
  • 网络Comcast;comcast corporation;CMCSA;concast
  1. 就在本周,一项调查发现,媒体和电信巨头康卡斯特公司是最令人憎恨的服务商。

    Just this week , an investigation found that media and telecom giant Comcast is the most hated provider .

  2. 历经10个多月,康卡斯特公司收到了近12000份消费者投诉,很多都与其每月数据限额和超额收费有关。

    Over 10 months , Comcast received nearly 12,000 customer complaints , many relating to its monthly data cap and overage charges .

  3. 康卡斯特自己则说,有谷歌(Google)等互联网巨头在后面追着,它不得不这样做。

    Comcast itself points to internet giants such as Google .

  4. 康卡斯特使用Twitter的处理客户服务问题。

    Comcast uses Twitter to handle customer service issues .

  5. 康卡斯特和时代华纳是盈利企业,不像Netflix。

    Comcast and Time Warner are profitable businesses , unlike Netflix .

  6. 幻想一下将康卡斯特的利润重新分配给Netflix是好玩的。

    It is fun to fantasise about reallocating Comcast profits to Netflix .

  7. 去年,FCC非一致性且不利于康卡斯特地裁定其干扰合法音乐与视频共享网站的访问。

    And last year , a divided F.C.C.ruled against Comcast for interfering with traffic to a lawful music and video sharing site .

  8. 投资方还包括康卡斯特风险投资(ComcastVentures),原有投资者基准资本(Benchmark)、格雷洛克合伙公司(GreylockPartners)、夏斯塔创投(ShastaVentures)继续跟投。

    Comcast ventures also participated , alongside existing shareholders benchmark , Greylock partners and Shasta ventures .

  9. 这是在争议颇多的康卡斯特和nbc环球公司合并之后4个月后宣布的。

    Just 4 months after approving the highly contentious merger of Comcast with NBC Universal .

  10. 译注)&艾米•班西,康卡斯特公司(Comcast)常务董事,基金部负责人

    Amy banse , managing director and head of funds , Comcast

  11. 美国媒体与科技集团康卡斯特(Comcast)旗下的环球影业(UniversalStudios)拥有《速度与激情》(FastandFurious)等特许经营权。

    Universal Studios , which is owned by Comcast , the US media and technology group , has franchises such as Fast and Furious .

  12. 在这种情况下,康卡斯特或许不得不以非常高的溢价收购Netflix。

    In that situation , Comcast might have to pay a very large premium to obtain Netflix .

  13. 白宫声明称,奥巴马主张将互联网服务提供商(ISP)(例如康卡斯特和时代华纳有线)重新归类为公共通信企业。

    The White House statement said Mr Obama favoured reclassifying internet service providers such as Comcast and TWC as common carriers .

  14. 这个价值77亿美元的度假区,是由北京一家国有公司和美国康卡斯特NBC环球公司共同投资的。

    The 7.7 billion resort is an investment by a Beijing-based state-owned company and America 's Comcast NBCUniversal .

  15. 美国商界的一大疑团是:电信监管机构会不会让今年2月宣布的康卡斯特(Comcast)/时代华纳有线(TimeWarnerCable)合并交易顺利完成。

    One of the big mysteries in corporate America is whether telecom regulators will allow theComcast / Time Warner Cable merger , announced in February , to close .

  16. 据康卡斯特CEO布莱恩•罗伯茨(BrianRoberts)表示,这相当于观看美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)自2008年以来的全部比赛。

    It is the equivalent of watching every NFL game since 2008 , according to Brian Roberts , Comcast chief executive .

  17. 从《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)去年的一篇报道来看,苹果和康卡斯特曾就合作成立一个流媒体服务平台进行过商谈。不过,双方未能达成协议。

    Apple and Comcast were in talks to start a streaming service together , according to a story in The Wall Street Journal last year , but the two companies were not able to reach a deal .

