
  1. 既然不朽的天堂诞生了一名新生儿,他们的幸福社会里又增加了一名新成员,我们为什麽还要悲伤呢?

    Why then should we grieve , that a new child is born among the immortals , a new member added to their happy society ?

  2. 富裕和谐幸福社会的理念最早是由济南章丘市提出,即建立富裕和谐幸福新章丘。

    Wealthy , harmonious and happy social concept was raised by Zhangqiu city of Jinan at the first time , that is new Zhangqiu with wealth , harmony and happy .

  3. 影响幸福社会的基本要素包括:异化劳动影响幸福社会的经济基础,正义影响幸福社会的政治环境,自然生态影响幸福社会的外部条件。

    The basic factors influencing the happiness society are : the alienation of labor that affects economic basis , justice that affects the political environment . the ecological environment of the nature that affects the external conditions .

  4. 本文认为,家庭中两性经济关系是由家庭两性经济权利和经济义务构成的;平等的家庭两性经济关系是家庭幸福、社会和谐的基础。

    The paper holds that equal and harmonious relationship between husband and wife in the family economy is the basis of the happy family and the harmonious society .

  5. 他说自己还希望构建一个“幸福”社会。

    He says he wants to create a ' happy ' society as well .

  6. 人民群众的彻底解放和幸福是社会发展的根本目标;

    The people 's liberation and happiness completely are basic goals of the social development ;

  7. 作为德育目标取向,“止于至善”和追求个体幸福与社会公正二者具有明显的局限性和不合理性。

    By the perspective of Ethics , this essay discusses the limitation of the quest for the most virtuous , the happiest and justice ;

  8. 当前,家庭暴力已经严重危害到家庭幸福和社会稳定,成为影响家庭生活质量和社会治安秩序的一个重大社会问题。

    Family violence which has endangered family happiness and social stability now becomes a major social problem that affects family life quality and public security order .

  9. 婚姻是人类社会生活的重要内容,恋爱与婚姻的成功与否直接关系到个人幸福和社会和谐。

    Marriage is an important part of human social life , love and marriage is successful or notis directly to the personal happiness and social harmony .

  10. 男性病关系到个人健康、家庭幸福、社会和谐。

    The former medicine takes the gynecology department , neglects the male branch . The naturopathy relates individual health , family happiness , the society is harmonious .

  11. 没有生存能力的丽莉,嫁给一个富有的男士是她获得幸福和社会地位的唯一途径。

    Lily had no ability to make a living and she had no choice but to seize a rich man to acquire the social status and happy life .

  12. 正确把握爱情,不仅有利于90后大学生的成长和成才,还有利于家庭生活的幸福和社会的安定。

    The correct grasp of love , not only conducive to 90 after college students growth and talent , but also conducive to family life and social stability .

  13. 幼儿教育事业是关系到儿童成长、家庭幸福和社会未来发展的重要事业,是基础教育的基础。

    The preschool education enterprise is the foundation of basic education , relates to the growth of child , family happiness and the development of society in the future .

  14. 雪莱认为社会道德的目标是最大多数人的最大幸福,社会道德有两块基石,即慈善与公正。

    Shelley holds that the social morality , whose objective is the greatest happiness for the greatest majority of people , has two cornerstones , i.e. philanthropy and justice .

  15. 主张个人的完全发展,积极要求自我解放,并热烈歌颂功利主义,强调个人幸福与社会利益相一致。

    He stated comprehensive development of human , claimed actively self – liberation , paid fervidly a tribute to utilitarianism , and emphasized accord individual happiness with social interest .

  16. 以上问题的存在,既影响妇女权益保障的实现,也影响家庭幸福、社会和谐和社会主义建设事业发展,必须引起全社会的重视。

    All these above-mentioned problems must draw the whole society 's attention since they affect not only the realization of protecting women 's rights but also family 's happiness , society 's harmony .

  17. 和谐社会理所当然地应该是一个幸福的社会,幸福作为教育的追求的最终目标,应当也必定回归到本源位置。

    A harmonious society is supposed to be a happy society , in which happiness and well-being the ultimate goals of education , should be back to where it is supposed to be .

