
nián gāo
  • New Year cake;New Year cake (made of glutinous rice flour);Spring Festival cake
年糕 [nián gāo]
  • [New Year cake (made of glutinous rice flour)] 用有粘性的米或米粉做成的年关食品

年糕[nián gāo]
  1. 新鲜方便年糕的初始Aw为0.93,水分含量44.5%,pH值为6.7,这样的理化条件很容易引起微生物的生长繁殖。

    The fresh convenient rice cake Aw is 0.93 , water content is 44.5 % , pH value is 6.7 , these conditions can easily cause microbial growth and reproduction .

  2. 实验证明,未经杀菌处理年糕在37℃恒温箱中贮藏4d后细菌和真菌数量显著增加,菌落形态观察表明菌系较复杂。

    Experiment showed that the number of bacteria and fungi increased significantly in rice pastry without sterilization management in 37 ℃ constant temperature during 4 days storage .

  3. 这种叫做“mochi”的年糕是一种很可爱的圆形糕点,是用软软的糯米制作而成的。

    The cakes , known as mochi , are cute round buns made of soft and chewy rice .

  4. 在SSOP基础上制定HACCP计划,建立了相应的监控程序和纠偏措施,形成相应的工艺技术参数,建立安全卫生的新型加工工艺,降到了年糕生产的微生物危害和风险。

    Basing on SSOP , HACCP plans was worked out , corresponding monitor program and corrective measures were built up , the relative parameters of process technology was formed , new health and safety process was set up , and all of these could reduce the damage degree to minimum .

  5. 你就是那位给我年糕吃的新邻居?

    You 're the new neighbor who gave me rice cakes .

  6. 将年糕和鸡丝入锅。

    Return the rice cakes and prepared chicken into wok .

  7. 因此,年糕就被赋予了年年高升的寓意。

    Hence the cakes symbolize achieving new heights in the coming year .

  8. 请带走一些年糕吧,想要多少就拿多少!

    Please take as much as rice cake you want !

  9. 新年妈妈为我们做了韩式年糕汤。

    Mom made rice cake soup for us on New Year 's Day .

  10. 她给你做了些年糕。

    She made some rice cakes for you .

  11. 津白肉丝炒(汤)年糕我们可以要两份白米饭和一份炒饭吗?

    Can we have two plain steamed rice and one fried rice , please ?

  12. 在她们贫穷的家里,一块小小的年糕都是无上的美味了啊。

    Being an extremely poor family , a rice cake was the most delicious food .

  13. 自拟通乳散结汤治疗乳腺增生78例津白肉丝炒(汤)年糕

    78 Cases of Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands Treated in Decoction for Lactating and Removing Stasis

  14. 在春节期间,吃年糕是中国的习俗。

    It is customary in China to eat rice cakes during lunar new year holidays .

  15. 上海年糕毛豆炒花雕大闸蟹

    Stir-fry glutinous rice cake with hairy crab

  16. 年糕粘性大,非常有嚼劲。

    The buns are chewy and sticky .

  17. 最近的一餐饭吃的是年糕然后就…

    Uh , the last meal I 've had was a rice cake and a yoo-hoo .

  18. 本研究建立了一种新的适合于年糕食品中吊白块残留的测定方法。

    An novel method for determination of sodium bisulfoxylate formaldehyde residue in rice cake was developed .

  19. 年糕味甜,由糯米、红糖及食用油制作而成。

    The steamed sweets are made of glutinous rice flour , brown sugar , and oil .

  20. 很好,相对于年糕,我们都喜欢奥利奥,没什么惊讶的。

    Fine , great , we all like Oreos more than rice cakes . No surprise there .

  21. 在我的家乡湖北,过节有吃年糕的习俗。

    In my hometown in Hubei Province , the holidays have a custom to eat rice cakes .

  22. 这些特殊的年糕是由米饭、豆类、芝麻、板栗。

    These special rice cakes are made of rice , beans , sesame seeds , and chestnuts .

  23. 年糕不仅是一种节日美食,而且岁岁为人们带来新的希望。

    New Year is not only a food festival , and Sui Sui for people new hope .

  24. 年糕比一口就能吞下去的大小要大很多,吞咽之前就需要费劲地咀嚼。

    Given they are far bigger than bite-sized , they need to be laboriously chewed before swallowing .

  25. 将敲打后形成的糯米团做成最终的年糕形状,再进行烘焙或水煮。

    The resulting sticky rice mass is then formed into the final mochi shape and baked or boiled .

  26. 让这种甜蜜的、极富趣味的糯米年糕成为点缀新春佳节的礼赞。

    This sweet , fun-to-eat sticky rice cake is as delightful as the festive spirit of the New Year holiday !

  27. 而在日本版中,女孩们却是因食用年糕产生的化学作用而拥有了超能力。

    their Japanese counterparts are normal girls who acquire super powers from a chemical reaction initiated by a rice cake .

  28. 年糕的同音就是“一年更比一年高”,象征着人们的生活一年更比一年好。

    Nian Gao is a homonym for " higher each year " and symbolizes improvement in life , year by year .

  29. 在那一天,人们会向灶神供奉自做的糖果,年糕,红枣和核桃。

    On that day , families worship the Kitchen God with offerings of home-made candies , rice cakes , dates and walnuts .

  30. 通常北方人吃饺子,而南方人则吃美味可口的年糕。

    Jiao-zi , a steamed dumpling , is popular in the north , while southerners favor a sticky sweet glutinous rice pudding called nian gao .