
  1. 着重分析了中西方企业并购动因理论与动因。

    Have analysed emphatically that squares enterprise in the midwest merge reason theory and reason .

  2. 金融业跨国并购动因理论研究综述我国企业实施跨国并购的理论分析与对策探讨

    A Review of the Research on Motivation Theory of Financial Industry 's Cross Boarder M & A

  3. 已有的企业并购动因理论主要依托着三种经济学背景,即新古典综合派,新制度经济学和委托代理理论。

    Those theories mostly rely on three economics background , i.e. neoclassical synthetically school , new institutional economics and principal - agency theory .

  4. 本文在对并购动因理论和以往相关研究进行回顾的基础上,用会计研究法对上市公司并购绩效进行了实证研究。

    The thesis , on the base of reviewing the M A motive theories and previous research relevant to M A performance , takes Financial ratio analysis to study on M A performance .

  5. 接着又对企业并购动因理论进行了探讨,主要包括效率理论、代理成本理论、价值低估理论、市场占有理论、利益再分配理论。

    Thirdly , this section discuss the motivation of merger and acquisition , including the theory of efficiency , the theory of supply cost , the theory of undervalue , the theory of market possess , the theory of profit reassign .

  6. 银行并购动因的理论研究综述

    Research Summary on Motivations of the Bank Merger Theories

  7. 第3章对并购动因的理论进行了介绍,详细综述了国外的各种并购动因理论,并对国内关于并购动因方面的研究进行了简要的综述。

    Chapter III introduces the theories about merger motivation , elaborately reviewing different kinds of theories about foreign acquisition motivation and briefly surveying the domestic researches on merger motivation .

  8. 本章首先介绍了西方有关跨国并购动因方面的理论,然后结合中国国情提出了外资并购中国企业的具体动因。

    The last section introduces foreign M & As in China .

  9. 其次,介绍我国上市公司并购类型,并对并购动因理论分类陈述,为后面的实证研究解释提供参考。

    Then , the categories of M A in Chinese listed companies are introduced , followed by the introduction of the categories of the M A incentive theories . It provides the fundamentals for discussion on the empirical study afterwards .

  10. 首先,阐述并购的内涵及相关理论,重点分析了并购动因理论。

    First , elaborate the content of M A and the related theories of M A , while focusing on the motivation theory of the M A performance .

  11. 本文首先分析了银行并购的可能动因,并提出了同时包括内部动因与外部条件在内的银行并购动因理论,其中银行并购内部动因主要分为基于降低成本与基于提高收益的两类动因;

    The possible motivation for merger & acquisition of banks is first analyzed in this dissertation . In general , such motivations can be classified as two types : internal motivations and external motivations .

  12. 并购实践的发展推动了并购理论的研究,企业并购理论,总体上讲包括企业并购动因理论和并购价值创造理论。

    The development of the MA practice promote the study on MA theory . Theory of Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions , is overall consists of the MA motive theory and the MA value creation theory .