
  • 网络Broadcast Storm
  1. 这广播风暴也会影响到X和Y和之后的交换器。

    This broadcast storm will include Switches X and Y , and beyond .

  2. 局域网广播风暴分析与VLAN技术的应用

    Broadcast Storm in LAN and Application of VLAN Technology

  3. IP组播通信技术已成为解决数据群组收发,避免网络广播风暴的有效手段。

    IP multicast communication technique is an efficient solution to send packets from one sender to a group of receivers without incurring broadcast storms .

  4. 为了解决校园网中存在的广播风暴和安全性,出现了VLAN技术。

    VLAN is the concept for how to solve broadcast storm and security issue from network .

  5. 分析了在数据交换网为更好地解决广播风暴问题,所产生的VLAN技术。

    The VLAN technology was generated for the better way to solve the " broadcast storm " problem .

  6. VLAN(VirtualLocalAreaNetwork)技术是以太网交换机的核心技术之一,它可以有效地抑制网络广播风暴,并使得在交换机上实现路由功能成为可能。

    The VLAN ( Virtual Local Area Network ) technology , a key technology in the Ethernet switch , can contain broadcast traffic effectively and make it possible to realize the routing functions in the Ethernet switch .

  7. 交换网络环路是为交换网络提供冗余链路时形成的,环路的存在导致了交换网络中广播风暴的产生,致使交换网络的MAC地址系统失效,这是冗余链路所不期望产生的。

    The redundancy link of the switch network causes circle of network . And the circle causes not only the storm of the network broadcasting , but also the failure of MAC address system .

  8. VLAN具有控制网络广播风暴、保障网络安全和简化网络管理等特点,因此在局域网中得到广泛的应用。

    VLAN has many virtues , for example controlling the network broadcasting storms , insuring the security of network and simplifying the management of network , so VALN are popular used in LAN .

  9. 在校园网中合理、有效地使用VLAN技术,将会有效地防止网络广播风暴的发生,提高网络带宽的利用率,提高校园网的可管理性、灵活性、安全性。

    It is emphasized that the proper use of VLAN in campus network can effectively avoid broadcasting storm and improve utilization ratio of internet bandwidth . Thus , the campus network can be more manageable , flexible and secure .

  10. 而通过交换携带有额外增加的对称邻居节点列表和非对称邻居节点列表字段的AODVHELLO分组,单向链路得以从路由计算中予以清除而广播风暴也同时得到抑制。

    By exchanging ad hoc on-demand distance vector ( AODV ) hello packet which includes additional fields named symmetric neighbor list and asymmetric neighbor list , unidirectional links are removed from route computation and broadcast storm can also be relieved simultaneously .

  11. IPv6组播技术可避免网络资源浪费,减小网络拥塞和广播风暴等问题,能有效利用带宽,提高数据传送效率,尤其适合视频流等大数据量的传输。

    The IPv6 multicast technology can avoid the waste of network resources and mitigate network traffic congestion and broadcasting storm , etc , and can efficiently use the bandwidth and improve the data transfer efficiency , especially suitable for the transmission of mass data , such as video stream .

  12. 结合揭阳供电分公司的变电站图像监控系统的工程实例,对基于CISCO网络设备的组播网络设计进行了介绍,指出了避免网络广播风暴的一些有效措施。

    In combination with the project of remote image supervisory control system for substations of Jieyang Power Supply Branch , GPG , the design of IP multicast network based on CISCO network apparatus is described in this paper , and some measures about avoiding network broadcast storm are introduced .

  13. VLAN是在交换网络的基础上构建可跨越不同网段、不同网络的端到端的逻辑网络,可避免校园网广播风暴的出现,以提高整个校园网的安全性和可扩展性。

    Based on switching network , the technology of Virtual Local Area Network ( VLAN ) is applied to construct a logical network which spans different subnet . It can avoid the network broadcast storm in order to improve the performance , security and expansion of whole campus network .

