
  • 网络Applied ethics;Practical Ethics
  1. 马库拉应用伦理学研究中心执行总监、授课教师KirkO.Hanson指出,课程供不应求的状况是由多种原因造成的。

    The course is in demand for many reasons , said Kirk O. Hanson , the course instructor and executive director of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics .

  2. 略论应用伦理学的对象、任务和方法

    On the Research Object , Tasks and Methods of Applied Ethics

  3. 工程伦理是一个新的应用伦理学领域。

    Engineering ethics is a new field of applied ethical studies .

  4. 普世伦理是当前应用伦理学研究的热点问题。

    Universal Ethic is a popular issue of applied ethics at current .

  5. 应用伦理学:冲突、商议、共识

    Applied Ethics : The Conflicts , Dialogues , and Consensus

  6. 应用伦理学既应具有直接的现实性又应具有理论的超越性。

    Applied ethics is both practical and theoretically transcendental .

  7. 应用伦理学的兴起与当代中国体育伦理的建构

    The Rising of Applied Ethics and the Constructing of Contemporary Chinese Sports Ethics

  8. 应用伦理学的拓展路径

    The Expanding Ways and Means of the Applied Ethics

  9. 教育伦理作为应用伦理学的分支学科,多年来取得了长足的发展。

    Educational Ethics as the branch of applied ethics has had the tremendous development .

  10. 对当代应用伦理学的另一种解释

    To contemporary application ethics another kind of explanation

  11. 论应用伦理学研究的重要使命

    On the Important Mission of Applied Ethical Studies

  12. 论应用伦理学的问题域

    On the Objects of Study of Applied Ethics

  13. 应用伦理学的原则应用模式及其优点

    Some Advantages of the Principle Mode Applied Ethics

  14. 应用伦理学与高等学校的专业教育

    The applied ethics and the university disciplines

  15. 伦理学的主要分支是元伦理学,规范伦理学和应用伦理学。

    The main branches of ethics are meta-ethics , normative ethics , and applied ethics .

  16. 应用伦理学既具有独特的学科性质,又与理论伦理学具有不可分割的联系。

    Applied ethics , which owns distinctive characters , has intimated relationship with theoretical one .

  17. 论应用伦理学的判例模式

    On the Prejudication Model of Applied Ethics

  18. 研究伦理学是西方最近20年来兴起的应用伦理学分支。

    Research Ethics is a new branch of applied ethics in two decades in the west .

  19. 应用伦理学的哲学背景

    The Philosophical Context of Applied Ethics

  20. 论应用伦理学的批判性

    On the Criticizing of Applied Ethics

  21. 道德哲学的应用伦理学转向

    Applied Ethics Changes of Moral Philosophy

  22. 论应用伦理学的双向反思

    On double reflection of applied ethics

  23. 应用伦理学应该重点处理好其与理论伦理学与具体科学的关系。

    The practical ethics should pay great attention to its relationship between theoretic ethics and concrete science .

  24. 论加强社会公正论与应用伦理学的研究&关于可持续发展的伦理学思考

    On strengthening the study of social equity and applied ethics & Reflection on ethics about sustaining development

  25. 究竟什么是应用伦理学?(专题讨论)

    What Is Applied Ethics ?

  26. 质疑应用伦理学

    Question on Applied Ethics

  27. 发展伦理学是一门从整体评价和规范发展实践的应用伦理学。

    Ethics of development is an applying ethics which evaluates and regulates practice of development from the whole .

  28. 工程伦理学是一个新兴的应用伦理学分支,受到越来越多的学者们的关注。

    Engineering ethics is a new branch of applied ethics , receiving more and more attention of scholars .

  29. 应用伦理学中的程序问题&关于程序的内在价值和建构原则

    The Issues of Process in Applied Ethics & On the Intrinsic Value and the Establishing Principle of Process

  30. 应用伦理学的理论目的在于为道德选择提供价值论证与伦理辩护。

    The theoretical objective of Applied ethics is to provide value arguments and ethical justification for moral act choices .