
guǎng bó
  • extensive;wide;vast;erudite;width
广博 [guǎng bó]
  • (1) [extensive;erudite]∶宽广博大。指学识、胸怀等

  • 他在意大利留学九年,学习内容很广博。--《哥白尼》

  • (2) [vast]∶泛指广大

  • 给他们展开一个广博的世界

广博[guǎng bó]
  1. 他音乐知识很广博。

    His knowledge of music is extensive .

  2. 他具有广博的银行业务知识。

    He possesses an extensive knowledge of banking .

  3. 她具有广博的自然史知识。

    She has an encyclopedic knowledge of natural history .

  4. 温切斯特先生知识广博,通晓万事。

    Mr Winchester is impressively knowledgeable about all manner of things .

  5. 我们有一位见识广博的导游乔治·亚当斯。

    We had a knowledgeable guide in the person of George Adams .

  6. 他在药品方面学识广博。

    He had an encyclopaedic knowledge of drugs .

  7. 那位智者有很广博的理解力。v.称赞同:praise

    The wise man has a great breadth of understanding . commend

  8. 为了顺应我国加入WTO的形势,全面适应现代化发展的需求,当代大学生必须具有扎实的理论基础、广博的知识面和高水平的实践能力。

    The development of modernization and the situation of China 's entry into WTO set a high demand on college students .

  9. EricAllen在技术和计算机行业有广博的实践知识。

    Eric Allen possesses a broad range of hands-on knowledge of technology and the computer industry .

  10. UPS凭借其跨行业的广博经验,已开发出能够对您有所帮助的技术解决方案和实用理论。

    With a broad range of experience across industries , UPS has developed the technology solutions and practical knowledge that can help .

  11. 他广博的爱心无私的延伸到了所有的种族和信仰tb麦考利;古叙利亚和古埃及的世界性的社会;同性恋、浪荡子以及其他更险恶的人在马赛港随处可见。

    His cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds-t.b.macaulay ; the ancient and cosmopolitan societies of Syria and egypt ; that queer , cosmopolitan , rather sinister crowd found around the Marseilles docks .

  12. JohnMorley:自然界深远广博,绚丽浩瀚,却只不过是一幕幕人间悲剧的背景和舞台。

    Nature in her most dazzling aspects or stupendous parts , is but the background and the theater of the tragedy of man .

  13. 博物馆数字化、信息化,亦将是未来潮流所趋,注入RFID的新科技于博物馆,利用数码科技的智能,使博物馆广博的内涵展出的同时,呈现更精湛、更富有育乐性及教育性。

    Digitalization and informatization for museums is the future trend . A museum implemented with RFID employs smart technology to express extensive connotation and rich entertainment and education .

  14. 随着Internet信息的日益膨胀,网络上的信息资源正在以指数级的速度增长,人们必须面对如何在广博的信息中发现和挖掘自己所需信息资源的问题。

    With the increasing expansion of Internet information , Network information resources is growing at a rate of exponential , People must face the question how to discovery and mining information they need resources at a broad range of information .

  15. 他们广博丰富的作品与墨西哥建筑师路易斯?巴拉甘(LuisBarragan)的作品一同在墨西哥现代艺术博物馆(Mexico'sMuseumofModernArt)的一个回顾展上亮相,该展览已在10月下旬开幕。

    The breadth of Neri & Hu 's work is being featured in a retrospective at Mexico 's Museum of Modern Art , which opened this week , alongside that of Mexican architect Luis Barragan .

  16. 我想我所运用的技能比任何一名我认识的mba实习生都要广博,就连那些最终进入管理咨询公司、科技初创企业和投行的人也不例外。

    I think I have used a broader-based set of skills than any MBA intern I know , including those who ended up in management consulting roles , tech start ups and investment banks .

  17. 我们对他在这一课题方面的广博知识感到吃惊。

    We are surprised at his vast knowledge of this subject .

  18. 但要传授这方面的知识,需要有广博的知识和经验。

    But imparting it requires a breadth of knowledge and experience .

  19. 有助于激发人们努力学习科学文化知识的热情,为人的创造力的培养提供扎实的知识基础和广博的知识背景。

    Can stimulate people ' desire for learning science and knowledge .

  20. 除了棒球外,你在其他领域也有广博的知识。

    You have an extensive knowledge in every field besides baseball .

  21. 很高兴您能以皇家的广博保佑我们。

    So glad you could grace us with your royal omnipresences .

  22. 而在大公司,你无法获得如此广博的见识。

    At a big company you won 't get such wide exposure .

  23. 爱,广博无垠深奥难解,虽然它也是残酷的。

    Love is broad and profound , yet also cruel .

  24. 罗丝的老师对她广博的知识面印象很深。

    Rosie 's teacher was impressed by the extent of her knowledge .

  25. 作为历史老师要有广博的知识作为专业的基础。

    The historical teacher should have wild knowledge as the specialized foundation .

  26. 汤姆的勇气和理想主义是以广博的知识为基础的。

    Tom 's courage and idealism were based on knowledge .

  27. 他试图让我记住他广博的酒知识。

    He tried to impress me with his extensive knowledge of wine .

  28. 他广博的知识让我们尊敬。

    We respect him for his wide range of knowledge .

  29. 用无动词分词来译句子他是一流记者,有广博的知识。

    A first-rate journalist , he has a wide range of knowledge .

  30. 中国传统社会是一个伦理型社会,伦理思想深厚而广博。

    The traditional Chinese society was ethics-centered with profound and extensive thoughts .