
  1. 在此基础上深入分析广西客家民间信仰的成因。

    On this basis Guangxi-depth analysis of the causes of Hakka folk beliefs .

  2. 广西客家人作为广西人口重要组成部分,其民间信仰方面有其普遍性也有其特殊性。

    As an important part of the population , Guangxi folk belief has its universality and particularity .

  3. 是广西客家妇女尚武习俗在天国中的一种自然延续和反映;

    It is the natural extension and reflection of the warrior custom that Guangxi Hakkas women have long owned .

  4. 太平天国发源于广西客家山区,为太平天国政治文化刻上了客家文化和客家族群心态的烙印。

    Taiping Heavenly Kingdom originated in Hakka mountain area of Guangxi province , which branded Hakka culture and Hakka psychology on Taiping 's political culture .

  5. 拜上帝会在广东传播受挫,却在广西客家地区特定历史背景下得到了蓬勃发展。

    The spreading of worship god in Guangdong province was frustrated , but in Hakka area of Guangxi province it had developed vigorously under specific historical background .

  6. 在文化旅游成为当今旅游发展主流的形势下,广西客家传统民居建筑作为旅游文化资源极具开发利用价值。

    As a cultural resource of tourism , traditional dwellings of Guangxi Hakka have great development value , which are under the present situation of tourism development .

  7. 广西客家民间信仰在我国有着悠久的历史渊源和深厚的社会基础,改革开放以来,随着社会经济发展,环境的宽松,广西民间信仰逐渐发展成为一种比较活跃的社会现象。

    In our country , Guangxi Hakka folk belief has a long history and profound social foundation . With the social and economic development and liberal environment , Guangxi folk belief is becoming a more active social phenomenon since the reform and opening .

  8. 广西贺州客家人祖先崇拜

    Guangxi Hezhou Hakka Ancestor to Worship

  9. 第五章分析广西陆川乌石镇客家方言词汇与普通话词汇异同的原因。

    The fifth chapter analyses the reasons of similarities and differences on vocabulary between Hakka dialect of Wushi town and mandarin .