubble economy and impact from 921 Earthquake , Taiwan 's construction industry has faced the most severely operational crisis since the 1990s .

  17. 再次,联系员工关系管理理论,对河南建业地产公司员工关系管理各个环节存在的问题进行了分析,找出了制约该公司管理有效性的原因。

    In addition , the paper examines all the problems existing in each tache of the employee relations administration in Henan Construction Real Estate Company by relating the theory of employee relations administration , and finds out the causes that keeps back the administrative efficiency in the company .

  18. 公元229年,仿曹丕和刘备,吴王孙权在建业(今江苏南京一带)称帝,国号吴。三国分立时代正式开始。

    In 229 , following the example of Cao Pi and Liu Bei , Sun Quan called himself Emperor of Wu with the capital at Jianye ( now Nanjing City , Jiangsu Province ) which marked the real beginning of the era of the three kingdoms in Chinese history .

  19. 公元280年,晋军南下进攻建业(今江苏南京),吴主孙皓出城请降,中国出现了暂时的统一。

    In 280 , the Western Jin defeated the Wu , seized the capital Jianye ( now Nanjing , Jiangsu Province ) and Sun Hao , the last emperor of Wu surrendered , Jin hence united the long-divided country . The succeeding years were relatively peaceful and stable ones .