
  1. 林风眠实现社会艺术化的教育思想

    The wind Lin feng-mian ' education thinkings realizes community art

  2. 林风眠艺术生涯的历史反思

    The Historical Thinking to Lin Feng Mian Art Career

  3. 林风眠在青年时代主张为人生而艺术。

    In his early years , Lin proposed that ART should serve life .

  4. 林风眠艺术理论研究

    Research on Lin Feng mian 's Art Theory

  5. 林风眠是20世纪中国杰出的艺术家与艺术教育家,他的绘画艺术及教育思想对20世纪中国现代艺术产生了深远的影响。

    Lin Feng mian is an outstanding artist and educationist of art in 19th century .

  6. 林风眠作为一位世界级的绘画大师,对当代世界的影响是深刻的。

    Lin Fengmian , as a world-class painting master , his impact on contemporary world is deep .

  7. 因此,笔者尝试对林风眠独具中西融合风格特色的戏曲画的发展流变作较为全面系统的分析研究。

    Therefore , the writer tries to make a system study of Feng mian Lin 's drama painting .

  8. 林风眠是我国20世纪伟大的画家和艺术教育家,也是客家文化名人的杰出代表。

    Lin Feng Mian , an outstanding representative of Meizhou culture , is a great painter and art educator .

  9. 林风眠努力使表现手法和绘画样式更加单纯、简洁,用较少的笔墨,表达更丰富的内涵。

    Lin Fengmian used simple painting techniques but managed to convey rich content , using as little ink as possible .

  10. 林风眠不仅是现代绘画史上一位杰出的艺术家,也是一位教育改革家。

    Lin Feng - mian was an innovator of education as well as an outstanding artist in modern painting history .

  11. 林风眠:调和者的戏曲之梦&论林风眠戏曲题材绘画中东方符号运用的流变

    Lin Fengmian : The Operatic Dream of a Mediator & On the Change of Oriental Signs in his Paintings of Operatic Thems

  12. 本文按时间顺序展开论述,拟运用风格学、比较学和社会学等美术史学方法进行较为全面和深入细致的分析研究,探讨林风眠戏曲画独特的艺术价值。

    This disquisition dissertate on time sequence , intending to make use of the art doctrine of comparative value 、 sociology 、 history , etc.

  13. 因为历史、政治之因素,林风眠的艺术成就直到近年才得正确的肯定。

    Due to historical and political reasons , it is not until recently that the accomplishments of Lin Fengmian have been suitably and fully recognized .

  14. 戏曲画是林风眠中后期经常绘制的重要题材,是他全部的艺术创作中非常有特色和重要艺术价值的组成部分。

    Drama painting was a very special and important part in all Feng mian Lin 's art woks that has strong personality in the creation .

  15. 林风眠的创作已有触及这个课题,并提出他的改变方式。

    These issues are touched upon in the work of Lin Fengmian , an artist in whose work we can see one path toward resolving them .

  16. 祖父是一位木匠,林风眠小时候给祖父当助手,并学习书法和中国画。

    Lin 's grandfather was a carpenter , and Lin worked as his assistant when he was young , studying calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting by himself .

  17. 为此本文拟对林风眠美术教育思想的形成及其内容进行解读,并对他的历史贡献及对当今美术教育带来的启示作初步的探讨。

    This thesis probes into the root as well as the contents of Lin Fengmian 's thoughts on art education , and studies its historical contributions and enlightenment .

  18. 最后,通过分析具有代表性的当代陶瓷艺术作品,来探讨在现代主义背景下,林风眠瓷画艺术对中国当代陶艺的启示。

    Finally , analysis of representative works of contemporary ceramic art , to explore the modernist context , Lin Chinese contemporary art of porcelain painting pottery in China .

  19. 依据对资料的分析和有关作品的解读,注重探索林风眠绘画作品的精神内涵、艺术特征、艺术主张及其美学思想特点。

    According to analysis of materials and understandings of his brush works , psychic connotations , art characteristics and opinion , as well as aesthetics characteristics were outlined clearly .

  20. 这次秋拍搜罗了艺术家在1940年代创作的两张《京剧》作品,以另一题材表现林风眠对色彩、构图的探索成就。

    Two pieces from the Peking Opera series painted by Lin in the1940s featured in this season 's sale vividly display the artist 's exploration of color and spatial structures .

  21. 艺术大师林风眠,毕生以“调和中西”为艺术导向,在绘画内容和形式上做了不懈探索。

    Lin Fengmian was a great master who made efforts in mediation the West and the east , as shown in his explorations both in the content and form of his paintings .

  22. 而林风眠在继承传统与借鉴西方的同时,从构成、色彩、题材与意境、材料与用线等方面入手,于融合中求创新,创造出全新的现代水墨艺术。

    While Lin Fengmian creates the art of modern ink painting , in the aspect of constitutes , colors , themes , artistic conception , tools and lines , innovating in regard of amalgamation .

  23. 这种线,可以视为林风眠、吴冠中背离传统的迅疾流畅的线在新的意义上对传统的回望。

    This lines Sherman Lin used , which are also used by Lin Fengmian and Wu Guangzhong , are a kind of salute to the old tradition in their seeking the meaning of modern art .

  24. 本文通过具体实例分析林风眠瓷上绘画的艺术观念,以及林氏瓷上绘画的线条、色彩、构图等技巧,来探讨林风眠的瓷上绘画对现当代陶瓷艺术创作领域的突破性贡献。

    In this paper , specific examples of the art of painting on porcelain Lin concept , and Lin porcelain painting lines , colors , composition and other techniques , to explore painting on porcelain Lin contemporary ceramic art on the groundbreaking contributions to the field .