
  1. 广船公司价值链结构特征及其优化策略研究

    The Value - Chain Structure Character and Optimization Policies of GSI

  2. 广船依靠技术进步提高经济效益的基本经验

    Basic experience with increasing economic benefit of depending on technical progress in Guangzhou Shipyard

  3. 广船国际发挥造船优势,钢结构、机电产品也取得巨大发展。

    In addition to its strength in shipbuilding technology , GSI has made huge progress in steel structure fabrication and mechanical and electrical product manufacturing .

  4. 分析了广船公司在“上游环节”进行价值活动中,伴随与供应商的合作进程而发生的各种价值增值形态及其特征;

    This paper analyzes the shapes and characteristics of the value-addition of Guangzhou Ship Cooperation during the cooperation with the suppliers in the " upstream link " of the value activities .