
  • 网络generalized momentum
  1. RLC介观电路中的广义动量和动力学动量

    The generalized momentum and kinetic momentum of mesoscopic RLC circuit

  2. 在广义动量表象中,通过幺正变换,系统的薛定谔方程转化为标准的马丢(Mathieu)方程的形式,在WKM近似下,计算了系统的能谱和电流的量子涨落。

    With a unitary transformation , the Schrodinger equation is transformed into the standard Mathieu equation in the generalized momentum presentation . The energy spectrum and the wave functions of the system are obtained .

  3. 从非惯性系动力学方程出发,导出了力学体系在非惯性系中的Lagrange方程、Nielsen方程和Appell方程以及广义动量积分和能量积分,并举例说明它们的具体应用。

    Base on equation of dynamics of non-inertial reference system , this paper introduces Lagrange equation , Nielsen equation , Appell equation , generalized momentum integral and generalized energy integral of system of particles in non-inertial reference system . It also gires some example in practice usage .

  4. 转子各广义动量的物理含义

    The physical meanings of rotor 's generalized momentums

  5. 新型广义动量式动力学方程

    New Dynamical Equations of Generalized Momentum Type

  6. 广义动量的量子化程序

    Quantized Programme On Generalized Momentum Operator

  7. 把完整系统或非完整系统的广义动量守恒作为非完整约束。

    The problem that conservation of generalized momentum of holonomic system or nonholonomic system is studied .

  8. 更为重要的是,广义动量表示的拉格朗日方程较之传统形式的拉格朗日方程在辛积分中表现出独特的优越性。

    More importantly , the generalized momenta based Lagrange 's equations show unique advantages over the traditional Lagrange 's equations in symplectic integrations .

  9. 针对四元数和对应广义动量表示的刚体定点动力学方程,利用一种位移格式的微分&代数方程积分方案,实现了非独立广义动量表示的拉格朗日方程的辛积分算法。

    For the dynamics of a rigid body with a fixed point based on quaternion and the corresponding generalized momenta , a displacement-based symplectic integration scheme for differential-algebraic equations is proposed and applied to the Lagrange 's equations based on dependent generalized momenta .

  10. 在此基础上,引入广义全协同配置动量,建立全协同配置正则方程和全协同配置正则函数;

    On this basis , the generalized momentum of holo-synergetic is put forward , and then the regular equation and regular function of holo-synergetic disposition are set up ;

  11. 研究了奇偶相干态的位置熵和动量熵的压缩特性,并讨论了位置熵压缩、动量熵压缩与广义坐标、广义动量压缩性的关系。

    In this paper , we investigate the higher order squeezing properties of even and odd coherent states of a harmonic oscillator in a finite dimensional Fock space .

  12. 给出了一般对角度规引力波广义协变的能量动量表达式,讨论了引力纵波、横波和引力孤立波的能量动量。

    The general covariant expressions of energy-momentum of gravitational waves of diagonal metric are given in this paper . The longitudinal wave . transversal wave and solitary waves of gravitational field are also discussed .