
  1. 从男女平权到女性本位&周作人、张竞生妇女观之文化研究

    From the equal rights for men and women to the female-based

  2. 生命意识与美的创造&谈张竞生的生命美学思想

    Consciousness of Life and Creation of Beauty

  3. 似相左而实相近:张竞生与鲁迅的性伦理观玉米衍生自交系的遗传相似性及相关概念

    Lu Xun and Zhang Jingsheng ; Genetic Similarity and Related Concept Among Derivative Lines in Maize

  4. 在五四时期的思想家群体中,张竞生是非常引人注目的一人。

    Zhang Jingsheng was one of the famous thinkers in the time of the May4th Movement .

  5. 论张竞生的生育思想

    Birth Idea of Zhang Jingsheng

  6. 而从这个层面上讲,张竞生是个先知,最起码是个文妖一样的先知。

    In this context , Zhang Jingsheng is a prophet , at least , the prophet as monster .

  7. 张竞生是一位在中国现代美学史上为大多数研究者所忽视的思想家。

    Zhang Jing-sheng , was a thinker being ignored by most researchers on the history of Chinese modern aesthetics .

  8. 在20世纪的中国历史上,长期为人误解的张竞生,实际上是在五四精神影响下出现的一位赤诚率真的思想家。

    A sincere and frank thinker influenced by the May 4th spirit , Zhang Jingsheng was long misunderstood in the 20th-century China .

  9. 因为张竞生的哲学观就是其美学观,美学观就是其哲学观,所以本部分探讨了张竞生的哲学思想是如何渗透和指导其美学思想的。

    Since philosophy is his aesthetic concept , vice versa , so this part investigates how his philosophy infiltrate and guide his aesthetics idea .

  10. 通过审视和辨别时人及后世对于张竞生的评价,追索真相,还原一个真实而全面的张竞生,为其正名平反。

    Through the examination and identification of the evaluation for Zhang Jingsheng , I try to recourse the truth to restore a true and comprehensive Zhang Jingsheng .

  11. 随着当前美学研究的深入发展,张竞生博大精深的美学思想及其独具的研究个性,越来越显示出他的特殊价值和重要意义。

    With the deepening of the current aesthetics , the profound study aesthetics and unique character of Zhang Jingsheng , more and more shows his special value and importance .

  12. 本部分主要探讨张竞生在美学研究中的理论贡献、他的学术品格及其所代表的学术潮流对我们当下美学发展的重要意义。

    This section mainly discusses the theoretical contributions from Zhang Jing-sheng , his academic character , and the significance of the academic trend represented by him for the development of our current aesthetic .

  13. 文章首先结合张竞生的生命历程分析了其美学思想的形成、发展与衍变过程,重点在于揭示张竞生美学思想的成因。

    First of all , combining the life experiences of Zhang Jing-sheng , the article analyzed the formation , development and change process of his aesthetic thought , with emphasis on revealing the formation causes .

  14. 这对于张竞生及其美学思想的研究就显得尤其重要,唯有如此,才能以公允之心客观评价和研究其美学思想。

    The vindication of his name is particularly important for research on Zhang Jingsheng and his aesthetic idea , which is the only way to acquire a fair objective evaluation and research on his aesthetic thought .

  15. 五四时期的张竞生的美学思想,以生命的发生演变来揭示宇宙人生,以人的性心理研究来探索个体的生命形态和美的人生观。

    In the period of the May 4th Movement , Zhang Jingsheng 's aesthetic thought reveals the universal life , individuality and aesthetic view of life by studying the origin of living things and sexual psychology .

  16. 更重要的是,张竞生的美学著述表现出明显的体系性特征,他借鉴并化用中西美学思想中的某些重要范畴,在对其审美理想的追寻中体现出自觉建构美学思想体系的可贵尝试。

    More importantly , he used some important category frome Chinese and Western history of aesthetics for reference , and he showed a valuable try to consciously construct up an aesthetic thought system in its pursuit of the aesthetic ideal .