  18. 这就将康卡斯特互联网和有线服务与NBC的广播电台合并。

    And what this deal would do , it would combine Comcast Internet and cable services with NBC 's broadcast stations .

  19. 这个由康卡斯特集团旗下的UniversalParks&Resorts和北京首寰文化旅游投资公司联合经营的主题公园,将于9月1日开始试运营。

    The park , a joint venture between Comcast Corp 's Universal Parks & Resorts and state-owned Beijing Shouhuan Cultural Tourism Investment , will begin trial operations on Sept. 1 .

  20. 康卡斯特的CEO称X1的奥运平台是探索“未来电视”的实验室。

    Comcast 's chief has called the X1 " s Olympics platform a " laboratory " for the " future of television . "

  21. 有人估计该公司将面临一亿到两亿美元的财政赤字。NBC的母公司——有线系统公司康卡斯特(Comcast)坚信这块资金空缺终将被填满。

    Comcast , the cable firm that owns NBC , is confident that the bet will eventually pay off .

  22. 包括E!和一些地区性体育频道在内的康卡斯特资产,与包括美国电视网(USANetwork)和CNBC在内的NBC有线电视资产结合起来,与近来传媒业的发展趋势相左。

    The combination of Comcast properties , including E ! and regional sports channels , with NBC cable assets , including USA Network and CNBC , runs against recent media trends .

  23. 23.斯蒂芬•布克职位:NBC环球首席执行官兼康卡斯特执行副总裁所在公司:康卡斯特公司2010年薪酬合计:31267691美元

    Stephen B. Burke chief executive officer , nbcuniversal and executive vice president , Comcast Comcast Corp. 2010 total compensation : $ 31,267,691

  24. 苹果对这个领域的兴趣,可能有助于让至少一部分人,在除康卡斯特(Comcast)和时代华纳有线(TimeWarnerCable)等有线电视公司高价销售的捆绑频道之外,有更多其他选择。

    Apple 's interest in this area could help provide at least some people with more alternatives to expensive bundles of channels sold by cable-TV companies like Comcast and Time Warner Cable .

  25. 《甄嬛传》将通过iNDemand公司和时代华纳在康卡斯特(Comcast)电视台的付费频道首播,康卡斯特在北美拥有1.1亿观众。

    Empresses in the Palace will be first released in the pay-TV platforms in Comcast through In Demand and Time Warner , which cover 110 million users in North America .

  26. 在美国,迪士尼与有线电视运营商康卡斯特(Comcast)都是大型主题公园运营商。康卡斯特旗下拥有环球(Universal)连锁主题公园。

    In the US , Disney and Comcast , the US cable company which owns the Universal chain of theme parks , are among the big operators .

  27. 有线电视和卫星电视提供商有着强有力的地位,康卡斯特(ComcastCorp.)等大公司也在准备进行重大升级。

    Cable - and satellite-TV providers have strong positions , with big players like Comcast Corp. preparing major upgrades of their own .

  28. 2013年,Verizon的竞争对手、美国有线电视公司康卡斯特(Comcast)全资收购了电影、电视和音乐集团NBC环球(NBCUniversal)。而Netflix一直在投入巨资制作原创剧集和纪录片。

    Comcast , the US cable company that competes with Verizon , took full ownership of the film , TV and music group NBCUniversal in 2013 .

  29. 根据该公司的一份官方声明,“康卡斯特不打算进一步收购21世纪福克斯资产,相反将专注于我们对Europe'sSky的推荐报价。”

    Per an official statement from the company , " Comcast does not intend to pursue further the acquisition of the Twenty-First Century Fox assets and , instead , will focus on our recommended offer for Sky . "

  30. 康卡斯特目前承诺,X2将在搜索方面有诸多改善,而且会配备个性化功能。X2是这个电视巨头建立的一个新娱乐操作系统。

    Comcast is promising search advances as well as personalization features in X2 , the cable giant 's name for a new entertainment operating system .