
yìnɡ yònɡ kē xué
  • applied science
  1. 第二份报告公布了一些应用科学研究的热门领域,如3D打印和人造器官研究。

    The second one announces some heated fields in applied science . For example , the 3-dimension print and the study of human organs .

  2. 无损评价(NDE)是一门新兴的、综合性的应用科学技术。

    Nondestructive evaluation ( NDE ) is an advanced and synthetically applied science and technology .

  3. 这些进步是巧妙应用科学的结果。

    These advances were the result of the intellectual appliance of science .

  4. 结论绝大多数T2DM患者的病情控制远未达到理想的控制目标,建立和应用科学的疾病管理系统是改善和控制现状的有效方法。

    The application of scientific disease care system is effective for improving the disease control .

  5. Valiant教授目前在哈佛大学工程与应用科学学院教授计算机科学和应用数学的课程。

    Valiant teaches computer science and applied mathematics at Harvard 's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences .

  6. 长期以来,哈佛跟应用科学和工程学科的关系一直模棱两可,哈佛大学计算机科学教授,哈佛学院(HarvardCollege)前院长哈利·R·刘易斯(HarryR.Lewis)说。

    Harvard for a long time had sort of an ambiguous relationship to applied science and engineering , said Harry R. Lewis , a computer science professor here and a former dean of Harvard College .

  7. 职业教育受人冷眼,因此其少数的拥护者寄希望于将职业教育改名为“职业生涯与应用科学教育”(CTE)以改变现状。

    Vocational education has been so disparaged that its few advocates have resorted to giving it a new name : " career and technical education "( CTE ) .

  8. 利用研究堆冷中子源装置提供的冷中子进行中子散射实验,已在众多基础科学和应用科学领域得到了广泛的应用,中子散射尤其是冷中子散射是CARR最重要的应用。

    Cold Neutrons , provided by Cold Neutron Source ( CNS ) on research reactor , have been used for conducting neutron scattering experiments , which has been getting wider and wider applications in many fundamental and applied science fields .

  9. 理论科学与应用科学

    Pure and applied science on the science of communication of Science

  10. 基础科学、应用科学与生产技术间的关系

    Relationship between fundamental sciences , applied sciences , and productive technology

  11. 分离科学是自然科学和应用科学中的一个重要分支。如今,以生物医学和手性药物分离为代表的新兴产业对分离科学提出了更高的要求。

    Separation science is an essential branch of science and technology .

  12. 选修科目有应用科学、音乐、美术和外语。

    Elective subjects applied science , music , art and foreign languages .

  13. 有时很难区分理论科学和应用科学。

    Sometimes it is difficult to tell pure science from applied science .

  14. 园林地被植物与草坪是一门新兴的应用科学。

    Garden cover plants and lawn is a new developing applied science .

  15. 废弃的化学危险品应用科学的方法及时处理。

    Waste chemicals should be treated promptly in scientific method .

  16. 纯科学和应用科学文献术语国际咨询委员会

    International Advisory Committee on Documentation and Terminology in Pure and Applied Sciences

  17. 应用科学认定正确的做事方法只有一种。

    Technology presumes there 's lust one right way to do things .

  18. 科学不是划分为基础科学和应用科学吗?

    Isn 't science divided into basic and applied ?

  19. 应用科学和技术促进发展世界行动计划

    World Plan of Action for the Application of Science and Technology to Development

  20. 这项研究结果刊登在《应用科学和技术国际期刊》上。

    The research is in the International Journal of Applied Science and Technology .

  21. 湿度测定法是应用科学的一个分支。

    Hygrometry is the branch of applied science .

  22. 工程学院和应用科学;

    The College of Engineering and Applied Science ;

  23. 欢迎来到未来罗伯特·奎恩纪念应用科学中心的现场

    Welcome to the future site of the Robert Queen Memorial Applied Sciences Center .

  24. 应用科学研究和技术咨询科

    Applied Scientific Research and Technical Advisory Section

  25. 应用科学的研究程序和管理

    Research Programme and Management of Applied Science

  26. 流变学与水泥应用科学

    Rheology and the science of cement utilization

  27. 应用科学技术研究中心

    Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology

  28. 相对于作为基础学科的植物学而言,园艺学是一门应用科学。

    Horticulture is an applied science , as opposed to Botany , a basic science .

  29. 应用科学技术以利较不发达地区会议

    Conference on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of the Less-Developed Areas

  30. 应用科学理论促进体育教学

    Applying Scientific Theory Promoting Physical Teaching