
  • 网络Fantasy Fiction;fantasy;fiction;science fiction
  1. Izmaylov的第二本书《救梦人》在Barnes&Noble书店幻想小说类最畅销的十本书名单上排列第五。

    Izmaylov 's second book ," Dream Saver " rose to No.5 on Barnes & Noble 's daily Top10 fantasy fiction best-seller list .

  2. 不过,我们有理由相信,中国本土幻想小说必定会在不久的将来迎来属于自己的美好时代。

    But we believe that the golden ages of Chinese fantasy fiction must be coming soon .

  3. 这是一本优秀的幻想小说,作者是世界上最优秀的小说家之一。

    This is an excellent fantasy novel from one of the best storytellers around .

  4. 他的科学幻想小说在美国轰动一时。

    His science fiction was quite a hit in the states .

  5. 从图书馆借来的书不全是科学幻想小说。

    Every book borrowed from the library was not science fiction .

  6. 西游记是一本在中国家喻户晓的传奇幻想小说。

    Pilgrimage to the West is the best-known fantasy novel in China .

  7. 刘易斯的《纳尼亚传奇》系列儿童幻想小说是世界幻想小说的里程碑似的作品。

    Lewis is the milestone of the fantasy novels in the world .

  8. 科学幻想小说是兴起于现当代西方的一种文类。

    Science Fiction is a literary genre originated in contemporary western countries .

  9. 说真话,我对科学幻想小说很有乐趣。

    To tell the truth , I 'm rather keen on science fictions .

  10. 他很喜欢看科学幻想小说。

    He 's a great reader of science fiction .

  11. 科学幻想小说是一种新兴的文学类型。

    Science fiction is an emergent literature style , which combined science and fantasy .

  12. 彭懿作为幻想小说的倡导者,创作了大量的幻想小说。

    As an urger , Peng Yi has created a great number of fantasy fictions .

  13. 你知道赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯的幻想小说《隐身人》吗?

    Do you know that fantastic book by H. G. Wells , The Invisible Man ?

  14. 所谓未来小说,是指产生在晚清的一种幻想小说题材。

    The so-called future novel refers to the later Qing Dynasty had a fantasy novel materials .

  15. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫富有创意的幻想小说《奥兰多》(1928)一度引起后世女权主义者的重视。

    Virginia Woolf 's fantasy fiction Orlando ( 1928 ) is valued much by later feminists .

  16. 赫·乔·威尔斯的科学幻想小说的现实意义。

    And ( 3 ) the particular realistic significance of the science fiction of H. G. Wells .

  17. 他所穿的宇宙服,甚至在制成之前,科学幻想小说中就有这个叫法了。

    The space suit he wears had a name in science fiction even before existed in reality .

  18. 幻想小说文本中,时空转换处理的好坏直接影响着作品的品质。

    Space-time conversion directly influences the quality of work in the text creation of the fantasy novel .

  19. 这也许就是我们在科学幻想小说里经常读到的那种死光。

    Perhaps this is the " death ray ", which we often read about in science fiction .

  20. 他们都从不同的角度分析过这部作品,如幻想小说,动物小说等等。

    They analyze the novel from different angles , such as being a fantasy or an animal novel .

  21. 怀特三部动物幻想小说中对动物、自然的描写完全是写实主义的手法,对自然的模仿遵循着一种苛求的原则。

    White describes animals and nature with realistic skill , and the mimetic of nature follows certain strict principle .

  22. 这种玄幻小说产生前的中国网络幻想小说本是网络文学中的边缘文类,以电脑游戏小说为主。

    Before its ' appearance , the online fantasy novels ( mainly computer game novels ) were not very popular .

  23. 本文将着重探讨以下几个问题:(1)科学幻想小说的定义;

    This thesis is mainly focused on the following issues : ( 1 ) The definition of science of science fiction ;

  24. 我不能确定其他题材的幻想小说是否是这样,但奇幻题材小说绝对应该归功于托尔金。

    I 'm not sure any other genre of fiction owes as much to one person as fantasy owes to Tolkien .

  25. 科学幻想小说与现实的关系(即科学幻想小说何以能够与现实有关);

    The relationship between realism and science fiction ( in other words , in what way does science fiction have to do with reality );

  26. 对几十年来一直期待着出现激光的科学幻想小说迷来说,1960年激光器的发明原是意料中之事。

    The invention of the laser in 1960 held no surprises for dedicated science fiction buffs , who had anticipated its advent for decades .

  27. 幻想小说中的现实世界和幻想世界是处在不同次元上的,幻想世界有着自身的内在存在逻辑和法则。

    The real world and fantasy world are on different levels . The fantasy world has its own internal logic and the unique existing laws .

  28. 完成了她的第一本书并不是一场“幻想小说的革命”而是压力使它最后成为这样。

    Finishing her first book as she did was not the " fairy tale resolution " the press has since made it out to be .

  29. 《彼得·潘》从最初的戏剧被改编成了幻想小说和多部电影、动画、书籍等衍生作品。

    It was adapted from the initial play into a fantasy , later with plenty of derivatives followed such as films , cartoons and books .

  30. 在幻想小说创作中,如何连接幻想与现实两个迥然相异的世界是作家最棘手的问题之一。

    How to connect two totally different worlds : reality and fantasy is one of the toughest issues in the creation of the fantasy novel .