
  1. 这是一个大好时机去开展公关或广告战役,或去发展个网站或博客。

    It would be a great time to do a publicity or advertising campaign or to develop a website or blog .

  2. 广告战役利用蓝牙、短信息、或其它技术,让户外媒体引发与消费者手机的互动,是一个必然发生的大趋势。

    Employing Bluetooth , SMS or other technologies to enable interaction of outdoor media and mobile phones is an inevitable trend .

  3. 分析家发现,微软发现自己处在一场提高搜索算法及在线广告软件战役中,这并不够。

    Microsoft , analysts say , finds itself in a battle where improving its search algorithms and online ad software is not going to be enough .