  18. 论文指出,对决策者而言,这些机制的存在提出了这样一种可能,即一个更加幸福的社会可能在本质上能给其公民带来更高的收入。

    ' For policymakers , the existence of these mechanisms raises the possibility that a happier society may be one that intrinsically generates higher incomes for its citizens , ' the paper notes .

  19. 经济主义认为人的一切行为都是经济行为,个人幸福和社会福利绝对依赖于经济增长,科技进步可保证经济无限增长。

    Economism claims that all human behaviors are economic behaviors , individuals ' happiness and social welfare depend on economic growing absolutely , and progress of science and technology can guarantee economic growing limitlessly .

  20. 无论怎样讲究理性,社会不平等现象仍然普遍存在,理性的力量明显不足。因此呼吁把情感的诉求作为一种谋求幸福和社会公平的手段。

    Contrary to all reasoning , social injustice still held strong , found the power of reason to be insufficient , and therefore appealed to sentiment as a means of achieving happiness and social justice .

  21. 农村留守儿童能否健康成长,不仅关系到其身心的健康、将来生活的质量和事业的成功,而且关系到其家庭的幸福、社会的和谐发展。

    The left-behind children can grow healthy or no effects not only to their physical and mental health , the future quality of life and career success , but also to their family happiness , social harmony and development .

  22. 他们是否具有健康的身心素质,不仅关系到个人的幸福、社会的稳定,而且关系到国家的繁荣、民族的振兴。

    Keeping both a strong body but and a strong mind shows great relationship not only to individual 's happiness , stability of the society but also to the prosperity of our country and the development of our race .

  23. 幼儿是一个身体和心理均未成熟而需要特殊照顾和保护的群体,幼儿的健康成长对家庭的幸福及社会的和谐有着十分重要的意义。

    The children are the ones whose both physical and psychological conditions are far from maturity and thus need special attendance and protection . The healthy growing of children is very significant to the happiness of families and harmony of society .

  24. 城市作为生产高效、生活幸福、社会文明的人类聚居区,长期以来都在散发着巨大的魅力,从古至今,无数的人把城市作为幸福生活的代名词不断地向它聚拢。

    City is a human concentrated area with great charm for its high efficiency of production , happiness of life and civilized society , in all ages , countless people consider city as a symbol of happiness and continually rush into it .

  25. 目前,医疗纠纷不仅成为现代医院管理者最大的烦恼,而且已经直接影响到人们的生命安全,家庭的幸福和社会的稳定。

    In the present , the medical disputes not only becomes the most difficult problem for the hospital managers , and also affects the lives and safety of the people , the happiness of the family and further the stability of society .

  26. 同时随着网络信息技术的发展,网络成瘾问题日益引起全社会的关注,网络成瘾不仅危害青少年个体的身心健康,还影响了家庭幸福及社会安定。

    Meanwhile , as the development of information technology , Internet addiction is attract increasingly concerning of society , Internet Addiction is not only hazardous to the physical and mental health of young people , but also affected the family harmony and social stability .

  27. 中国有句话“妇女能顶半边天”,这意味着妇女在国家发展中的贡献一点都不小,因此,女性充分感到自己生活幸福对社会发展而言举足轻重。

    A Chinese saying states " women hold up half the sky , " meaning the development of a country cannot survive without the contribution of women . Not surprisingly the happiness women feel about their lives is hugely important to a society 's happiness .

  28. 公众需要有效政府以享有其和平安定之幸福,社会需要有效政府以维持其固有秩序,政府本身也需要有效政府以延续其政治生命,有效政府是政府与公众的共同诉求。

    The public needs efficient government to own their well-being of peace and stability , social needs efficient government to maintain its order , and the government itself needs efficient government to continue its political life , too . Efficient government is the need of both government and the public .

  29. 摘要:幸福是人类社会一个永恒的主题。

    ABSTRACT : Happiness is an eternal theme for human society .

  30. 影响大学生主观幸福感的社会学分析

    The Sociological Analysis on the SWB Level of College Students