  14. 而频繁的服务查找会引起网络流量的急剧增大,带来广播风暴问题。

    What 's more , frequent searching also causes broadcast storms .

  15. 以太网络环境的广播风暴的防治

    Networking The prevention of the broadcast storm on ethernet environment

  16. 工业控制系统应用组播技术抑制广播风暴

    Multicast Technology to Suppress Broadcast Storm in Industrial Control System

  17. 环路和广播风暴的解决方案。

    2 , Free from Circle and Broadcasting .

  18. 故障的无线网卡也能造成广播风暴

    The Wireless Network Card of Break down can also Result in the Broadcast Storm

  19. 组播节省了网络带宽,减轻了网络负载;避免了广播风暴。

    Multicast saves network bandwidth , reduces network loads and avoids " broadcasting-storm " .

  20. 传统的避免广播风暴的方法大体上可分为概率型广播和分簇。

    To avoid broadcast storms , the traditional method can be divided into probabilistic broadcast and clustering .

  21. 除了以上两种传统的方案外,网络编码技术也可以有效的缓解广播风暴。

    In addition to the two programs above , network coding techniques can alleviate the broadcast storm effectively .

  22. 而基于洪泛的路由机制会引起广播风暴问题,这将消耗大量的网络资源。

    However , the routing based on flooding could arouse the broadcast storm , and waste the network resources .

  23. 运行生成树算法的由交换机组成的通信系统会组成一个生成树动态拓扑结构,该拓扑结构使局域网内任意两个交换机之间不存在回路,以防止由此产生的局域网广播风暴。

    Switches in switched Ethernet running spanning tree algorithm will organize a spanning tree top structure to guarantee a unique communication link between any two switches .

  24. 动态调整节点转发概率的实现为减少广播风暴对网络影响的目标提供了一种可靠、有效的方案。

    It is provided that adjusting dynamically the probability according to the distance between each node is a reliable and effective solution to reduce the influence of broadcast storm .

  25. 该协议最大限度地避免了网络维持控制信息占用大量带宽的情况,杜绝了广播风暴的发生。

    The protocol , to a maximum extent , avoids the situation that network takes up a lot of bandwidth to maintain and control information and prevents the broadcast storm .

  26. 将传感器节点组织成簇的形式,可以有效防止广播风暴,降低网络能量消耗;可以实现分层验证,防止中间节点传输错误的信息。

    Clustering structure of sensor nodes can effectively prevent broadcast storm and reduce network energy consumption , and can support hierarchical authentication so as to deter middle nodes forwarding error information .

  27. 但是,泛洪法可能会造成过多的重播、冗余,引发广播风暴,导致整个网络吞吐量的下降,并加剧了有限资源的消耗。

    But flooding may cause serious rebroadcast redundancy , and bring broadcast storm , resulting in the decrease of the throughput of the whole network and aggravating the consumption of limited resources .

  28. 本文分析了当前图书馆宽带骨干网络与传统网络的互连方式,着重阐明了采用骨干虚拟网连接方式时产生广播风暴的隐患所在以及检测和解决方法

    This paper analyses the mode of connections between backbone networks and traditional networks And the authors emphatically describe the underlying danger of broadcasting storm and its determination and resolution method when backbone ELAN connection mode is employed between backbone networks and traditional networks

  29. 本文介绍了局城网交换机中端口-地址表的结构和交换的原理,讨论了广播风暴产生的原因和端口-地址表刷新的机制,并与路由技术作了简单的比较。

    This article discusses on the principle of the structure and exchange of exchanger 's Port-Address List in LAN , the causes of broadcast storms and the refresh mechanism of Port-Address List , and makes a brief comparison between the mechanism and Route technology .

  30. 随着网络的发展,网络设备不断增多,VLAN技术应用而生,该技术可以有效阻隔网络广播,控制广播风暴,提高网络的安全性。

    With the development of network , the network settings are more and more increasingly , and then the VLAN technology appears . The technology can hamper network broadcasting effectively , control broadcasting storm , improve the safety of network .